Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19165 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Research on the mechanism of 'Qigong (breathing exercise)'. A preliminary study on its effect in balancing 'Yin' and 'Yang', regulating circulation and promoting flow in the meridian system. Kuang AK//Jiang MD//Wang CX//Zhao GS//Xu DH J Tradit Chin Med 1981 VIEW
Effect of T'ai Chi on mental homeostasis Anonymous American Journal of Chinese Medicine 1981 VIEW
Cures/preventions and T'ai Chi Anonymous American Journal of Chinese Medicine 1981 VIEW
Applied kinesiology, basic procedures and muscle testing; Vol. 1 Walther DS 1981 VIEW
Scientific research on psychic energies at the Department of Kinesiology, U.C.L.A. Hunt V Journal of Holistic Health 1981 VIEW
A control system for arterial blood gases Kawakami Y//Yoshikawa T//Asanuma Y//Murao M J Appl Physiol 1981 VIEW
Psychophysiological investigations on transcendental meditation Puente AE Biofeedback Self Regul 1981 VIEW
The transcendental meditation technique and acute experimental pain Mills WW//Farrow JT Psychosom Med 1981 VIEW
Electroencephalographic findings during mantra meditation (transcendental meditation). A controlled, quantitative study of experienced meditators Stigsby B//Rodenberg JC//Moth HB Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1981 VIEW
Short-term longitudinal effects of the transcendental meditation technique on EEG power and coherence Dillbeck MC//Bronson EC Int J Neurosci 1981 VIEW
A study of electrical brain waves in the state of Qigong exercise. Lei, Mei et al. Chinese J. of Nature 1981 VIEW
Position-related false-positive renal imaging G M Rao, K G Nagesh, G H Guruprakash Clin Nucl Med 1980 Jul 1 VIEW
A comparison of somatic relaxation and EEG activity in classical progressive relaxation and transcendental meditation Warrenburg S, Pagano RR, Woods M, Hlastala M J Behav Med. 1980 Mar VIEW
Journal of Black Psychology Anonymous Psychosomatic illness and T'ai Chi 1980 VIEW
Nerophysiologic inhibition of strength following tactile simulation of the skin Nicholas JA//Melvin M//Ed M//Saranti AJ Am J Sports Med 1980 VIEW
The yoga perspective. Part I. The somatopsychic imbalance in asthma: towards a holistic therapy Goyeche JR//Ago Y//Ikemi Y Journal of Asthma Research 1980 VIEW
Effect of passive concentration as instructional set for training enhancement of EEG alpha Knox SS Percept Mot Skills 1980 VIEW
[Visual and computerized analysis of EEG during transcendental meditation and sleep (author's transl)] [Article in German] Wachsmuth D//Dolce G EEG EMG Z Elektroenzephalogr Elektromyogr Verwandte Geb 1980 VIEW
Transcendental meditation verus muscle relaxation: two-year follow-up of a controlled experiment Zuroff DC//Schwarz JC Am J Psychiatry 1980 VIEW
Meditation training and essential hypertension: a methodological study Seer P//Raeburn JM J Behav Med 1980 VIEW
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