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Title Author Journal Date
A review of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) by people with multiple sclerosis. Olsen SA. Occup Ther Int. 2009 Feb 16 VIEW
A review of clinical studies of electrodermal activity and transcranial magnetic stimulation Olivia D Cox1, Ananya Munjal2, William V McCall2, Brian J Miller2, Chris Baeken3, Peter B Rosenquist2 Psychiatry Res 2023 Nov 1 VIEW
Oxr1 Is Essential for Protection against Oxidative Stress-Induced Neurodegeneration. Oliver PL, Finelli MJ, Edwards B, Bitoun E, Butts DL, Becker EB, Cheeseman MT, Davies B, Davies KE. PLoS Genet. 2011 Sep VIEW
Brain activation by music in patients in a vegetative or minimally conscious state following diffuse brain injury. Okumura Y1, Asano Y, Takenaka S, Fukuyama S, Yonezawa S, Kasuya Y, Shinoda J. Brain Inj. 2014 Mar 21 VIEW
Randomized controlled trial of yoga and exercise in multiple sclerosis Oken BS//Kishiyama S//Zajdel D//Bourdette D//// Neurology 2004 VIEW
Reiki's effect on patients with total knee arthroplasty: A pilot study. Notte BB1, Fazzini C, Mooney RA. Nursing. 2016 Feb VIEW
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy on muscle tissue: the effects on healthy athletes. Notarnicola A1,2, Covelli I1,2, Maccagnano G1,2, Marvulli R3, Mastromauro L4, Ianieri G3, Boodhoo S3, Turitto A3, Petruzzella L2, Farì G1,2,3, Bianchi FP5, Tafuri S5, Moretti B1,2 J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2018 Jan-Feb VIEW
Interoceptive Awareness of the Breath Preserves Attention and Language Networks amidst Widespread Cortical Deactivation: A Within-Participant Neuroimaging Study Norman A S Farb1,2, Zoey Zuo2, Cynthia J Price3 eNeuro 2023 Jun 14 VIEW
II-3 Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound (LIPUS) Therapy for Hip Fracture. Nomura K1, Watanabe M, Maeda S, Kanazawa C, Shigemoto H. J Orthop Trauma. 2014 Jun VIEW
Biomechanics analysis of seven Tai Chi movements Nok-Yeung Law1, Jing Xian Li1 Sports Med Health Sci 2022 Jun 18 VIEW
Interaction of acupuncture treatment and manipulation laterality modulated by the default mode network. Niu X1,2, Zhang M2, Liu Z3, Bai L1,4, Sun C1, Wang S1, Wang X1, Chen Z1, Chen H5, Tian J3 Mol Pain. 2017 Jan VIEW
A clinical study of effects of qigong treatment on 32 sports injuries Nie Jungfeng 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Scar Remodeling with the Association of Monopolar Capacitive Radiofrequency, Electric Stimulation, and Negative Pressure. Nicoletti G1,2,3, Perugini P4, Bellino S1, Capra P4, Malovini A5, Jaber O6, Tresoldi M1,3, Faga A1,2,3 Photomed Laser Surg. 2017 Jan 24 VIEW
[Effects of electroacupuncture on bispectral index and plasma beta-endorphin in patients undergoing colonoscopy] Ni YF, Li J, Wang BF, Jiang SH, Chen Y, Zhang WF, Lian QQ. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2009 Oct VIEW
Cardioprotective effect of transcutaneous electric acupoint stimulation in the pediatric cardiac patients: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Ni X, Xie Y, Wang Q, Zhong H, Chen M, Wang F, Xiong L. Paediatr Anaesth. 2012 Mar 2 VIEW
Comparative impacts of Tai Chi, balance training and a specially-designed yoga program on balance in older fallers. Ni M1, Mooney K2, Richards L2, Balachandran A1, Sun M1, Harriell K1, Potiaumpai M1, Signorile JF3. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014 May 14 VIEW
[Review of the effects of mindfulness meditation on mental and physical health and its mechanisms of action]. Ngô TL. Sante Ment Que. 2013 Fall VIEW
Determining the precision of dual energy x-ray absorptiometry and bioelectric impedance spectroscopy in the assessment of breast cancer-related lymphedema. Newman AL, Rosenthall L, Towers A, Hodgson P, Shay CA, Tidhar D, Vigano A, Kilgour RD. Lymphat Res Biol. 2013 Jun VIEW
Cerebral blood flow differences between long-term meditators and non-meditators. Newberg AB, Wintering N, Waldman MR, Amen D, Khalsa DS, Alavi A. Conscious Cogn. 2010 Jun 4 VIEW
The measurement of regional cerebral blood flow during the complex cognitive task of meditation: a preliminary SPECT study Newberg A//Alavi A//Baime M//Pourdehnad M//// Psychiatry Res 2001 VIEW
Acupuncture plus moxibustion to resolve breech presentation: a randomized controlled study Neri, I., Airola, G., Contu, G., Allais, G., Facchinetti, E. & Benedetto, C. Journal of Maternal Fetal Neonatal Medicine 2004 VIEW
Vibrational Profiling of Brain Tumors and Cells. Nelson SL1, Proctor DT2, Ghasemloonia A2, Lama S2, Zareinia K2, Ahn Y3, Al-Saiedy MR1, Green FH4, Amrein MW1, Sutherland GR2 Theranostics. 2017 Jun 22 VIEW
Vibrational Profiling of Brain Tumors and Cells. Nelson SL1, Proctor DT2, Ghasemloonia A2, Lama S2, Zareinia K2, Ahn Y3, Al-Saiedy MR1, Green FH4, Amrein MW1, Sutherland GR2 Theranostics. 2017 Jun 22 VIEW
The Effect of Group Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction and Consciousness Yoga Program on Quality of Life and Fatigue Severity in Patients with MS. Nejati S1, Rajezi Esfahani S2, Rahmani S3, Afrookhteh G4, Hoveida S5 J Caring Sci. 2016 Dec 1 VIEW
A test of biological and behavioral explanations for gender differences in telomere length: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis. Needham BL1, Diez Roux AV, Bird CE, Bradley R, Fitzpatrick AL, Jacobs DR, Ouyang P, Seeman TE, Thurston RC, Vaidya D, Wang S. Biodemography Soc Biol. 2014 VIEW
Yoga breathing through a particular nostril increases spatial memory scores without lateralized effects Naveen KV//Nagarathna R//Nagendra HR//Telles S Psychol Rep 1997 VIEW
An original biomarker for the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and their complications: Telomere length Natalya A Doroschuk1,2, Anton Yu Postnov2,3, Alexander D Doroschuk1,2, Anastasia I Ryzhkova1, Vasily V Sinyov1,2, Marina D Sazonova1, Victoria A Khotina1,3, Alexander N Orekhov1,4,3, Igor A Sobenin1,2, Margarita A Sazonova1,2 Toxicol Rep 2021 Mar 4 VIEW
Diaphragm training in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Nardin R, O\'Donnell C, Loring SH, Nie R, Hembre K, Walsh J, Arboleda BW, Muzikansky A, Nguyen D, Raynor E. J Clin Neuromuscul Dis 2008 Dec VIEW
Cardiac Aging - Benefits of Exercise, Nrf2 Activation and Antioxidant Signaling. Narasimhan M1, Rajasekaran NS2,3 Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017 VIEW
Time-variant fMRI activity in the brainstem and higher structures in response to acupuncture. Napadow V, Dhond R, Park K, Kim J, Makris N, Kwong KK, Harris RE, Kettner N, Hui KK. Neuroimage. 2009 Apr 1 VIEW
Additional effect of iyengar yoga and EMG biofeedback on pain and functional disability in chronic unilateral knee osteoarthritis. Nambi GS, Shah AA. Int J Yoga. 2013 Jul VIEW
Yoga effects on physical activity and sexual satisfaction among the Iranian women with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial. Najafidoulatabad S1, Mohebbi Z2, Nooryan K3. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2014 Aug 23 VIEW
The health impact of residential retreats: a systematic review. Naidoo D1, Schembri A2, Cohen M3 BMC Complement Altern Med. 2018 Jan 10 VIEW
Theta-gamma coupling as a cortical biomarker of brain-computer interface-mediated motor recovery in chronic stroke Nabi Rustamov1, Joseph Humphries2, Alexandre Carter3, Eric C Leuthardt1 Brain Commun 2022 May 25 VIEW
An fMRI study of neuronal specificity of an acupoint: electroacupuncture stimulation of Yanglingquan (GB34) and its sham point. Na BJ, Jahng GH, Park SU, Jung WS, Moon SK, Park JM, Bae HS. Neurosci Lett 2009 Oct VIEW
New innovative techniques in radiotherapy for breast cancer. Murphy JO, Sacchini VS. Minerva Chir. 2013 Apr VIEW
Neural Networks for Mindfulness and Emotion Suppression. Murakami H1, Katsunuma R2, Oba K2, Terasawa Y2, Motomura Y2, Mishima K2, Moriguchi Y3. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 17 VIEW
Effects of noninvasive electroacupuncture on labour pain and duration. Mucuk S, Baser M. J Clin Nurs. 2013 Jun 20 VIEW
Impact of Tai Chi Yuttari-exercise on arteriosclerosis and physical function in older people. Mori K1, Nomura T2, Akezaki Y1, Yamamoto R1, Iwakura H1 Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2020 Jan 10 VIEW
Electrophysiological evidence of the existence of acupuncture meridians in traditional Chinese medicine utilizing the SSVP [single square voltage pulse] method Mori K//Chevalier G Soc Acupuncture Research, 10th Symposium 2003 VIEW
Interdisciplinary approach to qigong - scientific study on principle of healing by qigong Mori K 1//She JI 2//Chai J 3//Endo T 4//Chow E 5 //Hu Y 6 7th Int Sym on Qigong 1998 VIEW
Transcranial direct current stimulation ameliorates tactile sensory deficit in multiple sclerosis. Mori F, Nicoletti CG, Kusayanagi H, Foti C, Restivo DA, Marciani MG, Centonze D. Brain Stimul. 2013 Jul VIEW
Regular, brief mindfulness meditation practice improves electrophysiological markers of attentional control. Moore A, Gruber T, Derose J, Malinowski P. Front Hum Neurosci. 2012 VIEW
Signal or noise: brain network interactions underlying the experience and training of mindfulness. Mooneyham BW1, Mrazek MD1, Mrazek AJ2, Schooler JW1 Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2016 Apr 1 VIEW
Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow and Anxiety Associated with an 8-week Mindfulness Programme in Women with Breast Cancer. Monti DA, Kash KM, Kunkel EJ, Brainard G, Wintering N, Moss AS, Rao H, Zhu S, Newberg AB. Stress Health. 2012 Dec VIEW
Svara (nostril dominance) and bilateral volar GSR Mohan SM Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1996 VIEW
Acupuncture for the induction of labour: a double-blind randomised controlled study. Modlock J, Nielsen BB, Uldbjerg N. BJOG 2010 Jun 24 VIEW
The temporal evolution of electromagnetic markers sensitive to the capacity limits of visual short-term memory. Mitchell DJ, Cusack R. Front Hum Neurosci. 2011 Feb VIEW
The therapeutic value of yoga in neurological disorders. Mishra SK, Singh P, Bunch SJ, Zhang R. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2012 Oct VIEW
A pilot study of acupuncture monotherapy in patients with major depressive disorder. Mischoulon D, Brill CD, Ameral VE, Fava M, Yeung AS. J Affect Disord. 2012 Apr 20 VIEW
Does Tai Chi/Qi Gong help patients with multiple sclerosis? Mills N//Allen J//Morgan SC Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies 2000 VIEW
Mindfulness of movement as a coping strategy in multiple sclerosis Mills N//Allen J Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2000 VIEW
Imaging interactions between the immune and cardiovascular systems in vivo by multiphoton microscopy. Millington OR, Brewer JM, Garside P, Maffia P. Methods Mol Biol. 2010 VIEW
Oxytocin Signaling Pathway: From Cell Biology To Clinical Implications Michele Iovino 1, Tullio Messana 2, Anna Tortora 1, Consuelo Giusti 1, Giuseppe Lisco 3, Vito Angelo Giagulli 1, Edoardo Guastamacchia 1, Giovanni De Pergola 4, Vincenzo Triggiani 1 Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets 2020 May 19 VIEW
Brief Self-Compassion Training Alters Neural Responses to Evoked Pain for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Pilot Study Michael P Berry1, Jacqueline Lutz1,2, Zev Schuman-Olivier2, Christopher Germer2, Susan Pollak2, Robert R Edwards3, Paula Gardiner4, Gaelle Desbordes1, Vitaly Napadow1 Pain Med 2020 Aug 12 VIEW
Results of linearly polarized near-infrared irradiation therapy in patients with intractable anorectal pain. Mibu R//Hotokezaka M//Mihara S//Tanaka M Dis Colon Rectum 2003 VIEW
165 cases of deaf-mute treated with emitted qi Miao Sheng 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Impulsiveness in Patients with Bulimia Nervosa: Electrophysiological Evidence of Reduced Inhibitory Control. Merlotti E, Mucci A, Volpe U, Montefusco V, Monteleone P, Bucci P, Galderisi S. Neuropsychobiology. 2013 Jul 19 VIEW
Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation with task-oriented training improves upper extremity function in patients with subacute stroke: a randomized clinical trial Meng-Huan Wang#1,2, Yi-Xiu Wang#1,2, Min Xie3, Li-Yan Chen1,2, Meng-Fei He1,2, Feng Lin2,3, Zhong-Li Jiang2,3 Front Neurosci 2024 Mar 8 VIEW
[Effects of different frequencies of electroacupuncture on blood glucose level in impaired glucose tolerance patients]. Meng H, Hao JD, Wang HC, Zhao JY, Zhao CL, Zhai X. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2011 Jun VIEW
Effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation and low-level laser therapy on the muscle architecture and functional capacity in elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial. Melo MD1, Pompeo KD2, Brodt GA3, Baroni BM4, da Silva Junior DP5, Vaz MA6. Clin Rehabil. 2014 Sep 26 VIEW
Increased Anatomical Specificity of Neuromodulation via Modulated Focused Ultrasound. Mehić E1, Xu JM2, Caler CJ1, Coulson NK1, Moritz CT3, Mourad PD4. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 4 VIEW
Tinnitus and cell phones: the role of electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation. Medeiros LN1, Sanchez TG2. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Sep 21 VIEW
Tinnitus and cell phones: the role of electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation. Medeiros LN1, Sanchez TG2. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Sep 21 VIEW
Prolonged treatment with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) modulates neuro-gastric motility and plasma levels of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), motilin and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in systemic sclerosis. McNearney TA, Sallam HS, Hunnicutt SE, Doshi D, Chen JD. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2013 Feb 7 VIEW
A Suggestion for Treating Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) McGee, RW Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 2022 Jun 15 VIEW
Qigong and behavioral medicine: an integrated approach to pain Mayer Michael J. Trad Eastern Health & Fitness 1996-97 VIEW
Acupuncture Increases the Excitability of the Cortico-Spinal System in Patients with Chronic Disorders of Consciousness Following Traumatic Brain Injury. Matsumoto-Miyazaki J1, Asano Y1,2, Yonezawa S1, Nomura Y1, Ikegame Y1, Aki T1, Takenaka S1, Shinoda J1,2 J Altern Complement Med. 2016 Sep 23 VIEW
Acupuncture Reduces Excitability of Spinal Motor Neurons in Patients with Spastic Muscle Overactivity and Chronic Disorder of Consciousness Following Traumatic Brain Injury. Matsumoto-Miyazaki J1, Asano Y1,2, Ikegame Y1, Kawasaki T1, Nomura Y1, Shinoda J1,2 J Altern Complement Med. 2016 Aug 30 VIEW
Effect of Neuromuscular Exercises on Strength, Proprioceptive Receptors, and Balance in Females with Multiple Sclerosis Maryam K Sokhangu1, Nader Rahnama1, Masoud Etemadifar2, Mehdi Rafeii3, Ali Saberi4 Int J Prev Med 2021 Jan 19 VIEW
In Vivo Measures of Shear Wave Speed as a Predictor of Tendon Elasticity and Strength. Martin JA1, Biedrzycki AH2, Lee KS3, DeWall RJ3, Brounts SH2, Murphy WL4, Markel MD2, Thelen DG4 Ultrasound Med Biol. 2015 Oct VIEW
Wrist-Ankle Acupuncture as Perineal Pain Relief After Mediolateral Episiotomy: A Pilot Study. Marra C, Pozzi I, Ceppi L, Sicuri M, Veneziano F, Regalia AL. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Mar 7 VIEW
Trigeminal neurons detect cellphone radiation: Thermal or nonthermal is not the question. Marino AA1, Kim PY1, Frilot Ii C2 Electromagn Biol Med. 2016 Jul 15 VIEW
Effects of whole-body vibration with an unstable surface on muscle activation. Marin PJ1, Hazell TJ. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2014 Jun VIEW
Qigong for Muscle Strength and Static Postural Control in Middle-Aged and Older Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial María Del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile1, Agustín Aibar-Almazán1, Antonio Martínez-Amat1, Vânia Brandão-Loureiro2, José Daniel Jiménez-García3, Yolanda Castellote-Caballero1, Fidel Hita-Contreras1 Front Med (Lausanne) 2021 Dec 8 VIEW
Neural mechanisms of mindfulness and meditation: Evidence from neuroimaging studies. Marchand WR. World J Radiol. 2014 Jul 28 VIEW
Plantar pressure distribution during Tai Chi exercise Mao de W, Li JX, Hong Y Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2006 Jun VIEW
Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Navigation vs. Fluoroscopy for Endovascular Aneurysm Repair: A Prospective Feasibility Study in Patients. Manstad-Hulaas F, Tangen GA, Dahl T, Hernes TA, Aadahl P. J Endovasc Ther. 2012 Feb VIEW
Effects of 4-week mindfulness training versus adaptive cognitive training on processing speed and working memory in multiple sclerosis. Manglani HR1, Samimy S1, Schirda B1, Nicholas JA2, Prakash RS1 Neuropsychology. 2020 Apr 30 VIEW
Retardation of coronary atherosclerosis with yoga lifestyle intervention Manchanda SC//Narang R//Reddy KS//Sachdeva U//// J Assoc Physicians India 2000 VIEW
Yoga and meditation in cardiovascular disease. Manchanda SC, Madan K. Clin Res Cardiol. 2014 Jan 25 VIEW
Application of acupuncture as a headache management tool. Manaka S. Rinsho Shinkeigaku. 2012 VIEW
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on ST36 and SP6 acupoints prevents hyperglycaemic response during anaesthesia: a randomised controlled trial. Man KM, Man SS, Shen JL, Law KS, Chen SL, Liaw WJ, Lee CT, Lee YJ, Liao WL, Chang TM, Yu DX, Chen DC, Chen YH, Chen WC, Chang SL. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2011 Jun VIEW
Mediolateral sway in single-leg stance is the best discriminator of balance performance for Tai-Chi practitioners. Mak MK//Ng PL Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2003 VIEW
fMRI during Transcendental Meditation practice. Mahone MC1, Travis F2, Gevirtz R1, Hubbard D3 Brain Cogn. 2018 Mar 2 VIEW
Acupuncture-evoked response in somatosensory and prefrontal cortices predicts immediate pain reduction in carpal tunnel syndrome. Maeda Y, Kettner N, Lee J, Kim J, Cina S, Malatesta C, Gerber J, McManus C, Im J, Libby A, Mezzacappa P, Morse LR, Park K, Audette J, Napadow V. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2013 VIEW
Acupuncture-evoked response in somatosensory and prefrontal cortices predicts immediate pain reduction in carpal tunnel syndrome. Maeda Y, Kettner N, Lee J, Kim J, Cina S, Malatesta C, Gerber J, McManus C, Im J, Libby A, Mezzacappa P, Morse LR, Park K, Audette J, Napadow V. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Effect of Whole Body Vibration Training on Trunk Muscle Strength and Physical Performance in Healthy Adults: Preliminary Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Maeda N1, Urabe Y1, Sasadai J2, Miyamoto A3, Murakami M3, Kato J4 J Sport Rehabil. 2016 Aug 24 VIEW
Combining the inner self with the map of the body: evidence for white matter contribution to the relation between interoceptive sensibility and nonaction-oriented body representation Maddalena Boccia1, Simona Raimo2, Antonella Di Vita3, Alice Teghil4, Liana Palermo2 Neuroscience 2023 May 2 VIEW
Neural substrates of interoceptive sensibility: An integrated study in normal and pathological functioning Maddalena Boccia1, Alice Teghil2, Simona Raimo3, Antonella Di Vita4, Dario Grossi5, Cecilia Guariglia2, Liana Palermo6 Neuropsychologia 2023 Feb 4 VIEW
Proton therapy for breast cancer after mastectomy: early outcomes of a prospective clinical trial. MacDonald SM, Patel SA, Hickey S, Specht M, Isakoff SJ, Gadd M, Smith BL, Yeap BY, Adams J, Delaney TF, Kooy H, Lu HM, Taghian AG. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2013 Jul 1 VIEW
Brief introduction on qigong silver needle magnetic therapy Ma Yan 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
[Effects of electroacupuncture anesthesia of different frequencies on stress reaction in thyroid surgery]. Ma WH, Li YH, Gao XQ, Luo YX, Chen S, Wang XT, Wen KH. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2010 Oct VIEW
The bi-digital o-ring test and experimental study on the low-intensity millimeter-wavelength electoro- magnetic stimulation of acupuncture points Lysenyuk VP 4th International Symposium on the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test 2000 VIEW
Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice Lutz A//Greischar LL//Rawlings NB//Ricard M//// Proc. Natl. Acad. Science 2004 VIEW
Residential exposure to ultra high frequency electromagnetic fields emitted by Global System for Mobile (GSM) antennas and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis incidence: A geo-epidemiological population-based study. Luna J1, Leleu JP2, Preux PM3, Corcia P4, Couratier P5, Marin B3, Boumediene F, Fralim Consortium Environ Res. 2019 Jun 11 VIEW
Larger hippocampal dimensions in meditation practitioners: differential effects in women and men. Luders E1, Thompson PM2, Kurth F1. Front Psychol. 2015 Mar 6 VIEW
Training of affect recognition in schizophrenia patients with violent offences: Behavioral treatment effects and electrophysiological correlates. Luckhaus C, Frommann N, Stroth S, Brinkmeyer J, Wölwer W. Soc Neurosci. 2013 Jul 23 VIEW
Clinical observation on the treatment of hyperplasia of mamary glands by qigong combined with acupuncture therapy Lu Lijiang 6th Int Sym on Qigong 1996 VIEW
[A randomized controlled clinical trial for acupuncture stimulation of Neiguan (PC 6) to prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting]. Lü JQ, Feng RZ, Pan H, Li N. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2013 Jun VIEW
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