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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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14549 matches found.
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Title Author Journal Date
The Effects of Non-Invasive Radiofrequency Treatment and Hyperthermia on Malignant and Nonmalignant Cells. Curley SA1, Palalon F2, Sanders KE3, Koshkina NV4. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014 Sep 3 VIEW
The Effects of Nonconventional Exercise on Functional Capacity and Quality of Life in Patients With Heart Failure: A Systematic Review Kevin Hong, Jill Howie Esquivel J Cardiovasc Nurs 2022 Nov-Dec VIEW
The Effects of Oscillatory Biofield Therapy on Pain and Functional Limitations Associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Study. Nourbakhsh MR1, Bell TJ2, Martin JB3, Arab AM4 J Altern Complement Med. 2016 Aug 3 VIEW
The Effects of P6 Electrical Acustimulation on Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Patients After Infratentorial Craniotomy. Xu M, Zhou SJ, Jiang CC, Wu Y, Shi WL, Gu HH, Cai HD, Wang XQ. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2012 Jun 22 VIEW
The Effects of Physical Exercise on Cognition: How Heart Rate Variability Can Predict Cognitive Performances Giovanna Sannino1, Ivanoe De Falco1, Giuseppe De Pietro1, Saverio Stranges2,3,4 Front Hum Neurosci 2020 Aug 31 VIEW
The Effects of Psychotherapy on Psychological Well-Being and Diurnal Cortisol Patterns in Breast Cancer Survivors. Hsiao FH, Jow GM, Kuo WH, Chang KJ, Liu YF, Ho RT, Ng SM, Chan CL, Lai YM, Chen YT. Psychother Psychosom. 2012 Mar 3 VIEW
The effects of pulsed electromagnetic field on the functions of osteoblasts on implant surfaces with different topographies. Wang J, An Y, Li F, Li D, Jing D, Guo T, Luo E, Ma C. Acta Biomater. 2013 Oct 17 VIEW
The effects of pulsed magnetic field exposure on the permeability of leukemia cancer cells. Shankayi Z, Firoozabadi SM, Mansourian M, Mahna A. Electromagn Biol Med. 2013 Jun 19 VIEW
The effects of Qi exercise on maternal/fetal interaction and maternal well-being during pregnancy. Ji ES, Han HR. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2010 May VIEW
The effects of qi on biomolecules Lu Zuyin 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
The Effects of Qigong - Bi Xi Breathing Exercise on Physiological Functions Shen Z//Tone A Z//Asayama M 8th Int Sym on Qigong 2001 VIEW
The Effects of Qigong --Bi Xi Breathing Exercise on Physiological Functions Shen Zaiwen//Tone Akiko//Asayama Masami J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1999 VIEW
The effects of qigong and acupuncture on human cerebral evoked potentials and electroencephalogram. Xu M//Tomotake M//Ikuta T//Ishimoto Y//Okura M J Med Invest 1998 VIEW
The Effects of Qigong for Adults with Chronic Pain Bai Z1, Guan Z2, Fan Y3, Liu C3, Yang K1, Ma B1, Wu B4,5. Am J Chin Med. 2015 Nov 30 VIEW
The Effects of Qigong for Hypertension: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Xiaosheng Dong1, Zhenguo Shi1, Meng Ding2, Xiangren Yi1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Oct 8 VIEW
The effects of qigong intervention based on the Internet on quality of life and physical fitness in Chinese postoperative breast cancer patients: a protocol of randomized controlled trial Chengxiang Li#1, Xiaosheng Dong#2, Lina Yu1, Kai Yuan3, Xiangren Yi2, Yuanlong Shen1, Hu Niu4 Trials 2023 Mar 13 VIEW
The effects of qigong on anxiety, depression, and psychological well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Wang F, Man JK, Lee EK, Wu T, Benson H, Fricchione GL, Wang W, Yeung A. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
The effects of qigong on neck pain: A systematic review Girard J1, Girard A2 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2019 Feb VIEW
The effects of qigong on reversal of aging process in some aspects of psychological functioning Tang Cimei//Wan Jinming//Lu Zongyu//Wei Xin 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
The Effects of Qigong on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Meng D1, Chunyan W1, Xiaosheng D1, Xiangren Y2 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018 Jan 3 VIEW
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