Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19164 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies of homeopathic solutions Aabel S//Fossheim S//Rise F Br Homeopath J 2001 VIEW
No beneficial effect of isopathic prophylactic treatment for birch pollen allergy during a low-pollen season: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of homeopathic Betula 30c Aabel S Br Homeopath J 2001 VIEW
Exercise Compared to Mindfulness for Physical and Mental Wellbeing in Medical Students A Worobetz1, M O'Callaghan1, J Walsh2, M Casey1,3, P Hayes1,3, E G Bengoechea3,4, C Woods3,4, D McGrath1,3, L G Glynn1,3 Ir Med J 2022 Mar 16 VIEW
Leave the Screen: The Influence of Everyday Behaviors on Self-reported Interoception A Wallman-Jones1, C Nigg2, Benzing 5th2, M Schmidt2 Biol Psychol 2023 Jun 5 VIEW
Tai Chi versus brisk walking in reducing cardiovascular risk factors: a randomised controlled trial (abridged secondary publication) A W K Chan1, D T F Lee1, J W H Sit1, S Y Chair1, D Y P Leung1, L Y L Leung2, L C W Fung3 Hong Kong Med J 2022 Jun 1 VIEW
The phylogenesis of the "ego," with remarks on the frontal lobes A W Epstein Am J Psychoanal 1987 Summer VIEW
The telomere complex and the origin of the cancer stem cell A Torres-Montaner1,2 Biomark Res 2021 Nov 4 VIEW
The Efficacy of Mindfulness Based Interventions in Acute Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis A Shires, L Sharpe, J N Davies, Tro Newton John Pain 2020 Jun 18 VIEW
Changes in the isoprenoid pathway with transcendental meditation and Reiki healing practices in seizure disorder A RK//Kurup PA Neurol India 2003 VIEW
The Triune Brain in Evolution. Role in Paleocerebral Functions. Paul D. MacLean. Plenum, New York, 1990. xxiv, 672 pp., illus. $75 A Reiner Science 1990 Oct 12 VIEW
Participating in Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches Is Associated With Veterans' Patient-reported Outcomes Over Time A Rani Elwy1,2, Stephanie L Taylor3,4, Shibei Zhao1, Michael McGowan3, Dorothy N Plumb1, Wendy Westleigh5, Lauren Gaj1, Grace W Yan6, Barbara G Bokhour1,7 Med Care 2020 Sep 1 VIEW
The somatic marker hypothesis and the possible functions of the prefrontal cortex A R Damasio1 Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 1996 Oct 29 VIEW
Mindfulness-based stress reduction alters brain activity for breast cancer survivors with chronic neuropathic pain: preliminary evidence from resting-state fMRI A M Smith1, A Leeming2, Z Fang2, T Hatchard3, O Mioduszewski2, M A Schneider3, A Ferdossifard3, Y Shergill4, E-L Khoo4, P Poulin5 J Cancer Surviv 2020 Sep 30 VIEW
The acceptability, practicality, implementation and efficacy of a physical and social activity intervention 'BreatheHappy' for people with long-term respiratory conditions: A feasibility study A Lewis1,2, L A Turner3, S Fryer3, R Smith4, H Dillarstone5, Y W Patrick6, E Bevan-Smith6 Chron Respir Dis 2024 Jan-Dec VIEW
On the Coupling of Mechanics With Bioelectricity and Its Role in Morphogenesis A Leronni, L Bardella, L Dorfmann, A Pietak, M Levin Journal of the Royal Society, Interface 2020 Jun VIEW
Mind-body and art therapies impact on emotional regulation in patients with chronic diseases: a pragmatic mixed-methods randomized controlled trial A Le Rhun1, P Caillet1, M Lebeaupin1, M Duval1, L Guilmault1, E Anthoine1, G Borghi1, B Leclère1, L Moret2,3 BMC Complement Med Ther 2023 Sep 28 VIEW
Chaos and fractals in human physiology A L Goldberger1, D R Rigney, B J West Sci Am 1990 Feb 1 VIEW
Fractals in physiology and medicine A L Goldberger1, B J West Yale J Biol Med Sep-Oct 1987 VIEW
Is the normal heartbeat chaotic or homeostatic? A L Goldberger1 News Physiol Sci 1991 Apr 1 VIEW
Fractal mechanisms in the electrophysiology of the heart A L Goldberger1 IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag 1992 Jun 1 VIEW
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