Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19155 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Treatment of canine atopic dermatitis with a commercial homeopathic remedy: a single-blinded, placebo-controlled study Scott DW//Miller WH//Senter DA//Cook CP//// Can Vet J 2002 VIEW
Environmental agents as cause of health disorders in children presented at an outpatient unit of environmental medicine Weishoff-Houben M//Dott W//Schulze-RR Int J Hyg Environ Health 2002 VIEW
Development of gait training system using the virtual environment simulator based on bio-information Uesugi K//Hattori T//Iwata D//Kiyota K//// J Intl Soc Life Info Sci 2005 VIEW
Sudarshan Kriya practitioners exhibit better antioxidant status and lower blood lactate levels Sharma H//Sen S//Singh A//Bhardwaj NK//// Biol Psychol 2003 VIEW
A new database on basic research in homeopathy Albrecht H//van Wijk R//Dittloff S Homeopathy 2002 VIEW
A review of complementary and alternative medicine use for treating chronic facial pain Myers CD//White BA//Heft MW J Am Dent Assoc 2002 VIEW
Respiratory and allergic diseases: from upper respiratory tract infections to asthma Jaber R Prim Care 2002 VIEW
Accruing large numbers of patients in primary care trials by retrospective recruitment methods McCarney R//Fisher P//van Haselen R Complement Ther Med 2002 VIEW
Homeopathy for dementia McCarney R//Warner J//Fisher P//Van Haselen R Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003 VIEW
A randomized trial of a lay person-led self-management group intervention for back pain patients in primary care Von Korff M//Moore JE//Lorig K//Cherkin DC//// Spine 1998 VIEW
Tai chi, qi gong and reiki Chu DA Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 2004 VIEW
Quality assessment of physical research in homeopathy Becker-Witt C//Weisshuhn TE//Willich SN J Altern Complement Med 2003 VIEW
Breathlessness clinics within specialist palliative care settings can improve the quality of life and functional capacity of patients with lung cancer Hately J//Laurence V//Scott A//Baker R//// Palliat Med 2003 VIEW
Does homeopathy reduce the cost of conventional drug prescribing? A study of comparative prescribing costs in general practice Jain A Homeopathy 2003 VIEW
Homeopathic aggravations: a systematic review of randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trials Grabia S//Ernst E Homeopathy 2003 VIEW
Neuroimaging of meditation's effect on brain reactivity to pain. Orme-Johnson DW//Schneider RH//Son YD//Nidich//// Neuroreport 2006 VIEW
Efficacy of a homeopathic Crataegus preparation compared with usual therapy for mild (NYHA II) cardiac insufficiency: results of an observational cohort study Schraider D//Weiser M//Klein P Eur J Heart Fail 2003 VIEW
COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE USE AMONG ADULTS WITH DIABETES IN THE UNITED STATES Ronny A. Bell, PhD, MS//Cynthia K. Suerken, MS//Joseph G. Grzywacz, PhD//Wei Lang, PhD//Sara A. Quandt, PhD//Thomas A. Arcury, PhD Altern Ther Health Med. 2006 VIEW
Can we evaluate electrodermal testing? Lewith GT Complement Ther Med 2003 VIEW
Considerations relating to the epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus infection: the impact of bacterial antigens and consequences for treatment Danninger T//Gallenberger K//Kraeling J J Altern Complement Med 2003 VIEW
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