Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Great leader jin mother of congenital internal dan tao and preliminary exploration of her internal dan gong Su Huaren//Yang Zhangjiang//Liu Yurong 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Graded and dispersed MRAC model of control system in internal environment of human body Hu Haichang//Hu Younong 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
Got yoga?: A longitudinal analysis of thematic content and models' appearance-related attributes in advertisements spanning four decades of Yoga Journal. Vinoski E1, Webb JB2, Warren-Findlow J3, Brewer KA4, Kiffmeyer KA4 Body Image. 2017 Feb 16 VIEW
Good vibrations - effects of whole body vibration on attention in healthy individuals and individuals with ADHD. Fuermaier AB1, Tucha L1, Koerts J1, van Heuvelen MJ2, van der Zee EA3, Lange KW4, Tucha O1. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 28 VIEW
Global research trends in the effects of exercise on depression: A bibliometric study over the past two decades Li-Kun Ge1,2, Zheng Huang3, Gao-Xia Wei1,2 Heliyon 2024 Jun 7 VIEW
Getting the grip on nonspecific treatment effects: emesis in patients randomized to acupuncture or sham compared to patients receiving standard care. Enblom A, Lekander M, Hammar M, Johnsson A, Onelöv E, Ingvar M, Steineck G, Börjeson S. PLoS One. 2011 Mar 23 VIEW
Getting started with taiji: investigating students expectations and teachers appraisals of taiji beginners courses. Nedeljkovic M, Bürgler C, Wirtz PH, Seiler R, Streitberger KM, Ausfeld-Hafter B. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Getting Active Mindfully: Rationale and Case Illustration of a Group Mind-body and Activity Program for Chronic Pain Jonathan Greenberg1,2, Ann Lin1, Paula J Popok1, Ronald J Kulich2,3, Robert R Edwards2,4, Ana-Maria Vranceanu5,6 J Clin Psychol Med Settings 2021 Jan 19 VIEW
Geo Magnetic Influence on Human Body Ma James 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
Genomic profiling of neutrophil transcripts in Asian Qigong practitioners: a pilot study in gene regulation by mind-body interaction Li QZ, Li P, Garcia GE, Johnson RJ, Feng L J Altern Complement Med. 2005 VIEW
Genomic profiling of neutrophil transcripts in asian qigong practitioners: a pilot study in gene regulation by mind-body interaction Li QZ//Li P//Garcia GE//Johnson RJ//// J Altern Complement Med 2005 VIEW
Genomic counter-stress changes induced by the relaxation response Jeffery A Dusek1, Hasan H Otu, Ann L Wohlhueter, Manoj Bhasin, Luiz F Zerbini, Marie G Joseph, Herbert Benson, Towia A Libermann PLoS One 2008 Jul 2 VIEW
Genomic and Clinical Effects Associated with a Relaxation Response Mind-Body Intervention in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Kuo B1, Bhasin M2, Jacquart J3, Scult MA3, Slipp L3, Riklin EI3, Lepoutre V4, Comosa N1, Norton BA1, Dassatti A1, Rosenblum J1, Thurler AH1, Surjanhata BC1, Hasheminejad NN3, Kagan L3, Slawsby E3, Rao SR5, Macklin EA6, Fricchione GL7, Benson H8, Libermann TA2, Korzenik J9, Denninger JW7. PLoS One. 2015 Apr 30 VIEW
Genome-wide expression changes in a higher state of consciousness. Ravnik-Glavač M, Hrašovec S, Bon J, Dreu J, Glavač D. Conscious Cogn. 2012 Sep VIEW
Genetic and lifestyle influence on telomere length and subsequent risk of colon cancer in a case control study. Pellatt AJ, Wolff RK, Lundgreen A, Cawthon R, Slattery ML. Int J Mol Epidemiol Genet. 2012 VIEW
General benefits of T'ai Chi Anonymous Men's Health Magazine 1993 VIEW
Gene expression profiling in practitioners of Sudarshan Kriya Sharma H, Datta P, Singh A, Sen S, Bhardwaj NK, Kochupillai V, Singh N. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2008 Feb VIEW
Gender-Specific Correlates of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use for Knee Osteoarthritis. Jawahar R, Yang S, Eaton CB, McAlindon T, Lapane KL. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2012 Sep 4 VIEW
Gender differences in interoceptive accuracy and emotional ability: An explanation for incompatible findings Freya Prentice1, Hannah Hobson2, Ria Spooner3, Jennifer Murphy3 Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2022 Aug 3 VIEW
Gaining Control of Your Mind: Using the Power of the Mind to Heal Childhood Trauma Kantor JD First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
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