Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19155 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Weak extremely high frequency microwaves affect pollen-tube emergence and growth in kiwifruit: pollen grain irradiation and water-mediated effects Calzoni GL//Borghini F//Del Giudice E//Betti L//// J Altern Complement Med 2003 VIEW
EEG abnormalities in psychopath and non-psychopath violent offenders. Calzada-Reyes A, Alvarez-Amador A, Galán-García L, Valdés-Sosa M. J Forensic Leg Med. 2013 Jan VIEW
Evaluation of Tai Chi Program Effectiveness for People with Arthritis in the Community: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Callahan LF1, Cleveland RJ, Altpeter M, Hackney B. J Aging Phys Act. 2015 Jun 18 VIEW
Physical activity programs for chronic arthritis. Callahan LF. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2009 Mar VIEW
Effect of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field on MMP-9 and TIMP-1 Levels in Chondrosarcoma Cells Stimulated with IL-1β. Caliskan SG1, Bilgin MD, Kozaci LD. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2015 VIEW
The Effect of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound on Expression of Growth Factors and Bone Regeneration in Rib Fracture. Calik M, Karaca G, Yilmaz H, Calik S, Esen H, Avunduk M, Esme H. Chest 2014 Oct 1 VIEW
[Does Muscle Activation during Whole-Body Vibration Induce Bone Density Improvement in Postmenopausal Women? - A Systematic Review.] Calendo LR1, Taeymans J2, Rogan S2. Sportverletz Sportschaden. 2014 May 14 VIEW
Effects of tai chi chuan on anxiety and sleep quality in young adults: lessons from a randomized controlled feasibility study. Caldwell KL1, Bergman SM2, Collier SR3, Triplett NT3, Quin R4, Bergquist J5, Pieper CF6 Nat Sci Sleep. 2016 Nov 14 VIEW
Effect of Pilates and taiji quan training on self-efficacy, sleep quality, mood, and physical performance of college students. Caldwell K, Harrison M, Adams M, Triplett NT. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2009 Apr VIEW
Developing mindfulness in college students through movement-based courses: effects on self-regulatory self-efficacy, mood, stress, and sleep quality. Caldwell K, Harrison M, Adams M, Quin RH, Greeson J. J Am Coll Health 2010 Mar-Apr VIEW
Changes in Mindfulness, Well-Being, and Sleep Quality in College Students Through Taijiquan Courses: A Cohort Control Study. Caldwell K, Emery L, Harrison M, Greeson J. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Oct 14 VIEW
The promise of energy healing Caldicott H Self 1996 VIEW
Assessment of extremely low frequency magnetic field exposure from GSM mobile phones. Calderón C, Addison D, Mee T, Findlay R, Maslanyj M, Conil E, Kromhout H, Lee AK, Sim MR, Taki M, Varsier N, Wiart J, Cardis E. Bioelectromagnetics. 2013 Nov 6 VIEW
Low-intensity whole-body vibration training to reduce fall risk in active, elderly residents of a retirement village. Calder CG, Mannion J, Metcalf PA. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 Aug VIEW
The Effects of the Relaxation Response on Nurses' Level of Anxiety, Depression, Well-Being, Work-Related Stress, and Confidence to Teach Patients. Calder Calisi C1 J Holist Nurs. 2017 Jul 1 VIEW
Human Ultraweak Photon Emission: Key Analytical Aspects, Results and Future Trends - A Review. Calcerrada M1, Garcia-Ruiz C1,2 Crit Rev Anal Chem. 2018 Dec 24 VIEW
Telomeres in disease. Calado R, Young N. F1000 Med Rep. 2012 VIEW
50 Hz Electromagnetic Field Produced Changes in FTIR Spectroscopy Associated with Mitochondrial Transmembrane Potential Reduction in Neuronal-Like SH-SY5Y Cells. Calabrò E, Condello S, Currò M, Ferlazzo N, Vecchio M, Caccamo D, Magazù S, Ientile R. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2013 VIEW
Effects of low intensity static magnetic field on FTIR spectra and ROS production in SH-SY5Y neuronal-like cells. Calabrò E, Condello S, Currò M, Ferlazzo N, Caccamo D, Magazù S, Ientile R. Bioelectromagnetics. 2013 Dec VIEW
Homeopathy: Clarifying its relationship to hormesis Calabrese EJ, Jonas WB. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2010 VIEW
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