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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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14636 matches found.
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Title Author Journal Date
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and yoga for drug-refractory epilepsy: A randomized controlled trial Lundgren T, Dahl J, Yardi N, Melin L Epilepsy Behav. 2008 Mar 13 VIEW
Acceptability of an acupuncture intervention for geriatric chronic pain: an open pilot study. Couilliot MF, Darees V, Delahaye G, Ercolano P, Carcaillé M, Vytopilova P, Tenenbaum B, Vicaut E. J Integr Med. 2013 Jan VIEW
Acceptability of a Dyadic Tai Chi Intervention for Older People Living With Dementia and Their Informal Carers. Barrado-Martín Y1,2, Heward M2, Polman R3, Nyman SR1,2 J Aging Phys Act. 2018 Aug 30 VIEW
Acceptability and Feasibility of a Tai Chi/Qigong Intervention for Older People Living With HIV Gladys E Ibañez1,2, Shyfuddin Ahmed3, Nan Hu4, Linda Larkey5, Kristopher P Fennie3, Micaela Lembo3, Laura Huertas3 AIDS Behav 2023 Aug 19 VIEW
Acceptability and feasibility of a community-based strength, balance, and Tai Chi rehabilitation program in improving physical function and balance of patients after total knee arthroplasty: study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial Cathy W T Lo1, Matthew A Brodie2, William W N Tsang3, Chun-Hoi Yan4, Priscillia L Lam5, Chun-Ming Chan6, Stephen R Lord2, Arnold Y L Wong7 Trials 2021 Feb 11 VIEW
Accent on Living Tatoui I Exercises - Heal and Energize.(T'ai Chi Qigong promotes stress release and cardiovascular conditioning) 1999 VIEW
Acceleration of tibial fracture-healing by non-invasive, low-intensity pulsed ultrasound. Heckman JD, Ryaby JP, McCabe J, Frey JJ, Kilcoyne RF. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1994 jan VIEW
Accelerated Wound Healing on Skin by Electrical Stimulation with a Bioelectric Plaster. Kai H1, Yamauchi T2, Ogawa Y1, Tsubota A1, Magome T1, Miyake T1, Yamasaki K2, Nishizawa M1 Adv Healthc Mater. 2017 Sep 20 VIEW
Accelerated telomere shortening in response to life stress. Epel ES, Blackburn EH, Lin J, Dhabhar FS, Adler NE, Morrow JD, Cawthon RM. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Dec 7 VIEW
Accelerated Aging during Chronic Oxidative Stress: A Role for PARP-1. Boesten DM, de Vos-Houben JM, Timmermans L, den Hartog GJ, Bast A, Hageman GJ. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2013 VIEW
Accelerated aging as evidenced by increased telomere shortening and mitochondrial DNA depletion in patients with type 2 diabetes. Monickaraj F, Aravind S, Gokulakrishnan K, Sathishkumar C, Prabu P, Prabu D, Mohan V, Balasubramanyam M. Mol Cell Biochem. 2012 Mar 13 VIEW
Abstracts From Presentations at the Joint Meeting of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS), the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography (ISBET), the International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry (ISNIP), and the Evoked Potentials International Conference (EPIC) in Bristol, Tennessee, USA, September 12-15, 2012. [No authors listed] Clin EEG Neurosci. 2013 Jan VIEW
Absence of an analgesic effect of qigong 'external qi' in rats. Zhang WB//Yu WL//Yang YJ Am J Chin Med 1998 VIEW
Abridged Mindfulness Intervention to Support Wellness in First-Year Medical Students. Erogul M1, Singer G, McIntyre T, Stefanov DG. Teach Learn Med 2014 Oct-Dec VIEW
ABOUT THE EFFECTS OF QIGONG ON BEAUTY Kiuchi Yumiko 1//Kurabayashi Jo 2 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
About Qigong's Curing of Behcer's Disease Feng Fushow 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
About Qigong's Curing of ??? Ne Yingzhow 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Ability-Based Emotional Intelligence Is Associated With Greater Cardiac Vagal Control and Reactivity. Vanuk JR1,2, Alkozei A1, Raikes AC1, Allen JJB2, Killgore WDS1 Front Hum Neurosci. 2019 Jun 11 VIEW
A Yoga Intervention for Young Children: Self-Regulation and Emotion Regulation Roxanne N Rashedi1, Susan E Rowe2, Ross A Thompson3, Emily J Solari4, Kimberly A Schonert-Reichl5 J Child Fam Stud 2021 Jun 9 VIEW
A worksite vitality intervention to improve older workers' lifestyle and vitality-related outcomes: results of a randomised controlled trial. Strijk JE, Proper KI, van der Beek AJ, van Mechelen W. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2012 Jan 20 VIEW
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