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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Effect of five-elements music therapy combined with Baduanjin qigong on patients with mild COVID-19 Haijiao Zhang1, Lishi Yin2, Yan Peng3, Guifang Zhang4, Qiyang Chen5, Juan Liang2, Suzhai Tian1, Tingting Tong5, Ruiyi Liu4, Chenxu Lv1, Lijuan Zhao6, Ting Liang7, Jie Wang7, Ling Fan2 Hong Kong J Occup Ther 2023 Jun 1 VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi and Qigong on cognitive and physical functions in older adults: systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of randomized clinical trials Moonkyoung Park1, Rhayun Song2, Kyoungok Ju1, Jacqueline C Shin3, Jisu Seo1, Xing Fan1, Xianqi Gao1, Ahyun Ryu1, Yuelin Li1 BMC Geriatr 2023 Jun 6 VIEW
Pain and function in patients with chronic low back pain and leg pain after Zhineng Qigong - a quasi-experimental feasibility study Gabriella Pozarek1, Björn Strömqvist2, Eva Ekvall Hansson3, Gerd Ahlström3 BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2023 Jun 13 VIEW
Pain and function in patients with chronic low back pain and leg pain after Zhineng Qigong - a quasi-experimental feasibility study Gabriella Pozarek1, Björn Strömqvist2, Eva Ekvall Hansson3, Gerd Ahlström3 BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2023 Jun 13 VIEW
Pain and function in patients with chronic low back pain and leg pain after Zhineng Qigong - a quasi-experimental feasibility study Gabriella Pozarek1, Björn Strömqvist2, Eva Ekvall Hansson3, Gerd Ahlström3 BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2023 Jun 13 VIEW
Exploring the potential of mindfulness-based therapy in the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases based on molecular mechanism studies Congcong Wu1, Yue Feng1 Front Neurosci 2023 Jun 13 VIEW
Effectiveness of Baduanjin (a Type of Qigong) on Physical, Cognitive, and Mental Health Outcomes: A Comprehensive Review Jianghong Liu, Yi Yang, Yuting Zhu, Xinyu Hou, Sandy Li, Sicheng Chen, Jingduan Yang Adv Mind Body Med 2023 Jun 16 VIEW
Yoga-based interventions may reduce anxiety symptoms in anxiety disorders and depression symptoms in depressive disorders: a systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression Javier Martínez-Calderon1,2, María Jesús Casuso-Holgado1,2, Maria Jesus Muñoz-Fernandez2,3, Cristina Garcia-Muñoz4,5, Alberto Marcos Heredia-Rizo1,2 Br J Sports Med 2023 Jun 27 VIEW
Effects of Conventional Speech Therapy with Liuzijue Qigong, a Traditional Chinese Method of Breath Training, in 70 Patients with Post-Stroke Spastic Dysarthria Jiayi Xia1, Song Pei2,3, Zhu Chen1, Lin Wang1, Jun Hu1, Jian Wang2 Med Sci Monit 2023 Jun 27 VIEW
Effect of mindfulness-based mind-body therapies in patients with non-specific low back pain-A network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Huanying Yang#1, Xiangfu Wang#2, Xuetao Wang1, Jianxia Yang1, Wanqian Zhang2, Yanfang Ding1, Tingrui Sang1, Weiguo Chen2, Wanhong Wang3 Front Aging Neurosci 2023 Jun 29 VIEW
Complementary Therapies: Tai Chi in the Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease Alexandrina Danilov1, William H Frishman1,2 Cardiol Rev 2023 Jul 3 VIEW
Efficacy of mind-body therapies for sleep disturbance in patients with early-stage cancer: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Jing Han1, Ming Shi2, Liu-Na Bi1, Lin-Lin Wang1, Yan-Xiu Cai1 Psychooncology 2023 Jul 3 VIEW
Editorial: Meditative movement for mental and physical health Russell Sarwar Kabir1, Hyun-Jeong Yang2,3 Front Psychol 2023 Jul 4 VIEW
Immunomodulatory Effects in Healthy Individuals Following a 4-Week Taoist Qigong Intervention: A Comparative Study Juan M Manzaneque1, Francisca M Vera2, Francisco M Rodríguez-Peña3, Antonio Alonso4, María J Blanca2 Med Sci Monit 2023 Jul 5 VIEW
Effects of health qigong exercise on upper extremity muscle activity, balance function, and quality of life in stroke patients Huixin Yang1, Baolong Li2, Lin Feng2, Zhonglou Zhang1, Xiaolei Liu3 Front Neurosci 2023 Jul 19 VIEW
Effectiveness of mind-body exercises in chronic respiratory diseases: an overview of systematic reviews with meta-analyses Alberto Marcos Heredia-Rizo1,2,3, Javier Martinez-Calderon1,3, Fernando Piña-Pozo3,4, Paula González-García1,2, Cristina García-Muñoz3,5 Disabil Rehabil 2023 Jul 22 VIEW
Effect of Qigong exercise on motor function in stroke patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Yi Lan1, Qiqi You2, Qingqing Jiang2, Xiaoxiang Peng3, Dan Yan3, Shiyi Cao2, Jian Sun1,4 Top Stroke Rehabil 2023 Jul 25 VIEW
[Concept for integrative pain treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee based on the evidence for conservative and complementary therapies] Dominik Irnich1, Petra Bäumler2 Schmerz 2023 Jul 28 VIEW
Comparative efficacy of mind-body exercise for depression in breast cancer survivors: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Liangrong Geng1, Yi Duan1, Xiaoyu Li1, Shujin Yue1, Ruxue Li1, Hongxia Liu1, Chunxiang Su1 Worldviews Evid Based Nurs 2023 Aug 1 VIEW
The effect of Baduanjin Qigong combined with five-elements music on anxiety and quality of sleep in asymptomatic patients with COVID-19 infection: A randomised controlled trial Xian Wang1, Xuan Yin2, Ping Liu3, Anzi Wang1, Wenfang Mu1, Jun Xu1, Weiyan Lu1, Zhuping Chen1, Yan Zhou1, Shifen Xu2, Yan Wang1 Heliyon 2023 Aug 7 VIEW
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