Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18948 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Surface extensions of 3T3 cells towards distant infrared light sources. Albrecht-Buehler G. J Cell Biol. 1991 Aug VIEW
Is the normal heartbeat chaotic or homeostatic? A L Goldberger1 News Physiol Sci 1991 Apr 1 VIEW
Is the normal heartbeat chaotic or homeostatic? A L Goldberger1 News Physiol Sci 1991 Apr 1 VIEW
Approximate entropy as a measure of system complexity S M Pincus1 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1991 Mar 15 VIEW
Self-efficacy and outcome expectancies: relationship to chronic pain coping strategies and adjustment. Jensen MP1, Turner JA, Romano JM Pain. 1991 Mar VIEW
Cellular harmonic information transfer through a tissue tensegrity-matrix system K J Pienta1, D S Coffey Med Hypotheses 1991 Jan 1 VIEW
Effect of emitted bioenergy on biochemical functions of cells. Chien CI//Tsuei JJ//Lee SC//Huang YC//Wei YH Am J Chin Med 1991 VIEW
Medical applications of qigong and emitted qi on humans, animals, cell cultures & plants: review of selected scientific research Sancier KM//Hu B Am J. Acupuncture 1991 VIEW
Experimental verification of effectiveness and harmlessness of the Qigong maneuver. Zhang SX//Guo HZ//Jing BS//Wang X//Zhang LM Aviat Space Environ Med 1991 VIEW
The characteristics and theoretical basis of the Qigong maneuver. Guo HZ//Zhang SX//Jing BS Aviat Space Environ Med 1991 VIEW
[The beneficial effect of qigong on the ventricular function and microcirculation in deficiency of heart-energy hypertensive patients] Wang CX// Xu DH Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1991 VIEW
The antitumor effects of qigong-emitted external Qi and its influence on the immunologic functions of tumor-bearing mice. Lei XF//Bi AH//Zhang ZX//Cheng ZY J Tongji Med Univ 1991 VIEW
Research on 'anti-aging' effect of qigong. Kuang A//Wang C// Xu D//Qian Y J Tradit Chin Med 1991 VIEW
Medical and health care Qigong (Qu Bing Yang Sheng Gong). Wang C//Xu D//Qian Y J Tradit Chin Med 1991 VIEW
Systems Investigaton on Qigong Eigen State Yu He Feng//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1991 VIEW
The Effect of Qi on the Animal Heart in Vitro Miao Tiejun//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1991 VIEW
The Study of Traumatic Paraplrgia in Ganine Model Treated by Bagua Xun Dao Gong Wan Shujian//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1991 VIEW
RS photograph Shen Jinchuang//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1991 VIEW
Information Hidden in the Synchronized Brain Waves During Qigong State Mei Lei Chinese J Somatic Science 1991 VIEW
Information Therapy and Nature Therapy Viewed from Effect of External Qi of Qigong on Tumor Cells Luo Yanyan//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1991 VIEW
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