Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19155 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Deceleration of Senescence in Normal Human Fibroblasts by Withanone Extracted From Ashwagandha Leaves. Widodo N, Shah N, Priyandoko D, Ishii T, Kaul SC, Wadhwa R. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2009 Jul 8 VIEW
Complementary medicine use in stroke survivors: a US nationally representative survey Wiebke K Kohl-Heckl1, Anna K Koch2, Holger Cramer2 BMC Complement Med Ther 2022 Feb 12 VIEW
Complementary medicine use in US adults with hypertension: a nationally representative survey Wiebke Kathrin Kohl-Heckl1, Marleen Schröter2, Holger Cramer2 Complement Ther Med 2022 Jan 28 VIEW
[Adherence to Phase III Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs: A Prospective, Randomized Comparison between a Conventionally Conducted Program and a Tai Chi-Based Program]. Wieczorrek G1, Weber U2, Wienke A3, Egner E4, Schröder J5, Vogt A5, Müller-Werdan U5, Weber A6, Steighardt J7, Girschick C1, Schlitt A1 Sportverletz Sportschaden. 2016 Apr 11 VIEW
Developing a Qigong Intervention and an Exercise Therapy for Elderly Patients with Chronic Neck Pain and the Study Protocol Wiedemann AM, von Trott P, Ludtke R, Rei Szlig Hauer A, Willich SN, Witt CM. Forsch Komplementmed. 2008 VIEW
Music therapy as a treatment method for improving respiratory muscle strength in patients with advanced multiple sclerosis: a pilot study Wiens ME//Reimer MA//Guyn HL Rehabil Nurs 1999 VIEW
Injury in yoga asana practice: Assessment of the risks. Wiese C1, Keil D2, Rasmussen AS3, Olesen R4 J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2019 Jul VIEW
Chronically ill patients treated by spiritual healing improve in quality of life: results of a randomized waiting-list controlled study Wiesendanger H, Werthm?ller L, Reuter K, Walach H J Altern Complement Med. 2001 Feb VIEW
Monitoring Energy Levels during CAM treatment with GDV technique Wiesneski L//Korotkov K Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
Explaining fatigue in multiple sclerosis: cross-validation of a biopsychosocial model. Wijenberg ML1,2, Stapert SZ1,2, Köhler S3, Bol Y4 J Behav Med. 2016 May 28 VIEW
Multi-site recording and spectral analysis of spontaneous photon emission from human body. Wijk EP, Wijk RV. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd. 2005 Apr VIEW
An introduction to human biophoton emission. Wijk RV1, Wijk EP. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd. 2005 Apr VIEW
Shorter telomere length is linked to brain atrophy and white matter hyperintensities. Wikgren M, Karlsson T, Söderlund H, Nordin A, Roos G, Nilsson LG, Adolfsson R, Norrback KF. Age Ageing. 2013 Nov 14 VIEW
Short Telomeres in Depression and the General Population Are Associated with a Hypocortisolemic State. Wikgren M, Maripuu M, Karlsson T, Nordfjäll K, Bergdahl J, Hultdin J, Del-Favero J, Roos G, Nilsson LG, Adolfsson R, Norrback KF. Biol Psychiatry. 2011 Nov 2 VIEW
A randomised controlled trial examining the effect of acupuncture at the EX-HN3 (Yintang) point on pre-operative anxiety levels in neurosurgical patients. Wiles MD1, Mamdani J2, Pullman M1, Andrzejowski JC1. Anaesthesia 2017 Jan 16 VIEW
Summarizing the effects of different exercise types in chronic low back pain - a systematic review of systematic reviews Wilhelmus Johannes Andreas Grooten1,2, Carina Boström1,2, Åsa Dedering1,3, Marie Halvorsen1,2, Roman P Kuster1, Lena Nilsson-Wikmar1, Christina B Olsson1,4, Graciela Rovner1,5, Elena Tseli1,6, Eva Rasmussen-Barr7 BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2022 Aug 22 VIEW
Network Science and the Effects of Music Preference on Functional Brain Connectivity: From Beethoven to Eminem. Wilkins RW1, Hodges DA2, Laurienti PJ3, Steen M3, Burdette JH3. Sci Rep. 2014 Aug 28 VIEW
The clinical effectiveness of healing touch Wilkinson DS//Knox PL//Chatman JE//Johnson TL//// J Altern Complement Med 2002 VIEW
Cognitive biases explain religious belief, paranormal belief, and belief in life's purpose. Willard AK, Norenzayan A. Cognition. 2013 Aug 22 VIEW
Difficulties in emotion regulation and deficits in interoceptive awareness in moderate and severe obesity. Willem C1, Gandolphe MC2, Roussel M3, Verkindt H4, Pattou F4, Nandrino JL2 Eat Weight Disord. 2019 Jun 26 VIEW
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