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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Scientific Basis for the Use of Indian Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants in the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disorders: Ashwagandha. Ven Murthy MR, Ranjekar PK, Ramassamy C, Deshpande M. Cent Nerv Syst Agents Med Chem. 2010 Jun 9 VIEW
Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Model to Gain Perspective of the Benefits of Yoga in Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, and Children to Inform Practice for Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Meta-Analysis. Veneri D1, Gannotti M2, Bertucco M3, Fournier Hillman SE2 J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Feb 6 VIEW
Unifying Microscopic and Continuum Treatments of van der Waals and Casimir Interactions. Venkataram PS1, Hermann J2, Tkatchenko A2,3, Rodriguez AW1 Phys Rev Lett. 2017 Jun 30 VIEW
Tantra and Modern Neurosciences: Is there any Correlation? Venkatraman A1, Nandy R2, Rao SS3, Mehta DH4, Viswanathan A5, Jayasundar R6 Neurol India. 2019 Sep-Oct VIEW
A Combination of Gestalt Therapy, Rosen Body Work, and Cranio Sacral Therapy did not help in Chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorders (WAD) - Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial Ventegodt S//Merrick J//Andersen NJ//Bendix T ScientificWorldJournal 2004 VIEW
Clinical holistic medicine: treatment of physical health problems without a known cause, exemplified by hypertension and tinnitus Ventegodt S//Mohammed Morad M//Kandel I//Merrick J ScientificWorldJournal 2004 VIEW
Clinical holistic medicine: problems in sex and living together Ventegodt S//Morad M,//Kandel I//Merrick J ScientificWorldJournal 2004 VIEW
Clinical holistic medicine: holistic sexology and treatment of vulvodynia through existential therapy and acceptance through touch Ventegodt S//Morad M//Hyam E//Merrick J ScientificWorldJournal 2004 VIEW
Fashioning Cellular Rhythms with Magnetic Energy and Sound Vibration: a New Perspective for Regenerative Medicine Ventura C CellR4 2014 Mar 31 VIEW
Subjective Sleep Quality and hormonal modulation in long-term yoga practitioners. Vera FM, Manzaneque JM, Maldonado EF, Carranque GA, Rodriguez FM, Blanca MJ, Morell M. Biol Psychol. 2009 Jul VIEW
Acute Effects on the Counts of Innate and Adaptive Immune Response Cells After 1 Month of Taoist Qigong Practice. Vera FM1, Manzaneque JM2, Rodríguez FM3, Bendayan R2, Fernández N4, Alonso A4. Int J Behav Med. 2015 Sep 14 VIEW
Physical therapy interventions for older people with vertigo, dizziness and balance disorders addressing mobility and participation: a systematic review Verena Regauer1,2, Eva Seckler3,4, Martin Müller5, Petra Bauer5 BMC Geriatr 2020 Nov 23 VIEW
Participation trends in holistic movement practices: a 10-year comparison of yoga/Pilates and t'ai chi/qigong use among a national sample of 195,926 Australians. Vergeer I1,2, Bennie JA3,4, Charity MJ4,5, Harvey JT4,5, van Uffelen JGZ4,6, Biddle SJH3,4, Eime RM4,5 BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017 Jun 6 VIEW
Analgesic effect of the electromagnetic resonant frequencies derived from the NMR spectrum of morphine. Verginadis II, Simos YV, Velalopoulou AP, Vadalouca AN, Kalfakakou VP, Karkabounas SC, Evangelou AM. Electromagn Biol Med. 2012 Jun 12 VIEW
[Associations between depression, anxiety and telomere length in a large Dutch psychiatric cohort study]. Verhoeven JE, van Oppen P, Penninx BWJH Tijdschr Psychiatr. 2017 VIEW
Anxiety disorders and accelerated cellular ageing. Verhoeven JE1, Révész D1, van Oppen P1, Epel ES1, Wolkowitz OM1, Penninx BW1. Br J Psychiatry. 2015 Feb 5 VIEW
Cardiac Sympathetic-Parasympathetic Interaction: The Endless Story of Yin and Yang Veronica Dusi1, Gaetano Maria De Ferrari2, Douglas L Mann3 JACC Basic Transl Sci 2020 Aug 24 VIEW
Biophysical stimulation of the knee with PEMFs: from bench to bedside. Vicenti G1, Bizzoca D1, Nappi VS1, Moretti F2, Carrozzo M1, Belviso V1, Moretti B1 J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2018 Nov-Dec VIEW
Meditation Alters Representations of Peripersonal Space: Evidence From Auditory Evoked Potentials Viet Han H Nguyen1, Shannon B Palmer1, Jacob S Aday2, Christopher C Davoli2, Emily K Bloesch3 Conscious Cogn 2020 Jul 7 VIEW
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): A review of genetic damage investigations. Vijayalaxmi1, Fatahi M2, Speck O3. Mutat Res Rev Mutat Res. 2015 Apr-Jun VIEW
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