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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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414 matches found.
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Title Author Journal Date
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation-enhanced rehabilitation is associated with not only motor but also somatosensory cortical plasticity in chronic stroke patients: an interventional study. Tashiro S1, Mizuno K2, Kawakami M1, Takahashi O1, Nakamura T1, Suda M1, Haruyama K1, Otaka Y1, Tsuji T1, Liu M1 Ther Adv Chronic Dis. 2019 Nov 20 VIEW
Aging bodies, aging emotions: Interoceptive differences in emotion representations and self-reports across adulthood. MacCormack JK1, Henry TR1, Davis BM2, Oosterwijk S3, Lindquist KA1 Emotion. 2019 Nov 21 VIEW
Interoception and Social Connection. Arnold AJ1,2, Winkielman P1,3, Dobkins K1 Front Psychol. 2019 Nov 26 VIEW
Role of Proprioception in Slow and Rapid Movements. Feng J1,2, Hung TM3, Huang R1, Hou S4, Ren J4 Percept Mot Skills. 2019 Dec 19 VIEW
Relative importance of vision and proprioception in maintaining standing balance in people with multiple sclerosis. Yang F1, Liu X2 Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2019 Dec 20 VIEW
Whole Body Vibration Showed Beneficial Effect on Pain, Balance Measures and Quality of Life in Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: A Randomized Controlled Trial Albina Jamal, Irshad Ahmad, Nisar Ahamed, Muhammad Azharuddin, Farhan Alam, M Ejaz Hussain J Diabetes Metab Disord 2019 Dec 21 VIEW
[Effects of a physical exercise programme on the risk of falls, balance, and walking speed in older people with intellectual disabilities]. Martínez Aldao D1, Martínez Lemos RI2, Penedo Vázquez S3, Ayán Pérez CL2 Rehabilitacion (Madr). 2020 Jan - Mar VIEW
Effects of tai chi on postural control during dual-task stair negotiation in knee osteoarthritis: a randomised controlled trial protocol. Wang X1,2, Hou M2,3, Chen S1,2, Yu J1,2, Qi D4, Zhang Y5, Chen B1,2, Xiong F1,2, Fu S1,2, Li Z1,2, Yang F1,2, Chang A6, Liu A7, Xie X8 BMJ Open. 2020 Jan 2 VIEW
Proprioceptive accuracy is not associated with self-reported body awareness, body competence, and affect. Horváth Á1,2, Ferentzi E2, Köteles F2 Physiol Int. 2020 Jan 3 VIEW
Estimation of Current and Future Physiological States in Insular Cortex. Livneh Y1, Sugden AU1, Madara JC1, Essner RA2, Flores VI1, Sugden LA3, Resch JM1, Lowell BB4, Andermann ML5 Neuron. 2020 Jan 10 VIEW
The Effects of Baduanjin Qigong on Postural Stability, Proprioception, and Symptoms of Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial Ye J1,2, Simpson MW2, Liu Y3, Lin W4, Zhong W1, Cai S5,6, Zou L7 Front Med (Lausanne). 2020 Jan 10 VIEW
Association Between Interoception and Emotion Regulation in Individuals With Alcohol Use Disorder. Jakubczyk A1, Trucco EM2,3, Klimkiewicz A1, Skrzeszewski J1, Suszek H4, Zaorska J1, Nowakowska M1, Michalska A1, Wojnar M1,3, Kopera M1 Front Psychiatry. 2020 Feb 3 VIEW
Older and more mindful? Age differences in mindfulness components and well-being. Mahlo L1, Windsor TD1 Aging Ment Health. 2020 Mar 2 VIEW
Effects of interoceptive training on decision making, anxiety, and somatic symptoms. Sugawara A1, Terasawa Y2, Katsunuma R1, Sekiguchi A1 Biopsychosoc Med. 2020 Mar 17 VIEW
A home-based exercise program focused on proprioception to reduce falls in frail and pre-frail community-dwelling older adults. Pérez-Ros P1, Vila-Candel R2, Martínez-Arnau FM3 Geriatr Nurs. 2020 Mar 18 VIEW
Unravelling the Neurobiology of Interoceptive Inference. Allen M1 Trends Cogn Sci. 2020 Apr VIEW
Effects of Taichi exercise on knee and ankle proprioception among individuals with knee osteoarthritis Xiaoyue Hu1, Zhangqi Lai1, Lin Wang1 Res Sports Med Apr-Jun 2020 VIEW
Emotion regulation accounts for associations between mindfulness and depression across and within diagnostic categories. Diehl JM1, McGonigal PT, Morgan TA, Dalrymple K, Harris LM, Chelminski I, Zimmerman M Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2020 May VIEW
Somatics of Early Buddhist Mindfulness and How to Face Anxiety. Anālayo B1 Mindfulness (N Y). 2020 May 8 VIEW
Neural correlates of fluctuations in the intermediate band for heart rate and respiration are related to interoceptive perception. Keller M1, Pelz H2, Perlitz V3, Zweerings J1, Röcher E1, Baqapuri HI1, Mathiak K1,4 Psychophysiology. 2020 May 10 VIEW
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