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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
How ultraviolet light touches the brain and endocrine system through skin, and why. Slominski AT1,2, Zmijewski MA3, Plonka PM4, Szaflarski JP5, Paus R6,7 Endocrinology. 2018 Mar 12 VIEW
From the basic science of biological effects of ultrashort electrical pulses to medical therapies. Schoenbach KH1 Bioelectromagnetics. 2018 Mar 12 VIEW
The effect of reiki on pain: A meta-analysis. Demir Doğan M1 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018 Mar 10 VIEW
Comparison of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure levels in different everyday microenvironments in an international context. Sagar S1, Adem SM2, Struchen B2, Loughran SP3, Brunjes ME4, Arangua L4, Dalvie MA5, Croft RJ3, Jerrett M6, Moskowitz JM7, Kuo T8, Röösli M9 Environ Int. 2018 Mar 9 VIEW
Whole-Body Vibrations Associated With Alpine Skiing: A Risk Factor for Low Back Pain? Supej M1, Ogrin J1, Holmberg HC2,3,4 Front Physiol. 2018 Mar 9 VIEW
Radial shockwave treatment promotes human mesenchymal stem cell self-renewal and enhances cartilage healing. Zhang H1, Li ZL2, Yang F3, Zhang Q1, Su XZ1, Li J1, Zhang N1,4, Liu CH1, Mao N5, Zhu H6 Stem Cell Res Ther. 2018 Mar 9 VIEW
Acupuncture (PDQ®): Health Professional Version. National Cancer Institute PDQ Cancer Information Summaries [Internet] 2018 Mar 8 VIEW
Extremely low frequency variable electromagnetic fields affect cancer and noncancerous cells in vitro differently: Preliminary study. Koziorowska A1,2, Romerowicz-Misielak M2, Sołek P3, Koziorowski M3 Electromagn Biol Med. 2018 Mar 7 VIEW
The Bioelectric Code: Reprogramming Cancer and Aging From the Interface of Mechanical and Chemical Microenvironments. Silver BB1, Nelson CM1,2 Front Cell Dev Biol. 2018 Mar 6 VIEW
Fear of Falling and Balance Confidence in Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Scoping Review. Hewston P1, Deshpande N2 Can J Diabetes. 2018 Mar 6 VIEW
Tai Chi for older adults with chronic multisite pain: a randomized controlled pilot study. You T1, Ogawa EF2, Thapa S3, Cai Y3, Zhang H4, Nagae S2, Yeh GY5,6, Wayne PM6,7, Shi L3, Leveille SG3,5,6 Aging Clin Exp Res. 2018 Mar 6 VIEW
Interventional programmes to improve cognition during healthy and pathological ageing: Cortical modulations and evidence for brain plasticity. Cespón J1, Miniussi C2, Pellicciari MC3 Ageing Res Rev. 2018 Mar 6 VIEW
The association between telomere length and frailty: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Zhou J1, Wang J2, Shen Y3, Yang Y1, Huang P4, Chen S1, Zou C1, Dong B5 Exp Gerontol. 2018 Mar 5 VIEW
Effects of Tibetan Music on Neuroendocrine and Autonomic Functions in Patients Waiting for Surgery: A Randomized, Controlled Study. Cotoia A1, Dibello F1, Moscatelli F2, Sciusco A3, Polito P4, Modolo A5, Gallo C2, Cibelli G2, Cinnella G1 Anesthesiol Res Pract. 2018 Mar 5 VIEW
Insight Meditation and Telomere Biology: The Effects of Intensive Retreat and the Moderating Role of Personality. Conklin QA1, King BG2, Zanesco AP2, Lin J3, Hamidi AB4, Pokorny JJ5, Jesús Álvarez-López M6, Cosín-Tomás M6, Huang C3, Kaliman P7, Epel ES8, Saron CD9 Brain Behav Immun. 2018 Mar 5 VIEW
The Effect of Music Therapy Entrainment on Physiologic Measures of Infants in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit: Single Case Withdrawal Pilot Study. Yurkovich J1, Burns DS2, Harrison T3 J Music Ther. 2018 Mar 5 VIEW
EEG-Based Analysis of the Emotional Effect of Music Therapy on Palliative Care Cancer Patients. Ramirez R1, Planas J2, Escude N3, Mercade J3, Farriols C2 Front Psychol. 2018 Mar 2 VIEW
An integrative Tai Chi program for patients with breast cancer undergoing cancer therapy: study protocol for a randomized controlled feasibility study. Liu L1, Petrich S2, McLaren B3, Kelly L3, Baxter GD4 J Integr Med. 2018 Mar VIEW
Inflammatory biomarkers responses after acute whole body vibration in fibromyalgia. Ribeiro VGC1, Mendonça VA1,2,3, Souza ALC2, Fonseca SF1, Camargos ACR2,4, Lage VKS1, Neves CDC1, Santos JM2, Teixeira LAC2, Vieira ELM5, Teixeira Junior AL5, Mezêncio B6, Fernandes JSC7, Leite HR1,2,3, Poortmans JR8, Lacerda ACR1,2,3 Braz J Med Biol Res. 2018 Mar 1 VIEW
Falls and Social Isolation of Older Adults in the National Health and Aging Trends Study. Pohl JS, Cochrane BB, Schepp KG, Woods NF Res Gerontol Nurs. 2018 Mar 1 VIEW
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