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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) enhances conflict-triggered adjustment of cognitive control. Fischer R1, Ventura-Bort C2, Hamm A3, Weymar M2 Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2018 Apr 24 VIEW
Coupling of respiration and attention via the locus coeruleus: Effects of meditation and pranayama. Melnychuk MC1, Dockree PM1, O'Connell RG1, Murphy PR2, Balsters JH3, Robertson IH4 Psychophysiology. 2018 Apr 22 VIEW
Underlying Signaling Pathways and Therapeutic Applications of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in Bone Repair. Yuan J1, Xin F2, Jiang W1 Cell Physiol Biochem. 2018 Apr 20 VIEW
The Effects of Tai Chi Intervention on Healthy Elderly by Means of Neuroimaging and EEG: A Systematic Review. Pan Z1, Su X2, Fang Q1, Hou L2, Lee Y1, Chen CC1, Lamberth J1, Kim ML3 Front Aging Neurosci. 2018 Apr 18 VIEW
Efficacy of a biomechanically-based yoga exercise program in knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial. Kuntz AB1, Chopp-Hurley JN2, Brenneman EC1, Karampatos S2, Wiebenga EG2, Adachi JD3, Noseworthy MD4, Maly MR1,2,5 PLoS One. 2018 Apr 17 VIEW
Effectiveness of meditative movement on COPD: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Wu LL1, Lin ZK2, Weng HD3, Qi QF1, Lu J4, Liu KX5 Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2018 Apr 17 VIEW
Short Exposures to an Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Field (ELF MF) Enhance Protein but not mRNA Alkaline Phosphatase Expression in Human Osteosarcoma Cells. Rescigno T1, Capasso A1, Bisceglia B1, Tecce MF1 Open Biochem J. 2018 Apr 17 VIEW
The effect of music on postoperative recovery in older patients: A systematic review. van der Wal-Huisman H1, Dons KSK2, Smilde R2, Heineman E1, van Leeuwen BL3 J Geriatr Oncol. 2018 Apr 17 VIEW
Tai Chi Improves Brain Metabolism and Muscle Energetics in Older Adults. Zhou M1,2,3, Liao H1, Sreepada LP1, Ladner JR1, Balschi JA4, Lin AP1 J Neuroimaging. 2018 Apr 17 VIEW
How long does telomerase extend telomeres? Regulation of telomerase release and telomere length homeostasis. Tomita K1 Curr Genet. 2018 Apr 16 VIEW
A Randomized Trial Evaluating School-Based Mindfulness Intervention for Ethnic Minority Youth: Exploring Mediators and Moderators of Intervention Effects. Fung J1, Kim JJ2, Jin J1, Chen G1, Bear L3, Lau AS4 J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2018 Apr 13 VIEW
Mobile phone specific electromagnetic fields induce transient DNA damage and nucleotide excision repair in serum-deprived human glioblastoma cells. Al-Serori H1, Ferk F1, Kundi M2, Bileck A3, Gerner C3, Mišík M1, Nersesyan A1, Waldherr M1, Murbach M4, Lah TT5, Herold-Mende C6, Collins AR7, Knasmüller S1 PLoS One. 2018 Apr 12 VIEW
Tackling Osteoarthritic Knee Pain with Electroacupuncture. Chen J1, Liu XX2 Chin J Integr Med. 2018 Apr 12 VIEW
Effects of Mind-Body Exercises for Mood and Functional Capabilities in Patients with Stroke: An Analytical Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Zou L1, Yeung A2,3, Zeng N4, Wang C5, Sun L6, Thomas GA7, Wang H8 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Apr 11 VIEW
Efficacy of Acupuncture in the Management of Primary Dysmenorrhoea: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Shetty GB1, Shetty B2, Mooventhan A3 J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2018 Apr 11 VIEW
Common and Dissociable Neural Activity Following Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Relaxation Response Programs. Sevinc G1, Hölzel BK1,2, Hashmi J3, Greenberg J1, McCallister A1,4, Treadway M5, Schneider ML1, Dusek JA6,7, Carmody J8, Lazar SW1 Psychosom Med. 2018 Apr 10 VIEW
Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) and Other Augmentation Strategies for Therapy-Resistant Depression (TRD): Review of the Evidence and Clinical Advice for Use. Müller HHO1, Moeller S2, Lücke C1, Lam AP1, Braun N1,2, Philipsen A1 Front Neurosci. 2018 Apr 10 VIEW
Effect of Tai Chi for the prevention or treatment of osteoporosis in elderly adults: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Mu WQ#1, Huang XY#1, Zhang J1, Liu XC1, Huang MM1 BMJ Open. 2018 Apr 9 VIEW
Perceived Activities and Participation Outcomes of a Yoga Intervention for Individuals with Parkinson's Disease: A Mixed Methods Study. Hawkins BL1, Van Puymbroeck M1, Walter A1, Sharp J2, Woshkolup K3, Urrea-Mendoza E4, Revilla F4, Schmid AA2 Int J Yoga Therap. 2018 Apr 9 VIEW
Postural awareness and its relation to pain: validation of an innovative instrument measuring awareness of body posture in patients with chronic pain. Cramer H1,2, Mehling WE3, Saha FJ4, Dobos G4, Lauche R5 BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2018 Apr 6 VIEW
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