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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Effectiveness of Tai Chi for health promotion for adults with health conditions: a scoping review of Meta-analyses. Easwaran K1, Gopalasingam Y1, Green DD1, Lach V1, Melnyk JA1, Wan C1, Bartlett DJ1 Disabil Rehabil. 2020 Feb 18 VIEW
Effectiveness of Tai Chi Exercise Program on Sleep, Quality of Life, and Physical Performance in Postmenopausal Working Women Ayushi Rajkumar Jain1, Doss Prakash Sundarajan1 J Midlife Health 2022 Apr-Jun VIEW
Effectiveness of Tai chi exercise on overall quality of life and its physical and psychological components among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis Di Wang1, Pengcheng Wang2, Kun Lan1, Yingchun Zhang1, Yingli Pan1 Braz J Med Biol Res 2020 Sep 10 VIEW
Effectiveness of Tai Chi exercise on fear of falling and balance in older adults: A meta-analysis Wenyu Zhang1, Juan Sun1, Xinghui Feng1, Huimin Zhang1, Yifang Zhang1, Miaomiao Zhao1 Geriatr Nurs 2023 Apr 1 VIEW
Effectiveness of Tai Chi exercise on balance, falls, and motor function in older adults: a meta-analysis Liangxing Li1, Shoujun Guo2, Bing Ding3, Jinsong Zhang1 Front Med (Lausanne) 2024 Nov 5 VIEW
Effectiveness of Tai Chi exercise in improving aerobic capacity: a meta-analysis. Taylor-Piliae, R. & Froelicher, E. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2004 VIEW
Effectiveness of Tai Chi as a non-invasive intervention for mild cognitive impairment in the elderly: A comprehensive review and meta-analysis Derren Dch Rampengan1, Felicia A Gunawan1, Jade Ah Rampengan2, Roy N Ramadhan3, Muhammad Iqhrammullah4, Amanda Yufika5,6 Narra J 2024 Apr 1 VIEW
Effectiveness of tai chi as a community-based falls prevention intervention: a randomized controlled trial. Taylor D, Hale L, Schluter P, Waters DL, Binns EE, McCracken H, McPherson K, Wolf SL. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 May VIEW
Effectiveness of Resistance Band Use in Conjunction With Tai Chi Among Older Adults With Prefrailty to Improve Functional Fitness, Quality of Life, and Heart Rate Variability Shan-Che Woo, Miao-Yen Chen, Liang-Kung Chen, Chieh-Yu Liu J Gerontol Nurs 2024 May 1 VIEW
Effectiveness of physical activity on patients with depression and Parkinson's disease: A systematic review. Wu PL1, Lee M2, Huang TT3,4 PLoS One. 2017 Jul 27 VIEW
Effectiveness of physical activity interventions in improving objective and patient-reported outcomes in head and neck cancer survivors: A systematic review Patrick T Lynch1, Sami Horani1, Rebecca Lee1, Baran D Sumer2, Simon C Lee3, Helen G Mayo4, Chad Rethorst5, Andrew T Day6 Oral Oncol 2021 Apr 23 VIEW
Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy Interventions for Adults With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Review. Siegel P1, Tencza M2, Apodaca B3, Poole JL4 Am J Occup Ther. 2017 Jan/Feb VIEW
Effectiveness of mind-body exercises in chronic respiratory diseases: an overview of systematic reviews with meta-analyses Alberto Marcos Heredia-Rizo1,2,3, Javier Martinez-Calderon1,3, Fernando Piña-Pozo3,4, Paula González-García1,2, Cristina García-Muñoz3,5 Disabil Rehabil 2023 Jul 22 VIEW
Effectiveness of mental health interventions for older adults in South Asia: A scoping review Hoimonty Mazumder1, Farah Faizah1, Easter Protiva Gain1, Irfath Sharmin Eva2, Kaniz Ferdouse Mou1, Nobonita Saha3, Farzana Rahman4, Jyoti Das5, A M Khairul Islam6, Fazilatun Nesa1, M Mahbub Hossain1 PLoS One 2023 Jul 7 VIEW
Effectiveness of meditative movement on COPD: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Wu LL1, Lin ZK2, Weng HD3, Qi QF1, Lu J4, Liu KX5 Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2018 Apr 17 VIEW
Effectiveness of martial arts exercise on anthropometric and body composition parameters of overweight and obese subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis Fabricio de Souza1, Felipe Nunes Lanzendorf2, Márcia Mendonça Marcos de Souza3, Fabiana Schuelter-Trevisol4,5, Daisson José Trevisol4,5 BMC Public Health 2020 Aug 17 VIEW
Effectiveness of home-based exercise interventions on pain, physical function and quality of life in individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Juncheng Si1, Lili Sun1, Zheng Li1, Wenning Zhu1, Weidong Yin1, Lina Peng2 J Orthop Surg Res 2023 Jul 17 VIEW
Effectiveness of exercise on fall prevention in community-dwelling older adults: a 2-year randomized controlled study of 914 women Toni Rikkonen1, Reijo Sund1, Heli Koivumaa-Honkanen2,3, Joonas Sirola1,4, Risto Honkanen1, Heikki Kröger1,4 Age Ageing 2023 Apr 1 VIEW
Effectiveness of exercise intervention in relieving symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis: A network meta-analysis Yekui Luo1, Yonghuan Chen1, Xiangning Yan2, Lan Zhang1, Yuan Shang1, Jae Chul Seo1 PLoS One 2024 Jun 14 VIEW
Effectiveness of exercise in the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis, knee osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis. Iwamoto J, Sato Y, Takeda T, Matsumoto H. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2009 Nov 6 VIEW
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