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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Comparison of sEMG processing methods during whole-body vibration exercise. Lienhard K1, Cabasson A2, Meste O2, Colson SS3. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2015 Nov 9 VIEW
Comparison of Respiratory Muscle Training Methods in Individuals With Motor Complete Tetraplegia. Mueller G Phd, Hopman MT Md Phd, Perret C Phd. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2012 Spring VIEW
Comparison of Registered and Published Primary Outcomes in Randomized Controlled Trials Sylvain Mathieu, MD; Isabelle Boutron, MD, PhD; David Moher, PhD; Douglas G. Altman, DSc; Philippe Ravaud, MD, PhD JAMA 2009 Sep 2 VIEW
Comparison of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure levels in different everyday microenvironments in an international context. Sagar S1, Adem SM2, Struchen B2, Loughran SP3, Brunjes ME4, Arangua L4, Dalvie MA5, Croft RJ3, Jerrett M6, Moskowitz JM7, Kuo T8, Röösli M9 Environ Int. 2018 Mar 9 VIEW
Comparison of quality of life scores in patients with angina pectoris after angioplasty compared with after medical therapy. Outcomes of a randomized clinical trial. Veterans Affairs Study of Angioplasty Compared to Medical Therapy Investigators Strauss WE//Fortin T//Hartigan P//Folland ED//// Circulation 1995 VIEW
Comparison of post-treatment effects of conventional and acupuncture-like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): A randomised placebo-controlled study using cold-induced pain and healthy human participants. Francis RP, Marchant PR, Johnson MI. Physiother Theory Pract. 2011 Nov VIEW
Comparison of Physical Therapy with Energy Healing for Improving Range of Motion in Subjects with Restricted Shoulder Mobility. Linda Baldwin A, Fullmer K, Schwartz GE. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Comparison of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Versus Yoga on Urinary Urge Incontinence: A Randomized Pilot Study. With 6-Month and 1-Year Follow-up Visits. Baker J1, Costa D, Guarino JM, Nygaard I. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2014 May-Jun VIEW
Comparison of Mindfulness Practices for Effectiveness of Stress and Burnout Reduction in Healthcare Staff Tammy Sos1, Bridget Melton2 J Holist Nurs 2023 Dec 18 VIEW
Comparison of lymphocyte apoptotic index and qualitative DNA damage in yoga practitioners and breast cancer patients: A pilot study. Ram A, Banerjee B, Hosakote VS, Rao RM, Nagarathna R. Int J Yoga. 2013 Jan VIEW
Comparison of integrated group therapy and group relaxation training for fibromyalgia Keel PJ//Bodoky C//Gerhard U//Muller W Clin J Pain 1998 VIEW
Comparison of higher order spectra in heart rate signals during two techniques of meditation: Chi and Kundalini meditation. Goshvarpour A, Goshvarpour A. Cogn Neurodyn. 2013 Feb VIEW
Comparison of fundamental, second harmonic, and superharmonic imaging: A simulation study. van Neer PL, Danilouchkine MG, Verweij MD, Demi L, Voormolen MM, van der Steen AF, de Jong N. J Acoust Soc Am. 2011 Nov VIEW
Comparison of Functional Fitness Outcomes in Experienced and Inexperienced Older Adults After 16-week Tai Chi Program. Kim TH, Eke Dogra S, Al-Sahab B, Tamim H. Altern Ther Health Med. 2014 May-Jun VIEW
Comparison of Electroacupuncture Frequency-related Effects on Heart Rate Variability in Healthy Volunteers: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Lee JH, Kim KH, Hong JW, Lee WC, Koo S. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2011 Jun VIEW
Comparison of EG's during qigong and Zen-meditation by the experiment with the same subject Kawano Kimiko 1//Kushita Kouhei N 2 6th Int Sym on Qigong 1996 VIEW
Comparison of Effects of Liuzijue Exercise and Conventional Respiratory Training on Patients after Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial Qiao-Li Zhang1,2, Min Ge3, Cheng Chen3, Fu-Dong Fan3, Yan Jin2, Ning Zhang4, Lei Wang5,6 Chin J Integr Med 2023 May 27 VIEW
Comparison of effectiveness of acupuncture therapy and conventional drug therapy on psychological profile of migraine patients. Vijayalakshmi I, Shankar N, Saxena A, Bhatia MS. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2014 Jan-Mar VIEW
Comparison of EEGs during Zen-meditation, qigong and Japanese Archery by one Person Kawano K//Kushita N Japanese Mind-Body Science 1996 VIEW
Comparison of dissociative identity disorder with other diagnostic groups using a structured interview in Turkey Yargic LI//Sar V//Tutkun H//Alyanak B Compr Psychiatry 1998 VIEW
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