Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Clinical observation of qigong as a theraputic aid for advanced cancer patients Sun Quizhi//Zhao Li 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
Clinical Nurse Well-being Improved Through Transcendental Meditation: A Multimethod Randomized Controlled Trial Jennifer I Bonamer1, Mary Kutash, Susan R Hartranft, Catherine Aquino-Russell, Andrew Bugajski, Ayesha Johnson J Nurs Adm 2023 Dec 11 VIEW
Clinical Improvement in cancer patients through alternative medicine, mainly Fucoidan Nishimoto Shinji J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
Clinical Evidence for Association of Acupuncture and Acupressure With Improved Cancer Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. He Y1,2, Guo X1, May BH2, Zhang AL2, Liu Y1, Lu C1, Mao JJ3, Xue CC1,2, Zhang H1 JAMA Oncol. 2019 Dec 19 VIEW
Clinical Effects of Baduanjin Qigong Exercise on Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Randomized Controlled Trials Chi-Chun Kuo1, Chiao-Chen Wang1, Wei-Lun Chang1, Tzu-Ching Liao1, Pei-En Chen2,3, Tao-Hsin Tung4 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Apr 8 VIEW
Clinical Effectiveness of Cognitively Enhanced Tai Ji Quan Training on Global Cognition and Dual-Task Performance During Walking in Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment or Self-Reported Memory Concerns : A Randomized Controlled Trial Fuzhong Li1, Peter Harmer1, Elizabeth Eckstrom2, Kathleen Fitzgerald3, Kerri Winters-Stone4 Ann Intern Med 2023 Oct 31 VIEW
Clinical effectiveness and safety of acupuncture in the treatment of irradiation-induced xerostomia in patients with head and neck cancer: a systematic review. O'Sullivan EM, Higginson IJ. Acupunct Med. 2010 Nov 9 VIEW
Clinical associations for traditional and complementary medicine use among norwegian cancer survivors in the seventh survey of the Tromsø study: a cross-sectional study Kiwumulo Nakandi1, Trine Stub2, Agnete E Kristoffersen2 BMC Complement Med Ther 2023 Mar 4 VIEW
Clinical and laboratory study of the effect of qigong anaesthesia on thyroidectomy Lin Houshen 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
Clinical and Basic Research on Biological Medicine Amalgamated with Western Medicine Causes and Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis, Malignancy and Collagen Disease Niwa Y J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2000 VIEW
Classical investigation of long-range coherence in biological systems Preto, J. Chaos 16 Dec 2016 VIEW
Classic Hallucinogens and Mystical Experiences: Phenomenology and Neural Correlates. Barrett FS1, Griffiths RR2,3 Curr Top Behav Neurosci. 2017 Mar 26 VIEW
Chronographic Theory of Development, Aging, and Origin of Cancer: Role of Chronomeres and Printomeres. Olovnikov AM1. Curr Aging Sci. 2015 Apr 22 VIEW
Chronographic Theory of Development, Aging, and Origin of Cancer: Role of Chronomeres and Printomeres. Olovnikov AM1. Curr Aging Sci. 2015 VIEW
Chronic stress and natural killer cell activity after exposure to traumatic death Delahanty DL//Dougall AL//Craig KJ//Jenkins FJ//// Psychosom Med 1997 VIEW
Chronic pain management: nonpharmacological therapies for chronic pain. Chang KL1, Fillingim R2, Hurley RW3, Schmidt S4. FP Essent. 2015 May VIEW
Chronic Inflammation and the Hallmarks of Aging Jordan J Baechle1, Nan Chen2, Priya Makhijani3, Shawn Winer4, David Furman5, Daniel A Winer6 Mol Metab 2023 Jun 15 VIEW
Chow Qigong: An Antidote for Modern Day Stress Chow Effie 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
Chinese tai ji wu xing qigongfor cancer He B 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Chinese super power meditation -- the experiment, healing effort, and theory of a new technique for training “qi-energy” Wu Heiming 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
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