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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19056 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Vibrational Medicine: Healing with Qi in the Form of Sonic Vibratory Energy Angel S First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies Gerber R 2001 VIEW
Vibrational Profiling of Brain Tumors and Cells. Nelson SL1, Proctor DT2, Ghasemloonia A2, Lama S2, Zareinia K2, Ahn Y3, Al-Saiedy MR1, Green FH4, Amrein MW1, Sutherland GR2 Theranostics. 2017 Jun 22 VIEW
Vibrational Profiling of Brain Tumors and Cells. Nelson SL1, Proctor DT2, Ghasemloonia A2, Lama S2, Zareinia K2, Ahn Y3, Al-Saiedy MR1, Green FH4, Amrein MW1, Sutherland GR2 Theranostics. 2017 Jun 22 VIEW
Vibrational spectroscopic imaging and multiphoton microscopy of spinal cord injury. Galli R, Uckermann O, Winterhalder MJ, Sitoci-Ficici KH, Geiger KD, Koch E, Schackert G, Zumbusch A, Steiner G, Kirsch M. Anal Chem. 2012 Oct 16 VIEW
Vibrational spectroscopic imaging of living systems: An emerging platform for biology and medicine. Cheng JX1, Xie XS2. Science. 2015 Nov 27 VIEW
Vibrational spectroscopy: a tool being developed for the noninvasive monitoring of wound healing. Crane NJ, Elster EA. J Biomed Opt. 2012 Jan VIEW
Vibrational Two-Photon Microscopy for Tissue Imaging: Short-Wave Infrared Surface-Enhanced Resonance Hyper-Raman Scattering Jacob E Olson1, Jung Ho Yu2, Rebekah L Thimes1, Jon P Camden1 J Biophotonics 2021 Oct 5 VIEW
Vibrations of Electrically Polar Structures in Biosystems Give Rise to Electromagnetic Field: Theories and Experiments M. Cifra 1, 2 , J. Pokorn ́y 2 , F. Jel ́ınek 2 , and O. Kuˇcera 2, 3 Proceedings of Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2009 Aug 18-21 VIEW
Views on how spontaneous qigong develops subconsciousness and the significance in the theory of knowledge Yal Zhi//Yao Changsheng 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
Violet laser acupuncture - part 5: an investigation of different stimulation frequencies on heart rate and variability. He W, Wedig D, Wang L, Gaischek I, Litscher G. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2012 Dec VIEW
Violet laser acupuncture--part 1: Effects on brain circulation. Litscher G, Huang T, Wang L, Zhang W. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2010 Dec VIEW
Violet laser acupuncture-part 2: effects on peripheral microcirculation. Wang L, Huang T, Zhang W, Litscher G. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2011 Mar VIEW
Violet laser acupuncture-part 3: pilot study of potential effects on temperature distribution. Litscher G, Wang L, Huang T, Zhang W. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2011 Sep VIEW
Violet laser acupuncture-part 4: acute effects on human arterial stiffness and wave reflection. Litscher G, Wang L, Gaischek I, Gao XY. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2011 Sep VIEW
Vipassana meditation: one woman's narrative. van der Riet P. Collegian. 2011 VIEW
Vipassana Meditation: Systematic Review of Current Evidence. Chiesa A. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Jan 7 VIEW
Virtual mind-body treatment for geographically diverse youth with neurofibromatosis: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Lester E1, DiStefano S2, Mace R3, Macklin E4, Plotkin S5, Vranceanu AM6 Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2019 Dec 6 VIEW
Virtual mindfulness interventions to promote well-being in adults:A mixed-methods systematic review April 18, 2021 Joy Xu1, Jo Helen2, Leena Noorbhai3, Ami Patel3, Amy Li4 J Affect Disord 2022 Jan 4 VIEW
Virtual Special Issue: Tai Chi Samuel R Nyman1 J Aging Phys Act 2022 Sep 1 VIEW
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