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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Interactions between cardiac activity and conscious somatosensory perception. Motyka P1,2, Grund M2, Forschack N2,3, Al E2,4, Villringer A2,4, Gaebler M2,4,5 Psychophysiology. 2019 Jun 27 VIEW
Are the antidepressive effects of massage therapy mediated by restoration of impaired interoceptive functioning? A novel hypothetical mechanism. Eggart M1, Queri S2, Müller-Oerlinghausen B3 Med Hypotheses. 2019 Jul VIEW
Walking meditation promotes ankle proprioception and balance performance among elderly women. Chatutain A1, Pattana J1, Parinsarum T1, Lapanantasin S2 J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2019 Jul VIEW
The Insula: A Brain Stimulation Target for the Treatment of Addiction. Ibrahim C1,2, Rubin-Kahana DS1,3, Pushparaj A4,5, Musiol M5, Blumberger DM3,6, Daskalakis ZJ3,6, Zangen A7, Le Foll B1,2,3,8,9,10,11 Front Pharmacol. 2019 Jul 2 VIEW
Self-control is linked to interoceptive inference: Craving regulation and the prediction of aversive interoceptive states induced with inspiratory breathing load. Kruschwitz JD1, Kausch A2, Brovkin A2, Keshmirian A3, Paulus MP4, Goschke T5, Walter H6 Cognition. 2019 Jul 19 VIEW
Can Mindfulness Be Too Much of a Good Thing? The Value of a Middle Way Britton W Current Opinion in Psychology 2019 Aug VIEW
The central autonomic network at rest: Uncovering functional MRI correlates of time-varying autonomic outflow. Valenza G1, Sclocco R2, Duggento A3, Passamonti L4, Napadow V5, Barbieri R6, Toschi N7 Neuroimage. 2019 Aug 15 VIEW
Tantra and Modern Neurosciences: Is there any Correlation? Venkatraman A1, Nandy R2, Rao SS3, Mehta DH4, Viswanathan A5, Jayasundar R6 Neurol India. 2019 Sep-Oct VIEW
The Importance and Role of Proprioception in the Elderly: a Short Review. Ferlinc A1, Fabiani E1, Velnar T1,2, Gradisnik L1,3 Mater Sociomed. 2019 Sep VIEW
Association of Short-term Change in Leukocyte Telomere Length With Cortical Thickness and Outcomes of Mental Training Among Healthy Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Puhlmann LMC1, Valk SL2,3, Engert V1, Bernhardt BC4, Lin J5, Epel ES6, Vrticka P1, Singer T7 JAMA Netw Open. 2019 Sep 4 VIEW
Altered Interoceptive Processing in Generalized Anxiety Disorder-A Heartbeat-Evoked Potential Research. Pang J1,2, Tang X1, Li H1, Hu Q1, Cui H1, Zhang L3, Li W1, Zhu Z4, Wang J1,5,6,7, Li C1,5,6,7 Front Psychiatry. 2019 Sep 5 VIEW
Mindfulness, Interoception, and the Body: A Contemporary Perspective. Gibson J1 Front Psychol. 2019 Sep 13 VIEW
Effects of Taichi exercise on knee and ankle proprioception among individuals with knee osteoarthritis. Hu X1, Lai Z1, Wang L1 Res Sports Med. 2019 Sep 16 VIEW
Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation improves interoceptive accuracy. Villani V1, Tsakiris M2, Azevedo RT3 Neuropsychologia. 2019 Sep 25 VIEW
Physiology, Sensory System. Gadhvi M1, Waseem M2 StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing 2019 Oct 5 VIEW
Building the bodily self-awareness: Evidence for the convergence between interoceptive and exteroceptive information in a multilevel kernel density analysis study. Salvato G1,2,3, Richter F4, Sedeño L5,6, Bottini G1,2,3, Paulesu E7,8 Hum Brain Mapp. 2019 Oct 14 VIEW
Unconscious emotions of human learning. Perlovsky L1, Schoeller F2 Phys Life Rev. 2019 Oct 24 VIEW
Enhancing human emotions with interoceptive technologies. Schoeller F1, Haar AJH2, Jain A2, Maes P2 Phys Life Rev. 2019 Oct 25 VIEW
Effects on Lower Extremity Neuromuscular Control Exercises on Knee Proprioception, Muscle Strength, and Functional Level in Patients with ACL Reconstruction. Kaya D1,2,3, Guney-Deniz H4, Sayaca C1, Calik M1, Doral MN5 Biomed Res Int. 2019 Nov 15 VIEW
Introduction to the special issue on physics of mind. Schoeller F1 Phys Life Rev. 2019 Nov 19 VIEW
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