The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.
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Author | Journal | Date | |
Yoga might be an alternative training for the quality of life and balance in postmenopausal osteoporosis. | Tüzün S, Aktas I, Akarirmak U, Sipahi S, Tüzün F. | Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. | 2010 Mar | VIEW |
Yoga Nidra for hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Navdeep Ahuja1, Praag Bhardwaj1, Monika Pathania2, Dilasha Sethi3, Arjun Kumar1, Ashwin Parchani1, Akshita Chandel4, Aashish Phadke5 | J Ayurveda Integr Med | 2024 Mar 13 | VIEW |
Yoga nidra practice shows improvement in sleep in patients with chronic insomnia: A randomized controlled trial | Karuna Datta1, Manjari Tripathi1, Mansi Verma2, Deepika Masiwal2, Hruda Nanda Mallick3 | Natl Med J India | May-Jun 2021 | VIEW |
Yoga not a (physical) culture for men? Understanding the barriers for yoga participation among men | Jonathan Y Cagas1, Stuart J H Biddle2, Ineke Vergeer2 | Complement Ther Clin Pract | 2020 Nov 18 | VIEW |
Yoga of Awareness program for menopausal symptoms in breast cancer survivors: results from a randomized trial. | Carson JW, Carson KM, Porter LS, Keefe FJ, Seewaldt VL. | Support Care Cancer | 2009 Feb 12 | VIEW |
Yoga of Immortals Intervention Reduces Symptoms of Depression, Insomnia and Anxiety | Sadhna Verma1, James Donovan1, Hari S Tunuguntla2, Renuka Tunuguntla3, Babu V Gupta4, Ayon Nandi5, Ishan Shivanand6 | Front Psychiatry | 2021 Jun 22 | VIEW |
Yoga on our minds: a systematic review of yoga for neuropsychiatric disorders. | Balasubramaniam M, Telles S, Doraiswamy PM. | Front Psychiatry. | 2012 | VIEW |
Yoga Practice Improves Executive Function by Attenuating Stress Levels. | Gothe N1, Keswani RK2, McAuley E2 | Biol Psychol. | 2016 Oct 26 | VIEW |
Yoga Practice Improves the Body Mass Index and Blood Pressure: A Randomized Controlled Trial. | Chauhan A1, Semwal DK2, Mishra SP3, Semwal RB4 | Int J Yoga. | 2017 May-Aug | VIEW |
Yoga practice in England 1997-2008: prevalence, temporal trends, and correlates of participation. | Ding D, Stamatakis E. | BMC Res Notes. | 2014 Mar 24 | VIEW |
Yoga practice in the UK: a cross-sectional survey of motivation, health benefits and behaviours. | Cartwright T1, Mason H2, Porter A3, Pilkington K3,4 | BMJ Open. | 2020 Jan 12 | VIEW |
Yoga practice is associated with attenuated weight gain in healthy, middle-aged men and women | Kristal, A., Littman, A., Benitez, D. & White, E. | Alternative Therapy Health Medicine | 2005 | VIEW |
Yoga practice is associated with superior motor imagery performance. | Hartnoll SH1, Punt TD1 | Int J Yoga Therap. | 2017 Aug 2 | VIEW |
Yoga Practice Reduces the Psychological Distress Levels of Prison Inmates. | Sfendla A1, Malmström P2, Torstensson S2, Kerekes N2 | Front Psychiatry. | 2018 Sep 3 | VIEW |
Yoga practitioners completed a 60-minute yoga session and comparison subjects completed a 60-minute reading session | Streeter, C.C, Jensen, J.E., Perlmutter, R.M., Cabral, H.J., Tian, H., Terhune, D.B., Ciraulo, D.A., & Renshaw, P.F. | Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine | 2007 | VIEW |
Yoga reduces cardiovascular risk as much as walking or cycling, study shows. | Mayor S1. | BMJ. | 2014 Dec 16 | VIEW |
Yoga reduces inflammatory signaling in fatigued breast cancer survivors: A randomized controlled trial. | Bower JE1, Greendale G2, Crosswell AD3, Garet D4, Sternlieb B5, Ganz PA6, Irwin MR7, Olmstead R8, Arevalo J9, Cole SW10. | Psychoneuroendocrinology. | 2014 May | VIEW |
Yoga reduces perceived stress and exhaustion levels in healthy elderly individuals. | Lindahl E1, Tilton K2, Eickholt N3, Ferguson-Stegall L4 | Complement Ther Clin Pract. | 2016 Aug | VIEW |
Yoga reduces performance anxiety in adolescent musicians. | Khalsa SB, Butzer B, Shorter SM, Reinhardt KM, Cope S. | Altern Ther Health Med. | 2013 Mar-Apr | VIEW |
Yoga reduces symptoms of distress in tsunami survivors in the andaman islands | Telles S, Naveen KV, Dash M | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. | 2007 Dec | VIEW |