Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19063 abstracts.
Showing results per page.
Title Author Journal Date
A scientific plan for the evaluation of alternative medicine in the treatment of HIV/AIDS Standish L//Calabrese C//Reeves C//Bain S//O'Donnell T Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine 1997 VIEW
Use of qigong therapy in the detoxification of heroin addicts Li M//Chen K//Mo Z Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicinepy and Health Medicine 2002 VIEW
The Healing Journey Simonton OC//Henson R//Hampton B 2002 VIEW
Longevity Increased by Positive Self-Perceptions of Aging Levy BR 1//Slade MD 1//Kunkel SR 2//Kasl SV 1 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2002 VIEW
Chinese medical qigong therapy: a comprehensive clinical text Johnson JA 2000 VIEW
Optimists vs pessimists: survival rate among medical patients over a 30-year period Maruta T//Colligan RC//Malinchoc M//Offord KP J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2000 VIEW
Distant intentionality and healing: assessing the evidence Schlitz M//Braud W Alter Ther Health Med 1994 VIEW
Experiences with Qigong dancing: discovering personal life energy Wolff KG Pflege Z 2001 VIEW
Is yoga enough to keep you fit? Bauman A Yoga Journal 2002 VIEW
Vibrating palm qigong's healing effects: a scientific study Anglen RL//Lacy JP Wushu Kung Fu 1994 VIEW
An Introduction to Qigong Liang S//Wu WC Kung Fu Qigong Magazine 2002 VIEW
The managed heart: the commercialization of human feelings Hothschild A 1985 VIEW
Handbook of Manual Muscle Testing Cutter N//Kevorkian CG 1999 VIEW
Intrarater reliability of manual msucle testing and hand-held dynametric muscle testing Wadsworth CT//Krishnan R//Sear M//Harold J//// Physical Therapy 1987 VIEW
The efficacy of manual assessment of muscle strenght using a new device Marino M//Nicholas JA//Gleim GW//Rosenthal P//// Am Orthopaedic, Sport Med 1982 VIEW
Factors influencing manual muscle tests in physical therapy Micholas JA//Sapega A//Kraus H//Webb JN J Bone and Joint Surgery 1978 VIEW
American Health Mag Hasson S Effect of color on muscle strength 1988 VIEW
Novel psychophysiological therapy for the treatment of hypertension: analysis of a 16-year case study Craig FW//Lynch JJ//Rosch PJ//Rasey HW Alter Ther Health Med 2001 VIEW
Investigation into the effect of organ irritation on muscle strength and spinal mobility Carpenter SA//Hoffman J//Mendell R J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1979 VIEW
Nerophysiologic inhibition of strength following tactile simulation of the skin Nicholas JA//Melvin M//Ed M//Saranti AJ Am J Sports Med 1980 VIEW
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