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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Web-Based Mindfulness Intervention in Heart Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Younge JO1,2, Wery MF2, Gotink RA2,3,4, Utens EM5, Michels M1, Rizopoulos D6, van Rossum EF7, Hunink MG2,4,8, Roos-Hesselink JW1. PLoS One. 2015 Dec 7 VIEW
A single bout of meditation biases cognitive control but not attentional focusing: Evidence from the global-local task. Colzato LS1, van der Wel P2, Sellaro R2, Hommel B2. Conscious Cogn. 2015 Nov 27 VIEW
A single session of meditation reduces of physiological indices of anger in both experienced and novice meditators. Fennell AB1, Benau EM1, Atchley RA2. Conscious Cogn. 2015 Dec 31 VIEW
Changes in trait brainwave power and coherence, state and trait anxiety after three-month transcendental meditation (TM) practice. Tomljenović H1, Begić D, Maštrović Z. Psychiatr Danub. 2016 Mar VIEW
Mindfulness-based stress reduction and cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic low back pain: similar effects on mindfulness, catastrophizing, self-efficacy, and acceptance in a randomized controlled trial. Turner JA1, Anderson ML, Balderson BH, Cook AJ, Sherman KJ, Cherkin DC Pain. 2016 May 31 VIEW
Tolerability and suitability of brief group mindfulness-oriented interventions in psychiatric inpatients: a pilot study. Nikolitch K1, Laliberté V1, Yu C1, Strychowsky N1, Segal M1, Looper KJ1, Rej S1,2 Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract. 2016 Jun 23 VIEW
Mindfulness Based Programs Implemented with At-Risk Adolescents. Rawlett K1, Scrandis D1 Open Nurs J. 2016 Apr 30 VIEW
Effect of 'Exercise Without Movement' yoga method on mindfulness, anxiety and depression. Tolbaños Roche L1, Miró Barrachina MT2, Ibáñez Fernández I2 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2016 Nov VIEW
The Impact of a Brief Embedded Mindfulness-Based Program for Veterinary Students. Correia HM, Smith AD, Murray S, Polak LS, Williams B, Cake MA J Vet Med Educ. 2017 Spring VIEW
Structural Changes in Socio-Affective Networks: Multi-Modal MRI Findings in Long-Term Meditation Practitioners. Engen HG1, Bernhardt BC2, Skottnik L3, Ricard M4, Singer T5 Neuropsychologia. 2017 Aug 22 VIEW
Efficacy of 8- and 4-Session Mindfulness-Based Interventions in a Non-clinical Population: A Controlled Study. Demarzo M1,2, Montero-Marin J3,4, Puebla-Guedea M4, Navarro-Gil M4, Herrera-Mercadal P4, Moreno-González S5, Calvo-Carrión S5, Bafaluy-Franch L5, Garcia-Campayo J4,6 Front Psychol. 2017 Aug 8 VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi versus Physical Therapy on Mindfulness in Knee Osteoarthritis. Lee AC1, Harvey WF1, Wong JB2,3,4, Price LL2,3, Han X5, Chung M5, Driban JB1, Morgan LPK6, Morgan NL1,7, Wang C1 Mindfulness (N Y). 2017 Oct VIEW
Mind full of life: Does mindfulness confer resilience to suicide by increasing zest for life? Collins KRL1, Stritzke WGK2, Page AC2, Brown JD2, Wylde TJ2 J Affect Disord. 2017 Sep 27 VIEW
Comparative effects of meditation and exercise on physical and psychosocial health outcomes: a review of randomized controlled trials. Edwards MK1, Loprinzi PD1 Postgrad Med. 2017 Nov 22 VIEW
Which Facets of Mindfulness Protect Individuals from the Negative Experiences of Obsessive Intrusive Thoughts? Emerson LM1, Heapy C1, Garcia-Soriano G2 Mindfulness (N Y). 2018 VIEW
The effect of mindfulness training on mental health in long-term Chinese male prisoners. An Y1, Zhou Y1, Huang Q1, Jia K2, Li W3, Xu W1,4 Psychol Health Med. 2018 Aug 22 VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy with Older Adults: A Qualitative Review of Randomized Controlled Outcome Research. Hazlett-Stevens H1, Singer J1, Chong A1 Clin Gerontol. 2018 Sep 11 VIEW
Mindfulness and burnout among beside registered nurses: A cross-sectional study. Zhao J1, Li X2, Xiao H3, Cui N4, Sun L1, Xu Y1 Nurs Health Sci. 2018 Dec 6 VIEW
How does mindfulness modulate daily stress response: evidences from ambulatory assessment. An Y1, Schoebi D2, Xu W1 Psychol Health. 2018 Dec 28 VIEW
Mindfulness-based therapy modulates default-mode network connectivity in patients with opioid dependence. Fahmy R1, Wasfi M1, Mamdouh R1, Moussa K2, Wahba A3, Schmitgen MM4, Kubera KM4, Wolf ND4, Sambataro F5, Wolf RC6 Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2019 Mar 26 VIEW
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