Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19067 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
The use of a meditation programme for institutionalized juvenile delinquents Witoonchart C//Bartlet L J Med Assoc Thai 2002 VIEW
Patterns of EEG coherence, power, and contingent negative variation characterize the integration of transcendental and waking states Travis F//Tecce J//Arenander A//Wallace RK Biol Psychol 2002 VIEW
Mindfulness meditation in pediatric clinical practice Ott MJ Pediatr Nurs 2002 VIEW
Neurophysiological mechanisms of induction of meditation: a hypothetico-deductive approach Deepak KK Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2002 VIEW
Effect of Saral meditation on intelligence, performance and cardiopulmonary functions Shah AH//Joshi SV//Mehrotra PP//Potdar N//// Indian J Med Sci 2001 VIEW
Does mindfulness meditation contribute to health? Outcome evaluation of a German sample Majumdar M//Grossman P//Dietz-Waschkowski B//Kersig S//// J Altern Complement Med 2002 VIEW
Religiosity/spirituality and health. A critical review of the evidence for biological pathways Seeman TE//Dubin LF//Seeman M Am Psychol 2003 VIEW
Trance, functional psychosis, and culture Castillo RJ Psychiatry 2003 VIEW
Impact of stress reduction on negative school behavior in adolescents Barnes VA//Bauza LB,//Treiber FA Health Qual Life Outcomes 2003 VIEW
Use and assessment of complementary and alternative therapies by intravenous drug users Manheimer E//Anderson BJ//Stein MD Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 2003 VIEW
Mindfulness meditation, anxiety reduction, and heart disease: a pilot study Tacon AM//McComb J//Caldera Y//Randolph P Fam Community Health 2003 VIEW
Meditation as a complementary therapy in cancer Tacon AM Fam Community Health 2003 VIEW
Integrating mindfulness-based stress reduction Proulx K Holist Nurs Pract 2003 VIEW
[Observation of qi-gong treatment in 60 cases of pregnancy-induced hypertension][Article in Chinese] Zhou MR//Lian MR Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi 1989 VIEW
Eastern and Western paradigms: the holistic nature of traditional Chinese medicine Griffiths V. Aust J Holist Nurs 1999 VIEW
Healing touch Mentgen JL Nurs Clin North Am 2001 VIEW
Healing and the mind/body arts: massage, acupuncture, yoga, t'ai chi, and Feldenkrais Wanning T AAOHN J 1993 VIEW
Stress management for dental students performing their first pediatric restorative procedure Piazza-Waggoner CA//Cohen LL//Kohli K//Taylor BK J Dent Educ 2003 VIEW
Massage therapy and reflexology awareness Mackey BT Nurs Clin North Am 2001 VIEW
Complementary therapies and nursing models Mantle F Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery 2001 VIEW
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