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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
The effects of school-based maum meditation program on the self-esteem and school adjustment in primary school students. Yoo YG, Lee IS. Glob J Health Sci. 2013 Mar 10 VIEW
Randomized controlled trial of mindfulness meditation for generalized anxiety disorder: effects on anxiety and stress reactivity. Hoge EA, Bui E, Marques L, Metcalf CA, Morris LK, Robinaugh DJ, Worthington JJ, Pollack MH, Simon NM. J Clin Psychiatry. 2013 Mar 13 VIEW
Value associated with mindfulness meditation and moderate exercise intervention in acute respiratory infection: The MEPARI Study. Rakel D, Mundt M, Ewers T, Fortney L, Zgierska A, Gassman M, Barrett B. Fam Pract. 2013 Mar 20 VIEW
Self-Reported Mindfulness and Cortisol During a Shamatha Meditation Retreat. Jacobs TL, Shaver PR, Epel ES, Zanesco AP, Aichele SR, Bridwell DA, Rosenberg EL, King BG, Maclean KA, Sahdra BK, Kemeny ME, Ferrer E, Wallace BA, Saron CD. Health Psychol. 2013 Mar 25 VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Physiological Activity During Acute Stress: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nyklíček I, Mommersteeg PM, Van Beugen S, Ramakers C, Van Boxtel GJ. Health Psychol. 2013 Mar 25 VIEW
Neural mechanisms of symptom improvements in generalized anxiety disorder following mindfulness training. Hölzel BK, Hoge EA, Greve DN, Gard T, Creswell JD, Brown KW, Barrett LF, Schwartz C, Vaitl D, Lazar SW. Neuroimage Clin. 2013 Mar 25 VIEW
Effects of a Multidisciplinary Stress Treatment Programme on Patient Return to Work Rate and Symptom Reduction: Results from a Randomised, Wait-List Controlled Trial. Netterstrøm B, Friebel L, Ladegaard Y. Psychother Psychosom. 2013 Mar 27 VIEW
Reduction in posttraumatic stress symptoms in congolese refugees practicing transcendental meditation. Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. J Trauma Stress. 2013 Apr VIEW
Meditation for adults with mild cognitive impairment: a pilot randomized trial. Wells RE, Kerr CE, Wolkin J, Dossett M, Davis RB, Walsh J, Wall RB, Kong J, Kaptchuk T, Press D, Phillips RS, Yeh G. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 Apr VIEW
A Buddhist-based meditation practice for care and healing: An introduction and its application. Oshita D, Hattori K, Iwakuma M. Int J Nurs Pract. 2013 Apr VIEW
The Impact of an Innovative Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program on the Health and Well-Being of Nurses Employed in a Corporate Setting. Bazarko D, Cate RA, Azocar F, Kreitzer MJ. J Workplace Behav Health. 2013 Apr VIEW
Stress: Neurobiology, consequences and management. Kumar A, Rinwa P, Kaur G, Machawal L. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2013 Apr VIEW
Stress management techniques in the prison setting. Kristofersson GK, Kaas MJ. J Forensic Nurs. 2013 Apr-Jun VIEW
The association between meditation practice and treatment outcome in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for bipolar disorder. erich T, Manicavasagar V, Mitchell PB, Ball JR. Behav Res Ther. 2013 Apr 6 VIEW
Can taichi reshape the brain? A brain morphometry study. Wei GX, Xu T, Fan FM, Dong HM, Jiang LL, Li HJ, Yang Z, Luo J, Zuo XN. PLoS One 2013 Apr 9 VIEW
Is Mindful Reflective Practice the way forward to reduce medication errors? Pezzolesi C, Ghaleb M, Kostrzewski A, Dhillon S. Int J Pharm Pract. 2013 Apr 12 VIEW
A Pilot Study of Group Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Combat Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). King AP, Erickson TM, Giardino ND, Favorite T, Rauch SA, Robinson E, Kulkarni M, Liberzon I. Depress Anxiety. 2013 Apr 17 VIEW
Rapid Gene Expression Changes in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes upon Practice of a Comprehensive Yoga Program. Qu S, Olafsrud SM, Meza-Zepeda LA, Saatcioglu F. PLoS One 2013 Apr 17 VIEW
Loving-Kindness Meditation Practice Associated with Longer Telomeres in Women. Hoge Md EA, Chen Bs MM, Bs EO, Metcalf Ba CA, Fischer Ba LE, Pollack Md MH, Devivo I, Md NM. Brain Behav Immun. 2013 Apr 18 VIEW
Mindfulness-based interventions: towards mindful clinical integration. Shonin E, Van Gordon W, Griffiths MD. Front Psychol. 2013 Apr 18 VIEW
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