The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.
Title | Author | Journal | Date | |
Noninvasive Treatments for Acute, Subacute, and Chronic Low Back Pain: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American College of Physicians. | Qaseem A1, Wilt TJ1, McLean RM1, Forciea MA, Clinical Guidelines Committee of the American College of Physicians | Ann Intern Med. | 2017 Feb 14 | VIEW |
Noninvasive Nonpharmacological Treatment for Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review Update [Internet]. | Skelly AC, Chou R, Dettori JR, Turner JA, Friedly JL, Rundell SD, Fu R, Brodt ED, Wasson N, Kantner S, Ferguson AJR | AHRQ Comparative Effectiveness Reviews. | 2020 Apr | VIEW |
Nondrug interventions in hypertension prevention and control | Labarthe D//Ayala C | Cardiol Clin | 2002 | VIEW |
Non-verbal communication of compassion: measuring psychophysiologic effects. | Kemper KJ, Shaltout HA. | BMC Complement Altern Med. | 2011 Dec 20 | VIEW |
Non-pharmacological management of hypertension | Narsingh Verma1, Smriti Rastogi1, Yook-Chin Chia2, Saulat Siddique3, Yuda Turana4, Hao-Min Cheng5, Guru Prasad Sogunuru6, Jam Chin Tay7, Boon Wee Teo8, Tzung-Dau Wang9, Kelvin Kam Fai Tsoi10, Kazuomi Kario11 | J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) | 2021 Mar 18 | VIEW |
Non-pharmacological interventions for fatigue in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. | Ho LYW1, Ng SSM2 | Age Ageing. | 2020 Feb 26 | VIEW |
Non-pharmacological Interventions for Anxiety and Depression in Adults With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Suja P Davis1, Linda P Bolin2, Patricia B Crane1, Jamie Crandell3 | Front Psychol | 2020 Nov 5 | VIEW |
Non-pharmacological cognitive enhancement. | Dresler M, Sandberg A, Ohla K, Bublitz C, Trenado C, Mroczko-Wąsowicz A, Kühn S, Repantis D. | Neuropharmacology. | 2012 Jul 22 | VIEW |
Non-linear dynamic complexity of the human EEG during meditation | Aftanas LI//Golocheikine SA | Neurosci Lett | 2002 | VIEW |
No, Mindfulness Meditation-Based Analgesia Is Not Mediated by Endogenous Opioids. | Zeidan F1 | Am J Med. | 2016 Nov | VIEW |
No effects were found in favor of Hatha or Iyengar yoga exercises for improving cancer-related fatigue, depression symptoms, or quality of life: a systematic review with meta-analysis and metaregression | Cristina García-Muñoz1,2, Olga Villar-Alises2, Pablo Rodríguez-Sánchez-Laulhé3,4, Javier Matias-Soto2,5, Javier Martinez-Calderon2,6 | Support Care Cancer | 2023 Dec 5 | VIEW |
New Strategies for Combining Mindfulness with Integrative Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. | Rapgay L, Bystritsky A, Dafter RE, Spearman M. | J Ration Emot Cogn Behav Ther. | 2011 Jun | VIEW |
New Nursing Faculty and Incivility: Applying Mindfulness-Based Strategies. | Green C1 | Holist Nurs Pract. | 2018 Jan/Feb | VIEW |
New Frontiers in the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease | Leonardo Guzman-Martinez1, Camila Calfío1, Gonzalo A Farias2, Cristian Vilches3, Raul Prieto4, Ricardo B Maccioni1,5 | J Alzheimers Dis | 2021 Jan 23 | VIEW |
New Developments in the Psychological Management of Chronic Pain. | Morley S1, Williams A2. | Can J Psychiatry. | 2015 Apr | VIEW |
Neuroscience of the yogic theory of consciousness | Vaibhav Tripathi1, Pallavi Bharadwaj2 | Neurosci Conscious | 2021 Oct 7 | VIEW |
Neuropsychologists as primary care providers of cognitive health: A novel comprehensive cognitive wellness service delivery model. | Pimental PA1,2, O'Hara JB1,2, Jandak JL2 | Appl Neuropsychol Adult. | 2018 Jul-Aug | VIEW |
Neuropsychiatric symptoms and the use of mind-body therapies. | Purohit MP, Wells RE, Zafonte R, Davis RB, Yeh GY, Phillips RS. | J Clin Psychiatry. | 2013 Jun | VIEW |
Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. | Purohit MP, Wells RE, Zafonte RD, Davis RB, Phillips RS. | PM R. | 2012 Oct 23 | VIEW |
Neuroprotective effects of yoga practice: age-, experience-, and frequency-dependent plasticity. | Villemure C1, Čeko M2, Cotton VA2, Bushnell MC3. | Front Hum Neurosci. | 2015 May 12 | VIEW |