Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Clinical trials of meditation practices in health care: characteristics and quality. Ospina MB, Bond K, Karkhaneh M, Buscemi N, Dryden DM, Barnes V, Carlson LE, Dusek JA, Shannahoff-Khalsa D. J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Dec VIEW
Meditation practices for health: state of the research. Ospina MB, Bond K, Karkhaneh M, Tjosvold L, Vandermeer B, Liang Y, Bialy L, Hooton N, Buscemi N, Dryden DM, Klassen TP Evid Rep Technol Assess (Full Rep) 2007 VIEW
Stepping out of history: Mindfulness improves insight problem solving. Ostafin BD, Kassman KT. Conscious Cogn. 2012 Apr 5 VIEW
Mindfulness meditation: a path of transformation & healing Ott MJ J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv 2004 VIEW
Mindfulness meditation in pediatric clinical practice Ott MJ Pediatr Nurs 2002 VIEW
The benefits of medical qigong in patients with cancer: a descriptive pilot study. Overcash J, Will KM, Lipetz DW. Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2013 Dec 1 VIEW
Resilience, Generalized Self-Efficacy, and Mindfulness as Moderators of the Relationship Between Stress and Well-Being Owen Richard Lightsey Jr1, Ben N Smith 4th2 J Cogn Psychother 2023 Jun 27 VIEW
Oxytocin Modulation in Mindfulness-Based Pain Management for Chronic Pain Oytun Aygün1, Emily Mohr2, Colin Duff3, Sophie Matthew3, Poppy Schoenberg2 Life (Basel) 2024 Feb 15 VIEW
[Mind-body medicine in integrative uro-oncology : Studies and areas of application] P Klose1,2, M Werner1, F Saha1, Petra Voiß3,4 Urologie 2022 Dec 5 VIEW
Large effects of brief meditation intervention on EEG spectra in meditation novices P Stapleton1, J Dispenza2, S McGill3, D Sabot1, M Peach4, D Raynor1 IBRO Rep 2020 Oct 27 VIEW
Large effects of brief meditation intervention on EEG spectra in meditation novices P Stapleton1, J Dispenza2, S McGill3, D Sabot1, M Peach4, D Raynor1 IBRO Rep 2020 Oct 27 VIEW
Behavioral and ERP Correlates of Long-Term Physical and Mental Training on a Demanding Switch Task Pablo I Burgos1,2, Gabriela Cruz3, Teresa Hawkes4, Ignacia Rojas-Sepúlveda2, Marjorie Woollacott5 Front Psychol 2021 Feb 23 VIEW
Not all types of meditation are the same: Mediators of change in mindfulness and compassion meditation interventions Pablo Roca1, Carmelo Vazquez2, Gustavo Diez3, Gonzalo Brito-Pons3, Richard J McNally4 J Affect Disord 2021 Feb 2 VIEW
How do mindfulness and compassion programs improve mental health and well-being? The role of attentional processing of emotional information Pablo Roca1, Carmelo Vazquez2, Gustavo Diez3, Richard J McNally4 J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 2023 Jul 23 VIEW
Motivational Non-directive Resonance Breathing as a Treatment for Chronic Widespread Pain. Paccione CE1, Jacobsen HB2 Front Psychol. 2019 Jun 11 VIEW
Effect of compassion meditation on neuroendocrine, innate immune and behavioral responses to psychosocial stress Pace TW, Negi LT, Adame DD, Cole SP, Sivilli TI, Brown TD, Issa MJ, Raison CL Psychoneuroendocrinology 2008 Oct 3 VIEW
Innate immune, neuroendocrine and behavioral responses to psychosocial stress do not predict subsequent compassion meditation practice time. Pace TW, Negi LT, Sivilli TI, Issa MJ, Cole SP, Adame DD, Raison CL. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2009 Jul 15 VIEW
Nonpharmacologic Approach to Fatigue in Patients With Cancer. Pachman DR1, Price KA, Carey EC. Cancer J. 2014 Sep-Oct VIEW
The effects of meditation on the performance and well-being of a company: A pilot study. Pagliaro G1, Pelati R2, Signorini D2, Parenti G3, Roversi F3 Explore (NY). 2019 Aug 7 VIEW
Longitudinal associations between mindfulness and well-being in people with multiple sclerosis. Pagnini F1,2, Cavalera C1, Rovaris M3, Mendozzi L3, Molinari E1,4, Phillips D2, Langer E2 Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2019 Jan VIEW
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