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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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4835 matches found.
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Title Author Journal Date
The impact of Tai Chi and Qigong mind-body exercises on motor and non-motor function and quality of life in Parkinson's disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Song R1, Grabowska W2, Park M3, Osypiuk K4, Vergara-Diaz GP5, Bonato P6, Hausdorff JM7, Fox M8, Sudarsky LR9, Macklin E10, Wayne PM11 Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2017 May 25 VIEW
The impact of Tai Chi and mind-body breathing in COPD: Insights from a qualitative sub-study of a randomized controlled trial Elizabeth A Gilliam1, Tina Cheung1, Kristen Kraemer1,2, Daniel Litrownik1, Peter M Wayne2, Marilyn L Moy2,3, Gloria Y Yeh1,2 PLoS One 2021 Apr 8 VIEW
The impact of qigong telecontrol experiment on the structure of matters Zhang Yuanming 1//Tian Laike 2//Yan Wenhong 2 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
The impact of physical therapy on functional outcomes after stroke: what's the evidence? Van Peppen RP//Kwakkel G//Wood-Dauphinee S//Hendriks HJ//// Clin Rehabil 2004 VIEW
The Impact of Mind-body Exercises on Motor Function, Depressive Symptoms, and Quality of Life in Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Jin X1, Wang L1, Liu S2, Zhu L3, Loprinzi PD4, Fan X5 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Dec 18 VIEW
The impact of mind-body exercise on the quality of life in older adults: the chain mediation effect of perceived social support and psychological resilience Qingqing Yang1, Yinkai Zhang1, Shiying Li1,2 Front Public Health 2024 Oct 3 VIEW
The impact of group-based Tai chi on health-status outcomes among community-dwelling older adults with hypertension. Ma C1, Zhou W2, Tang Q3, Huang S4 Heart Lung. 2018 May 16 VIEW
The Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation of Different Parameters on Platelet Oxygen Metabolism - In Vitro Studies. Lewicka M1, Henrykowska GA1, Pacholski K2, Szczęsny A2, Dziedziczak-Buczyńska M1, Buczyński A1. Adv Clin Exp Med. 2015 Jan-Feb VIEW
The Impact of Different Modes of Exercise Training on Bone Mineral Density in Older Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Research. Mohammad Rahimi GR1,2, Smart NA3, Liang MTC4, Bijeh N5, Albanaqi AL3,6, Fathi M1, Niyazi A7, Mohammad Rahimi N8 Calcif Tissue Int. 2020 Feb 13 VIEW
The Impact of Complementary and Alternative Medicine on Modern Psychology Turner F First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
The Impact of Complementary and Alternative Medicine on Insomnia: A Systematic Review Kanika Verma1, Deepeshwar Singh1, Alok Srivastava2 Cureus 2022 Aug 26 VIEW
The impact of cardiac afferent signaling and interoceptive abilities on passive information sampling Aleksandra M Herman1, Manos Tsakiris2 Int J Psychophysiol 2021 Feb 11 VIEW
The impact of body posture on intrinsic brain activity: The role of beta power at rest. Donno B1,2, Migliorati D1,2,3, Zappasodi F1,2, Perrucci MG1,2, Costantini M2,4 PLoS One. 2020 Jan 24 VIEW
The impact of a brief mindfulness training on interoception: A randomized controlled trial Geissy Lainny de Lima-Araujo1,2, Geovan Menezes de Sousa Júnior1, Thatiane Mendes1, Marcelo Demarzo3, Norman Farb2, Draulio Barros de Araujo1, Maria Bernardete Cordeiro de Sousa1 PLoS One 2022 Sep 7 VIEW
The human brain response to acupuncture on same-meridian acupoints: evidence from an fMRI study Li L, Liu H, Li YZ, Xu JY, Shan BC, Gong D, Li KC, Tang XW. J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Jul VIEW
The heart field effect: Synchronization of healer-subject heart rates in energy therapy. Bair CC. Adv Mind Body Med. 2008 Winter VIEW
The health impact of an innovative summer camp for older adults: a pilot study using an interdisciplinary collaborative approach Mei-Hua Yeh1, Cheng-Hsien Huang2, Yu-Chih Lin2, Tung-Jung Huang3,4, Mei-Yen Chen5,6,7,8 BMC Nurs 2022 Jan 4 VIEW
The health effects of Baduanjin exercise (a type of Qigong exercise) in breast cancer survivors: A randomized, controlled, single-blinded trial. Ying W1, Min QW2, Lei T3, Na ZX4, Li L5, Jing L6 Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2019 Apr VIEW
The Health Benefits of Yoga and Exercise: A Review of Comparison Studies. Ross A, Thomas S. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Jan VIEW
The Healing Journey Simonton OC//Henson R//Hampton B 2002 VIEW
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