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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Comorbidity, multimorbidity and personalized psychosomatic medicine: epigenetics rolling on the horizon. Jakovljević M, Reiner Z, Milicić D, Crncević Z. Psychiatr Danub. 2010 Jun VIEW
Comparative analysis of the integrated values of electrical brain waves before and after the state of Qigong. Guangshang, Zhao et al. Shanghai J. of TCM (Chinese) 1979 VIEW
Comparative effect of Liuzijue Qigong and conventional respiratory training on trunk control ability and respiratory muscle function in patients at an early recovery stage from stroke: a randomized controlled trial Yanan Zheng1, Ying Zhang2, Hongli Li3, Lei Qiao4, Weijie Fu5, Long Yu4, Gaiyan Li4, Jianzhong Yang4, Weidong Ni4, Zhijie Yong4, Yanmin Wang4, Hang Fan4 Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2020 Aug 11 VIEW
Comparative effect of Tai Chi and aerobic exercise on cognitive function in advanced lung cancer survivors with perceived cognitive impairment: a three-arm randomized controlled trial with mediation analysis Naomi Takemura1, Denise Shuk Ting Cheung1, Daniel Yee Tak Fong1, Anne Wing Mui Lee2,3, Tai-Chung Lam2,3, James Chung-Man Ho4, Tsz Yeung Kam5, Jeannie Yin Kwan Chik6, Chia-Chin Lin7,8 J Cancer Surviv 2024 May 1 VIEW
Comparative effectiveness of breathing exercises in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Nicola Marotta1, Andrea Demeco2, Lucrezia Moggio2, Cinzia Marinaro2, Ilaria Pino2, Marianna Barletta2, Annalisa Petraroli2, Davide Pepe2, Francesco Lavano2, Antonio Ammendolia2 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2020 Nov 17 VIEW
Comparative effectiveness of electro-acupuncture versus gabapentin for sleep disturbances in breast cancer survivors with hot flashes: a randomized trial. Garland SN1, Xie SX, Li Q, Seluzicki C, Basal C, Mao JJ Menopause. 2016 Nov 21 VIEW
Comparative effectiveness of exercise and drug interventions on mortality outcomes: metaepidemiological study Huseyin Naci1, John P A Ioannidis2 Br J Sports Med 2015 Nov 1 VIEW
Comparative effectiveness of exercise programs for psychological well-being in knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Michelle Hall1, Fiona Dobson2, Ans Van Ginckel3, Rachel K Nelligan2, Natalie J Collins4, Michelle D Smith4, Megan H Ross5, Esther Smits5, Kim L Bennell2 Semin Arthritis Rheum 2021 Jul 26 VIEW
Comparative effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave, ultrasound, low-level laser therapy, noninvasive interactive neurostimulation, and pulsed radiofrequency treatment for treating plantar fasciitis: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Li X1, Zhang L2, Gu S1, Sun J1, Qin Z3, Yue J4, Zhong Y5, Ding N2, Gao R6 Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Oct VIEW
Comparative effectiveness of physical exercise interventions for chronic non-specific neck pain: a systematic review with network meta-analysis of 40 randomised controlled trials Rutger Mj de Zoete1,2, Nigel R Armfield3, James H McAuley4, Kenneth Chen3,5, Michele Sterling3 Br J Sports Med 2020 Nov 2 VIEW
Comparative Effectiveness of Tai Chi Versus Physical Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Trial Chenchen Wang, MD, MSc; Christopher H. Schmid, PhD; Maura D. Iversen, SD, DPT, MPH; William F. Harvey, MD, MSc; Roger A. Fielding, PhD; Jeffrey B. Driban, PhD; Lori Lyn Price, MAS; John B. Wong, MD; Kieran F. Reid, PhD, MPH; Ramel Rones; and Timothy McAlindon, MD, MPH Ann Intern Med. 2016 May 17 VIEW
Comparative Effectiveness of Three Exercise Types to Treat Clinical Depression in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials. Miller KJ1, Gonçalves-Bradley DC2, Areerob P3, Hennessy D3, Mesagno C3, Grace F3 Ageing Res Rev. 2019 Dec 11 VIEW
Comparative Effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Psychosocial Care in the Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders-Associated Chronic Facial Pain. Ritenbaugh C, Hammerschlag R, Dworkin SF, Aickin MG, Mist SD, Elder CR, Harris RE. J Pain. 2012 Oct 8 VIEW
Comparative Effectiveness of Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation vs Citalopram for Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized Trial Shaoyuan Li1, Peijing Rong2, Yu Wang1, Guixing Jin3, Xiaobing Hou4, Suxia Li5, Xue Xiao4, Wei Zhou6, Yue Wu3, Yaping Liu6, Yue Zhang1, Bin Zhao1, Yiting Huang7, Jin Cao7, Helen Chen7, Sierra Hodges7, Mark Vangel8, Jian Kong7 Neuromodulation 2021 Dec 18 VIEW
Comparative effects of exercise interventions and mindfulness-based interventions for cognitive impairment and quality of life in breast cancer survivors during or after cancer treatment: A systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis Qing Zeng1, Caiyue Li, Tana Yu, Hongchen Zhang Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2024 Apr 30 VIEW
Comparative Effects of Physical Exercise and Other Behavioral Interventions on Functional Status Outcomes in Mild Cognitive Impairment Anne L Shandera-Ochsner1, Melanie J Chandler2, Dona E Locke3, Colleen T Ball4, Julia E Crook4, Vaishali S Phatak5, Glenn E Smith6 J Int Neuropsychol Soc 2021 Jul 26 VIEW
Comparative efficacy and acceptability of non-pharmacological interventions for depression in people living with HIV: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Ting Zhao1, Chulei Tang2, Huang Yan3, Qiaoyue Lu3, Meiying Guo4, Honghong Wang5 Int J Nurs Stud 2023 Feb 6 VIEW
Comparative efficacy of a 12 week yoga-based lifestyle intervention and dietary intervention on adipokines, inflammation, and oxidative stress in adults with metabolic syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Yadav R1, Yadav RK1, Khadgawat R2, Pandey RM3 Transl Behav Med. 2018 Jul 17 VIEW
Comparative efficacy of exercise regimens on sleep quality in older adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Faizul Hasan1, Yu-Kang Tu2, Chih-Ming Lin3, Li-Pang Chuang4, Chii Jeng1, Lia Taurussia Yuliana1, Ting-Jhen Chen5, Hsiao-Yean Chiu6 Sleep Med Rev 2022 Aug 27 VIEW
Comparative efficacy of mind-body exercise for depression in breast cancer survivors: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Liangrong Geng1, Yi Duan1, Xiaoyu Li1, Shujin Yue1, Ruxue Li1, Hongxia Liu1, Chunxiang Su1 Worldviews Evid Based Nurs 2023 Aug 1 VIEW
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