The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.
Title | Author | Journal | Date | |
Bundles of Brain Microtubules Generate Electrical Oscillations | María del Rocío Cantero1, Cecilia Villa Etchegoyen2, Paula L. Perez1, Noelia Scarinci1 & Horacio F. Cantiello1 | Scientific Reports | 2018 Aug 9 | VIEW |
Interpretation of acupoint location in traditional Chinese medicine teaching: Implications for acupuncture in research and clinical practice | Yi Zhang1 | Anat Rec (Hoboken) | 2021 Mar 19 | VIEW |
Non-pharmacological management of hypertension | Narsingh Verma1, Smriti Rastogi1, Yook-Chin Chia2, Saulat Siddique3, Yuda Turana4, Hao-Min Cheng5, Guru Prasad Sogunuru6, Jam Chin Tay7, Boon Wee Teo8, Tzung-Dau Wang9, Kelvin Kam Fai Tsoi10, Kazuomi Kario11 | J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) | 2021 Mar 18 | VIEW |
Investigating the relationship between emotional granularity and cardiorespiratory physiological activity in daily life | Katie Hoemann1, Zulqarnain Khan2, Nada Kamona3, Jennifer Dy2, Lisa Feldman Barrett3,4,5, Karen S Quigley3,6 | Psychophysiology | 2021 Mar 25 | VIEW |
What type of physical exercise should be recommended for improving arterial stiffness on adult population? A network meta-analysis | Alicia Saz-Lara1, Iván Cavero-Redondo1,2, Celia Álvarez-Bueno1,3, Blanca Notario-Pacheco1, Sara Reina-Gutiérrez1, Irene Sequí-Domínguez1, Jonatan R Ruiz4, Vicente Martínez-Vizcaíno1,5 | Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs | 2021 Apr 9 | VIEW |
Exploring the Effect of Mindfulness on Burnout in a Pediatric Emergency Department | Lauren Palladino1, Kei U Wong2, Melissa L Langhan3 | Workplace Health Saf | 2021 Apr 13 | VIEW |
Sudarshan Kriya Yoga: A Breath of Hope during COVID-19 Pandemic | Sameer Anil Zope1, Rakesh Anil Zope2, Gabriella Andrea Biri3, Charushila Sameer Zope4 | Int J Yoga | Jan-Apr 2021 | VIEW |
Diminished Age-related Decline of the Amygdala in Long-term Meditation Practitioners | Eileen Luders1, Felipe A Jain, Florian Kurth | Psychosom Med | 2021 Jan 19 | VIEW |
How do you feel? Interoception: the sense of the physiological condition of the body | A D Craig | Nat Rev Neurosci | 2002 Aug 1 | VIEW |
People-centred health systems, a bottom-up approach: where theory meets empery | Joachim P Sturmberg1, Alice Njoroge2 | J Eval Clin Pract | 2017 Apr 1 | VIEW |
Rethinking general practice for the 21st century. The patient counts! | Joachim P Sturmberg1, Carmel Martin, Leon Piterman | Aust Fam Physician | 2003 Dec 1 | VIEW |
The Relationship between Oscillations in Brain Regions and Functional Connectivity: A Critical Analysis with the Aid of Neural Mass Models | Giulia Ricci1, Elisa Magosso1, Mauro Ursino1 | Brain Sci | 2021 Apr 12 | VIEW |
Effects of electromagnetic fields on neuronal ion channels: a systematic review | Federico Bertagna1,2, Rebecca Lewis1,2, S Ravi P Silva1,3, Johnjoe McFadden1,4, Kamalan Jeevaratnam1,2 | Ann N Y Acad Sci | 2021 May 4 | VIEW |
The effects of reiki on heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and stress levels: A pilot randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled study | Namuun Bat1 | Complement Ther Clin Pract | 2021 May 1 | VIEW |
The effect of whole-body vibration exercise on postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis | Shengqin Cao1, Zhongfang Wang1, Chongyang Li2, Qiaoli Wang1 | Medicine (Baltimore) | 2021 May 7 | VIEW |
Life events are associated with elevated heart rate and reduced heart complexity to acute psychological stress | Martha Schneider1, Michele M Kraemmer2, Bernhard Weber2, Andreas R Schwerdtfeger2 | Biol Psychol | 2021 May 12 | VIEW |
Gut-brain communication and obesity: understanding functions of the vagus nerve | Hans-Rudolf Berthoud1, Vance L Albaugh2, Winfried L Neuhuber3 | J Clin Invest | 2021 May 17 | VIEW |
Tai Chi postural training for dyskinesia rehabilitation: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial in convalescent ischaemic stroke patients | Chengyang Jing1,2, Kuangshi Li2, Zongheng Li3, Yiting Sun1,2, Jiabao Wu1,2, Yingjie Li1,2, Yuyue Li1,2, Li Zhou2, Zhe Zhang2, Mingzhi Zhao2, Yong Zhang2 | BMJ Open | 2021 May 18 | VIEW |
The Fourth Bioelectronic Medicine Summit "Technology Targeting Molecular Mechanisms": current progress, challenges, and charting the future | Timir Datta-Chaudhuri1, Theodoros Zanos1, Eric H Chang1, Peder S Olofsson2, Stephan Bickel1, Chad Bouton1, Daniel Grande1, Loren Rieth1,3, Cynthia Aranow1, Ona Bloom1, Ashesh D Mehta1, Gene Civillico4, Molly M Stevens5, Eric Głowacki6, Christopher Bettinger7, Martin Schüettler8, Chris Puleo9, Robert Rennaker10, Saroj Mohanta11, Daniela Carnevale12,13, Silvia V Conde14, Bruno Bonaz15, David Chernoff16, Suraj Kapa17, Magnus Berggren6, Kip Ludwig18, Stavros Zanos1, Larry Miller1, Doug Weber7, Daniel Yoshor19, Lawrence Steinman20, Sangeeta S Chavan21, Valentin A Pavlov22, Yousef Al-Abed23, Kevin J Tracey24 | Bioelectron Med | 2021 May 24 | VIEW |
Are bioelectrical parameters and functionality associated with postural control in the elderly? | Giovana Navarro Bertolini1, Bruna Spolador de Alencar Silva2, Vanessa Ribeiro Dos Santos3, Iracimara de Anchieta Messias4, José Procópio Jabur Ribeiro5, Elisabetta Marini6, Luís Alberto Gobbo7 | Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) | 2021 Feb 1 | VIEW |