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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Precision knockdown of EGFR gene expression using radio frequency electromagnetic energy. Ulasov IV1, Foster H2, Butters M3, Yoon JG2, Ozawa T4, Nicolaides T4, Figueroa X3, Hothi P2, Prados M4, Butters J3, Cobbs C5 J Neurooncol. 2017 Apr 22 VIEW
Extracellular and Intracellular Fluid Shifts on the Onset of Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation. Ulgen Y, Buyuksarac B, Tunc B, Solmaz H Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2019 Jul VIEW
Neuroimaging during Trance State: A Contribution to the Study of Dissociation ulio Fernando Peres 1,2,3*, Alexander Moreira-Almeida 4, Leonardo Caixeta 5, Frederico Leao 3, Andrew Newberg 1,2,6 PLoS ONE 2012 VIEW
Controlled clinical trials evaluating the homeopathic treatment of people with human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immune deficiency syndrome Ullman D J Altern Complement Med 2003 VIEW
Psychoneuroimmunology: the experiential dimension. Ulvestad E. Methods Mol Biol. 2012 VIEW
Use of Mind-Body Therapies Among Young Adults Aged 18-24 Years: Findings From the 2012 National Health Interview Survey. Upchurch DM1, Gill M2, Jiang L3, Prelip M4, Slusser W5 J Adolesc Health. 2018 Jun 30 VIEW
Effect of a single session of ear acupuncture on pain intensity and postural control in individuals with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. Ushinohama A1, Cunha BP1, Costa LO2,3, Barela AM1, Freitas PB1 Braz J Phys Ther. 2016 Jun 16 VIEW
Effect of a single session of ear acupuncture on pain intensity and postural control in individuals with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. Ushinohama A1, Cunha BP1, Costa LO2,3, Barela AM1, Freitas PB1 Braz J Phys Ther. 2016 Jul-Aug VIEW
Immediate effects of a brief mindfulness-based body scan on patients with chronic pain. Ussher M, Spatz A, Copland C, Nicolaou A, Cargill A, Amini-Tabrizi N, McCracken LM. J Behav Med. 2012 Nov 6 VIEW
Comparing the effects of whole-body vibration to standard exercise in ambulatory people with Multiple Sclerosis: A randomised controlled feasibility study. Uszynski MK1, Purtill H2, Donnelly A3, Coote S4. Clin Rehabil. 2015 Jul 27 VIEW
Effect of Breathwalk on body composition, metabolic and mood state in chronic hepatitis C patients with insulin resistance syndrome V?zquez-Vandyck M, Roman S, V?zquez JL, Huacuja L, Khalsa G, Troyo-Sanrom?n R, Panduro A World J Gastroenterol. 2007 Dec 14 VIEW
Epigenetic Engineering and Its Possible Role in Anti-Aging Intervention Vaiserman AM. Rejuvenation Res. 2008 Feb 8 VIEW
Mapping the Anatomy of the Human Lymphatic System Valeria P Bustos1, Robin Wang2, Jaime Pardo1, Avinash Boppana3, Griffin Weber4, Max Itkin5, Dhruv Singhal1 J Reconstr Microsurg 2024 Mar 28 VIEW
Perspectives on yoga inputs in the management of chronic pain. Vallath N. Indian J Palliat Care. 2010 Jan VIEW
Accurate human tissue characterization for energy-efficient wireless on-body communications. Vallejo M, Recas J, Del Valle PG, Ayala JL. Sensors (Basel). 2013 Jun 10 VIEW
Qigong and cancer: a research project with Professor Huawen Wu Van Benschoten M M 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Systemic treatment with pulsed electromagnetic fields do not affect bone microarchitecture in osteoporotic rats. van der Jagt OP, van der Linden JC, Waarsing JH, Verhaar JA, Weinans H. Int Orthop. 2012 Jan 17 VIEW
Capturing the complexity of mental disorders in the medically ill: the network approach on behavioral medicine. van der Lee ML1, Schellekens MPJ1 Transl Behav Med. 2019 Feb 12 VIEW
The effectiveness of mindfulness meditation for nurses and nursing students: An integrated literature review. van der Riet P1, Levett-Jones T2, Aquino-Russell C3 Nurse Educ Today. 2018 Mar 24 VIEW
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