Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Building spiritual fitness in the Army: an innovative approach to a vital aspect of human development. Pargament KI, Sweeney PJ. Am Psychol. 2011 Jan VIEW
Building Sangha in the American Healthcare Setting for Persons With Chronic Disease. Chan RR1, Beaulieu J2, Pickering CEZ3 Explore (NY). 2017 Dec 21 VIEW
Building bridges for yoga therapy research: the aetna, inc., mind-body pilot study on chronic and high stress. Kusnick C, Kraftsow G, Hilliker M. Int J Yoga Therap. 2012 VIEW
Building an Evidence Base in Complementary and Integrative Healthcare for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Edwards E, Mischoulon D, Rapaport M, Stussman B, Weber W. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2013 Jul VIEW
Building a Healthy Immune Defense Dietze Olaf 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
Buddist Qigong and Its Origin As Found in the Figures Excavated From theDuenhuang Tombs Wang Jianzhong 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Buddhist Activities related to Sedentary behavior and Hypertension in Tibetan monks. Liu K1, Xu Y1, Wang S1, Shi R1, Gong S1, Li X1, Yang Y1, Chen X2 J Hum Hypertens. 2018 Nov 12 VIEW
Buddhism And Preserving Health By Qigong Song Tianbin 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Bu Shew Qiang Shen Gong and its clinical use Yuan Shuxing 3rd Int Symp on Qigong 1990 VIEW
Bringing chronic-pain care to rural veterans: A telehealth pilot program description. Glynn LH1, Chen JA1, Dawson TC1, Gelman H2, Zeliadt SB2 Psychol Serv. 2020 Jan 16 VIEW
Brief, weekly magnetic muscle therapy improves mobility and lean body mass in older adults: a Southeast Asia community case study Sharanya Venugobal1, Yee Kit Tai2,3,4,5, Jorming Goh6,7,8,9, Sean Teh1, Craig Wong2,3,4, Ivan Goh1, Andrea B Maier7,8,10, Brian K Kennedy6,7,8,9,11, Alfredo Franco-Obregón2,3,4,5,6,7,12 Aging (Albany NY) 2023 Mar 19 VIEW
Brief, daily meditation enhances attention, memory, mood, and emotional regulation in non-experienced meditators. Basso JC1, McHale A2, Ende V2, Oberlin DJ2, Suzuki WA3 Behav Brain Res. 2018 Aug 25 VIEW
Brief trauma intervention with Rwandan genocide-survivors using thought field therapy. Connolly S, Sakai C. Int J Emerg Ment Health. 2011 VIEW
Brief Training of Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology-Based Meditation (PNEIMED) Reduces Stress Symptom Ratings and Improves Control on Salivary Cortisol Secretion Under Basal and Stimulated Conditions. Bottaccioli F1, Carosella A2, Cardone R2, Mambelli M2, Cemin M3, D'Errico MM4, Ponzio E4, Bottaccioli AG2, Minelli A5. Explore (NY). 2014 May-Jun VIEW
Brief training in mindfulness meditation reduces symptoms in patients with a chronic or recurrent lifetime history of depression: A randomized controlled study. Winnebeck E1, Fissler M1, Gärtner M1, Chadwick P2, Barnhofer T3 Behav Res Ther. 2017 Oct 12 VIEW
Brief structured respiration practices enhance mood and reduce physiological arousal Melis Yilmaz Balban1, Eric Neri2, Manuela M Kogon3, Lara Weed4, Bita Nouriani2, Booil Jo2, Gary Holl1, Jamie M Zeitzer5, David Spiegel6, Andrew D Huberman7 Cell Rep Med 2023 Jan 5 VIEW
Brief Self-Compassion Training Alters Neural Responses to Evoked Pain for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Pilot Study Michael P Berry1, Jacqueline Lutz1,2, Zev Schuman-Olivier2, Christopher Germer2, Susan Pollak2, Robert R Edwards3, Paula Gardiner4, Gaelle Desbordes1, Vitaly Napadow1 Pain Med 2020 Aug 12 VIEW
Brief Report: Healing Touch Consults at a Tertiary Care Children's Hospital. Schlefman A, Rappaport DI, Adams-Gerdts W, Stubblefield SC Hosp Pediatr. 2016 Jan 1 VIEW
Brief Report: Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of Individual Mindfulness Therapy for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Conner CM1,2, White SW3 J Autism Dev Disord. 2017 Sep 18 VIEW
Brief remarks on chinese medicine and qigong Huang Zaishu 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
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