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Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy for management of osteoarthritis-related pain, stiffness and physical function: clinical experience in the elderly. Iannitti T, Fistetto G, Esposito A, Rottigni V, Palmieri B. Clin Interv Aging. 2013 VIEW
Inflammation and genetics: an insight in the centenarian model. Iannitti T, Palmieri B. Hum Biol. 2011 Aug VIEW
Resting-state fMRI Functional Connectivity and Mindfulness in Clinical and Non-clinical Contexts: A Review and Synthesis Idil Sezer1, Diego A Pizzagalli2, Matthew D Sacchet3 Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2022 Feb 21 VIEW
A mechanism converting psychosocial stress into mononuclear cell activation ierhaus A, Wolf J, Andrassy M, Rohleder N, Humpert PM, Petrov D, Ferstl R, von Eynatten M, Wendt T, Rudofsky G, Joswig M, Morcos M, Schwaninger M, McEwen B, Kirschbaum C, Nawroth PP. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Feb 18 VIEW
Electroacupuncture Improves Imbalance of Autonomic Function under Restraint Stress in Conscious Rats. Imai K, Ariga H, Takahashi T. Am J Chin Med. 2009 VIEW
Effect of Tai-chi on balance, mood, cognition, and quality of life in women with multiple sclerosis: A one-year prospective study Ingrid Menkyova1, Dominika Stastna2, Klara Novotna2, Marian Saling3, Iveta Lisa3, Tomas Vesely4, Darina Slezakova3, Peter Valkovic5 Explore (NY) 2023 Aug 6 VIEW
Effect of Tai-chi on balance, mood, cognition, and quality of life in women with multiple sclerosis: A one-year prospective study Ingrid Menkyova1, Dominika Stastna2, Klara Novotna2, Marian Saling3, Iveta Lisa3, Tomas Vesely4, Darina Slezakova3, Peter Valkovic5 Explore (NY) 2024 Mar-Apr VIEW
Research on qigong from the viewpoint of oriental medicine Institute of Human Body Culture 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Two-year follow-up of low-level laser therapy for elderly with painful adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. Ip D1, Fu NY1. J Pain Res. 2015 May 25 VIEW
Functional Brain Mapping during Electrical Stimulation of the Hegu, an Acuspot of the Hand Itoh M 1//Endo M 1//Kanazawa M 2//Miyake M 1//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2001 VIEW
The neural substrates of mindfulness: An fMRI investigation. Ives-Deliperi VL, Solms M, Meintjes EM. Soc Neurosci. 2010 Sep 9 VIEW
Biomechanical comparison of frontal plane knee joint moment arms during normal and Tai Chi walking. Jagodinsky A1, Fox J2, Decoux B1, Weimar W1, Liu W1. J Phys Ther Sci. 2015 Sep VIEW
The Healer Within: Breakthrough to Self-Healing and Optimal Health Jahnke Roger 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
Effects of radiation exposure on brain health: a state of the art and new challenges Jayalakshmi Jayan1, Harsha Roshi1, Fathima Farzana Perumbilly Ashraf1, Parvathy G Nair1, Aparna Vijayakumar1, Aathira Sujathan Nair1, Leena K Pappachen2, Mohamed A Abdelgawad3, Della Grace Thomas Parambi3, Lotfi Aleya4, Bijo Mathew5 Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 2022 Oct 29 VIEW
Autonomic Function in Patients With Parkinson's Disease: From Rest to Exercise Jeann L Sabino-Carvalho1, James P Fisher2, Lauro C Vianna1,3 Front Physiol 2021 Mar 19 VIEW
Use of Arnica to relieve pain after carpal-tunnel release surgery Jeffrey SL//Belcher HJ Altern Ther Health Med 2002 VIEW
The effects of unilateral forced nostril breathing on cognitive performance Jella SA//Shannahoff-Khalsa DS Int J Neurosci 1993 VIEW
USE OF NEUROFEEDBACK AND MINDFULNESS TO ENHANCE RESPONSE TO HYPNOSIS TREATMENT IN INDIVIDUALS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: Results From a Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial. Jensen MP1, Battalio SL1, Chan JF1, Edwards KA1, Day MA2, Sherlin LH3, Ehde DM1 Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2018 Jul-Sep VIEW
Long-Term Effect of Acupuncture for Treatment of Tinnitus: A Randomized, Patient- and Assessor-Blind, Sham-Acupuncture-Controlled, Pilot Trial. Jeon SW, Kim KS, Nam HJ. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Jul 2 VIEW
Efficacy of focused low-intensity pulsed ultrasound therapy for the management of knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial. Jia L1,2, Wang Y2, Chen J2, Chen W2,3 Sci Rep. 2016 Oct 17 VIEW
Effects of emitted qi on ultrastructural changes of the overstrained muscle of rabbits Jia Lin//Jia Jinding//Lu Danyun 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
[Visualized study on acupuncture treatment of children autism using single photon emission computed tomography] Jia SW, Sun TT, Fan R. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2008 Oct VIEW
[Central mechanism of electric-acupuncture at Zusanli (ST36) for gastric mucous membrane protection with FMRI]. Jiang H, Wang PJ, Zeng HW, Zhao XH. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2010 Jun 1 VIEW
On Kou Bi Qigong Shu Fa? (oral calligraphy) Jiang Sheng 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
The effects of Tai Chi on standing balance control in older adults may be attributed to the improvement of sensory reweighting and complexity rather than reduced sway velocity or amplitude Jianhua Cui#1, Zengming Hao#2, Haibo Tian3, Yi Yang1, Jian Wang1,4, Xiaomei Lin1 Front Aging Neurosci 2024 Apr 8 VIEW
The modulation effects of the mind-body and physical exercises on the basolateral amygdala-temporal pole pathway on individuals with knee osteoarthritis Jiao Liu1,2,3, Weilin Liu1, Jia Huang1,4, Yajun Wang1,4, Baoru Zhao1,4, Peiling Zeng1,4, Guiyan Cai1,4, Ruilin Chen1,4, Kun Hu1,4, YouXue Tu1,4, Meiqin Lin1,4, Jian Kong3, Jing Tao1,4,5, Lidian Chen1,4,5 Int J Clin Health Psychol 2024 Jan-Mar VIEW
A direct comparison of the electrophysiological effects of transcranial direct and alternating current stimulation in healthy subjects Jiheon Kim1, Kuk-In Jang2, Daeyoung Roh1, Hansol Kim3, Do-Hoon Kim4 Brain Res 2020 Aug 17 VIEW
Selective and localized radiofrequency heating of skin and fat by controlling surface distributions of the applied voltage: analytical study. Jiménez-Lozano J, Vacas-Jacques P, Anderson RR, Franco W. Phys Med Biol. 2012 Nov 21 VIEW
Local Anesthesia at ST36 to Reveal Responding Brain Areas to deqi. Jin LM1, Qin CJ2, Lan L2, Sun JB1, Zeng F2, Zhu YQ1, Yu SG2, Yin HY2, Tang Y2. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014 VIEW
Effects of ancient qigong for health care and longevity on the levels of blood sugar, blood lipid and serum insulin Jin Yuzhong//Wang Zhemin//Zheng Lili//Ma Zhidong//Dai Qi 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Effect of Hichugong on 31 cases of diabetes Jing Yuzhong//Liu Xiude//Wang Zhemin//Wang Qinglan//Yao Airong 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Electrical stimulation of acupuncture points and blood pressure responses to postural changes: a pilot study. Jones AY, Kwan YL, Leung NT, Yu RP, Wu CM, Warburton DE. Am J Crit Care. 2011 May VIEW
Sports massage after eccentric exercise Jonhagen S//Ackermann P//Eriksson T//Saartok T//// Am J Sports Med 2004 VIEW
Long-term Tai Chi Training Is Associated With Better Dual-task Postural Control and Cognition in Aging Adults. Jor'dan AJ, Manor B, Hausdorff JM, Lipsitz LA, Habtemariam D, Novak V, Wayne PM Adv Mind Body Med. 2018 Summer VIEW
A Comparison of the Effect of Two Types of Whole Body Vibration Platforms on Fibromyalgia. A Randomized Controlled Trial José Antonio Mingorance1,2, Pedro Montoya1, José García Vivas Miranda3, Inmaculada Riquelme1,2 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Mar 15 VIEW
A Comparison of the Effect of Two Types of Whole Body Vibration Platforms on Fibromyalgia. A Randomized Controlled Trial José Antonio Mingorance1,2, Pedro Montoya1, José García Vivas Miranda3, Inmaculada Riquelme1,2 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Mar 15 VIEW
Immediate effects of right and left nostril breathing on verbal and spatial scores. Joshi M, Telles S. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2008 Apr-Jun VIEW
Effect of Whole-Body Vibration Training on Muscle Activation for Individuals with Knee Osteoarthritis Juan Zhang1, Rui Wang2, Yili Zheng2, Jiao Xu1, Ya Wu1, Xueqiang Wang1,2 Biomed Res Int 2021 Mar 26 VIEW
Effect of Whole-Body Vibration Training on Muscle Activation for Individuals with Knee Osteoarthritis Juan Zhang1, Rui Wang2, Yili Zheng2, Jiao Xu1, Ya Wu1, Xueqiang Wang1,2 Biomed Res Int 2021 Mar 26 VIEW
The Solitary Nucleus Connectivity to Key Autonomic Regions in Humans MRI and Literature based Considerations Julia Forstenpointner1,2, Anne Margarette S Maallo1, Igor Elman1,3, Scott Holmes1, Roy Freeman4, Ralf Baron2, David Borsook1,5 Eur J Neurosci 2022 May 11 VIEW
Increased neurocardiological interplay after mindfulness meditation: a brain oscillation-based approach Junling Gao1, Rui Sun2, Hang Kin Leung1, Adam Roberts3, Bonnie Wai Yan Wu1, Eric W Tsang2, Andrew C W Tang4, Hin Hung Sik1 Front Hum Neurosci 2023 Jun 19 VIEW
Relationships between bioelectric impedance and subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness measured by LIPOMETER and skinfold calipers in childrenRelationships between bioelectric impedance and subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness measured by LIPOMETER and skinfold calipers in children Jurimae T//Sudi K//Payerl D//Leppik A//// Eur J Appl Physiol 2003 VIEW
Feasibility of a 6-Month Yoga Program to Improve the Physical and Psychosocial Status of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis and their Family Members. Kahraman T1, Ozdogar AT2, Yigit P3, Hosgel I3, Mehdiyev Z4, Ertekin O2, Ozakbas S5 Explore (NY). 2017 Oct 23 VIEW
Neurohemodynamic correlates of 'OM' chanting: A pilot functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Kalyani BG, Venkatasubramanian G, Arasappa R, Rao NP, Kalmady SV, Behere RV, Rao H, Vasudev MK, Gangadhar BN. Int J Yoga 2011 Jan VIEW
Possible reparative effect of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on injured meniscus. Kamatsuki Y1,2, Aoyama E2, Furumatsu T1, Miyazawa S3, Maehara A3, Yamanaka N4, Nishida T5, Kubota S2,5, Ozaki T1, Takigawa M6 J Cell Commun Signal. 2018 Nov 20 VIEW
Heart rate variability and hemodynamic change in the superior mesenteric artery by acupuncture stimulation of lower limb points: a randomized crossover trial. Kaneko S1, Watanabe M1, Takayama S2, Numata T1, Seki T3, Tanaka J4, Kanemura S4, Kagaya Y2, Ishii T4, Kimura Y1, Yaegashi N1. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
The effects of whole body vibration on muscle strength and functional mobility in persons with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Kang H1, Lu J1, Xu G2 Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2016 May VIEW
Brain Networks Responsible for Sense of Agency: An EEG Study. Kang SY1, Im CH2, Shim M2, Nahab FB3, Park J4, Kim DW5, Kakareka J6, Miletta N7, Hallett M7. PLoS One. 2015 Aug 13 VIEW
Electroacupuncture-induced attenuation of experimental epilepsy: a comparative evaluation of acupoints and stimulation parameters. Kang X, Shen X, Xia Y. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Effects of long-term whole-body vibration training on mobility in patients with multiple sclerosis: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Kantele S1, Karinkanta S2, Sievänen H3. J Neurol Sci. 2015 Sep 25 VIEW
The Use of Electrical Nerve Stimulation to Treat Migraines: A Systematic Review Karan Patel1, Sai Batchu1, Rebecca Wang2, Sean Bunachita3, Aditya Joshi1,4, Ria Soni5, Aadi Pandya6, Urvish Patel7 Cureus 2021 Aug 30 VIEW
Acupuncture and multiple sclerosis: a review of the evidence. Karpatkin HI1, Napolione D1, Siminovich-Blok B2. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014 VIEW
The Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis as a Key to Neuropsychiatric Disorders: A Mini Review Katarzyna Stopińska1, Maria Radziwoń-Zaleska2, Izabela Domitrz1 J Clin Med 2021 Oct 10 VIEW
Self-Healing Through Acupuncture Katzman S First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Bilateral Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on DLPFC Changes Resting State Networks and Cognitive Function in Patients With Bipolar Depression. Kazemi R1,2, Rostami R3, Khomami S1, Baghdadi G4, Rezaei M5, Hata M6, Aoki Y6, Ishii R6, Iwase M6, Fitzgerald PB7 Front Hum Neurosci. 2018 Sep 5 VIEW
[Epilepsy and Autonomic Nervous System] Kensuke Kawai1 Brain Nerve 2022 Mar 1 VIEW
Breathing control center neurons that promote arousal in mice Kevin Yackle1, Lindsay A Schwarz2, Kaiwen Kam3,4, Jordan M Sorokin5, John R Huguenard5, Jack L Feldman3, Liqun Luo2, Mark A Krasnow6 Science 2017 Mar 31 VIEW
Early gamma oscillations. Khazipov R1, Minlebaev M, Valeeva G. Neuroscience. 2013 Oct 10 VIEW
Effect of acupuncture on heart rate variability in primary dysmenorrheic women. Kim E, Cho JH, Jung WS, Lee S, Pak SC. Am J Chin Med. 2011 VIEW
Noninvasive Transcranial Stimulation of Rat Abducens Nerve by Focused Ultrasound. Kim H, Taghados SJ, Fischer K, Maeng LS, Park S, Yoo SS. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2012 Jul 3 VIEW
Tai Chi Exercise can Improve the Obstacle Negotiating Ability of People with Parkinson's Disease: A Preliminary Study. Kim HD1, Jae HD2, Jeong JH3. J Phys Ther Sci. 2014 Jul VIEW
Can Acupuncture Affect the Circadian Rhythm of Blood Pressure? A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial. Kim HM, Cho SY, Park SU, Sohn IS, Jung WS, Moon SK, Park JM, Ko CN, Cho KH. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug 20 VIEW
Acupuncture for management of balance impairment in a patient with bipolar disorder. Kim KH, Kim JK, Yang GY, Lee BR, Noh SH. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2013 Feb VIEW
Contralateral acupuncture versus ipsilateral acupuncture in the rehabilitation of post-stroke hemiplegic patients: a systematic review. Kim MK, Choi TY, Lee MS, Lee H, Han CH. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2010 Jul 30 VIEW
Acupuncture for the treatment of dry eye: a multicenter randomised controlled trial with active comparison intervention (artificial teardrops). Kim TH, Kang JW, Kim KH, Kang KW, Shin MS, Jung SY, Kim AR, Jung HJ, Choi JB, Hong KE, Lee SD, Choi SM. PLoS One. 2012 VIEW
Ear acupuncture or local anaesthetics as pain relief during postpartum surgical repair: a randomised controlled trial. Kindberg S, Klünder L, Strøm J, Henriksen TB. BJOG 2008 Dec 19 VIEW
Effect of Leukocyte Telomere Length on Total and Regional Brain Volumes in a Large Population-Based Cohort. King KS1, Kozlitina J2, Rosenberg RN3, Peshock RM1, McColl RW1, Garcia CK2. JAMA Neurol. 2014 Aug 4 VIEW
Transcendental meditation, hypertension and heart disease. King MS1, Carr T, D'Cruz C. Aust Fam Physician. 2002 Feb VIEW
Interoception drives increased rational decision-making in meditators playing the ultimatum game. Kirk U, Downar J, Montague PR. Front Neurosci. 2011 Apr 18 VIEW
Remote effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy on cutaneous microcirculation. Kisch T1, Sorg H2, Forstmeier V3, Knobloch K4, Liodaki E5, Stang F5, Mailänder P5, Krämer R5. J Tissue Viability. 2015 Aug 12 VIEW
ABOUT THE EFFECTS OF QIGONG ON BEAUTY Kiuchi Yumiko 1//Kurabayashi Jo 2 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Allostatic Self-efficacy: A Metacognitive Theory of Dyshomeostasis-Induced Fatigue and Depression Klaas E Stephan1, Zina M Manjaly2, Christoph D Mathys3, Lilian A E Weber4, Saee Paliwal4, Tim Gard5, Marc Tittgemeyer6, Stephen M Fleming3, Helene Haker4, Anil K Seth7, Frederike H Petzschner4 Front Hum Neurosci 2016 Nov 15 VIEW
Beta-Band Functional Connectivity is Reorganized in Mild Cognitive Impairment after Combined Computerized Physical and Cognitive Training. Klados MA1, Styliadis C2, Frantzidis CA2, Paraskevopoulos E2, Bamidis PD2. Front Neurosci. 2016 Feb 29 VIEW
Early Cortical Changes in Gamma Oscillations in Alzheimer's Disease. Klein AS1, Donoso JR2, Kempter R2, Schmitz D3, Beed P4 Front Syst Neurosci. 2016 Oct 26 VIEW
Acupuncture for Cerebral Vasospasm After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Retrospective Case-Control Study. Ko CN, Lee IW, Cho SY, Lee SH, Park SU, Koh JS, Park JM, Kim GK, Bae HS. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Nov 23 VIEW
Let it be: Mindful-acceptance down-regulates pain and negative emotion. Kober H1, Buhle J2, Weber J1, Ochsner KN1, Wager TD3 Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2020 Jan 27 VIEW
Neural correlates of music-evoked fear and joy: The roles of auditory cortex and superficial amygdala. Koelsch S, Skouras S, Fritz T, Herrera P, Bonhage C, Küssner MB, Jacobs AM. Neuroimage. 2013 May 16 VIEW
Meditation can produce beneficial effects to prevent cardiovascular disease. Koike MK, Cardoso R. Horm Mol Biol Clin Investig. 2014 Jun 1 VIEW
Daily Physical Training Improved Coronal Imbalance of Adult Degenerative Scoliosis: A Case Report Koji Akeda1, Takahiro Hasegawa1, Koki Kawaguchi1, Junichi Yamada1, Norihiko Takegami1, Tatsuhiko Fujiwara1, Akihiro Sudo1 Medicina (Kaunas) 2023 Aug 9 VIEW
The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Therapy on Quality of Life in Women with Multiple Sclerosis, Ahvaz, Iran. Kolahkaj B1, Zargar F2, Majdinasab N3 J Caring Sci. 2018 Dec 1 VIEW
Vagal afferent activation suppresses systemic inflammation via the splanchnic anti-inflammatory pathway. Komegae EN1, Stephen Farmer DG2, Brooks VL3, McKinley MJ4, McAllen RM5, Martelli D6 Brain Behav Immun. 2018 Jun 5 VIEW
Altered resting state functional connectivity of the cognitive control network in fibromyalgia and the modulation effect of mind-body intervention. Kong J1, Wolcott E2, Wang Z3, Jorgenson K3, Harvey WF2, Tao J3, Rones R3, Wang C4 Brain Imaging Behav. 2018 May 2 VIEW
The effectiveness of a single session of Whole-Body Vibration in improving the balance and the strength in type 2 diabetic patients with mild to moderate degree of peripheral neuropathy: A pilot study. Kordi Yoosefinejad A1, Shadmehr A2, Olyaei G3, Talebian S4, Bagheri H5. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2014 Jan VIEW
Fast and Slow Oscillations Recruit Molecularly-Distinct Subnetworks of Lateral Hypothalamic Neurons In Situ. Kosse C1, Burdakov D1 eNeuro. 2018 Feb 7 VIEW
Changes in electrical skin resistance at gallbladder 34 (GB34). Kramer S, Zaps D, Wiegele B, Irnich D. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2008 Dec VIEW
Whole-body vibration impedes the deterioration of postural control in patients with multiple sclerosis. Krause A1, Lee K2, Freyler K2, Bührer T2, Gollhofer A2, Ritzmann R3 Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2019 Apr 3 VIEW
Whole-body vibration impedes the deterioration of postural control in patients with multiple sclerosis. Krause A1, Lee K2, Freyler K2, Bührer T2, Gollhofer A2, Ritzmann R3 Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2019 Jun VIEW
Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation modulates trigeminal but not somatosensory perception: functional evidence for a trigemino-vagal system in humans Kuan-Po Peng1, Arne May Pain 2022 Jan 25 VIEW
Changes in Blood Circulation of the Contralateral Achilles Tendon During and After Acupuncture and Heating. Kubo K, Yajima H, Takayama M, Ikebukuro T, Mizoguchi H, Takakura N. Int J Sports Med. 2011 May 26 VIEW
Bad things come easier to the mind but harder to the body: Evidence from brain oscillations. Kuhbandner C1, Spachtholz P2, Pastötter B2 Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2016 Jul 6 VIEW
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound accelerates fracture healing by stimulation of recruitment of both local and circulating osteogenic progenitors. Kumagai K, Takeuchi R, Ishikawa H, Yamaguchi Y, Fujisawa T, Kuniya T, Takagawa S, Muschler GF, Saito T. J Orthop Res. 2012 Mar 14 VIEW
Shifting brain asymmetry: the link between meditation and structural lateralization. Kurth F1, Mackenzie-Graham A, Toga AW, Luders E. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2014 Mar 17 VIEW
Plasma Adrenaline Increases in Anesthetized Patients Given Electro-acupuncture Before Surgery. Kvorning N, Akeson J. Pain Med 2010 Jun 8 VIEW
Effects of aging and tai chi on finger-pointing toward stationary and moving visual targets. Kwok JC, Hui-Chan CW, Tsang WW. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2010 Jan VIEW
Effect of whole-body vibration for 3 months on arterial stiffness in the middle-aged and elderly. Lai CL1, Chen HY2, Tseng SY1, Liao WC3, Liu BT3, Lee MC4, Chen HS5. Clin Interv Aging. 2014 May 12 VIEW
The effect of vertical whole-body vibration on lower limb muscle activation in elderly adults: Influence of vibration frequency, amplitude and exercise. Lam FM1, Liao LR2, Kwok TC3, Pang MY4 Maturitas. 2016 Jun VIEW
Tai Chi Chuan in Medicine and Health Promotion. Lan C, Chen SY, Lai JS, Wong AM. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Bilateral Acupuncture Analgesia Observed by Quantitative Sensory Testing in Healthy Volunteers. Lang PM, Stoer J, Schober GM, Audette JF, Irnich D. Anesth Analg. 2010 Mar 17 VIEW
single session of Acu-TENS increases FEV1 and reduces dyspnoea in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial Lau KS, Jones AY Aust J Physiother. 2008 VIEW
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