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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19099 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Can meditation influence quality of life, depression, and disease outcome in multiple sclerosis? Findings from a large international web-based study. Levin AB1, Hadgkiss EJ2, Weiland TJ3, Marck CH2, van der Meer DM2, Pereira NG4, Jelinek GA5. Behav Neurol. 2014 VIEW
Neurobiological mechanisms of acupuncture 2014. Bai L1, Harris RE2, Kong J3, Lao L4, Napadow V5, Zhao B6. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014 VIEW
Investigation of the lower resistance meridian: speculation on the pathophysiological functions of acupuncture meridians. Yang W1. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014 VIEW
An FMRI study of neuronal specificity in acupuncture: the multiacupoint siguan and its sham point. Shan Y1, Wang ZQ1, Zhao ZL1, Zhang M1, Hao SL2, Xu JY2, Shan BC3, Lu J1, Li KC1. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014 VIEW
Mindfulness equity and Western Buddhism: reaching people of low socioeconomic status and people of color Harrison A Blum International Journal of Dharma Studies 2014 VIEW
Qigong exercise alleviates fatigue, anxiety, and depressive symptoms, improves sleep quality, and shortens sleep latency in persons with chronic fatigue syndrome-like illness. Chan JS1, Ho RT1, Chung KF2, Wang CW3, Yao TJ4, Ng SM5, Chan CL1. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014 VIEW
The combined effects of tai chi, resistance training, and diet on physical function and body composition in obese older women. Maris SA1, Quintanilla D1, Taetzsch A2, Picard A3, Letendre J1, Mahler L3, Lofgren I2, Xu F1, Delmonico MJ1. J Aging Res. 2014 VIEW
Acupuncture for visceral pain: neural substrates and potential mechanisms. Chen S1, Wang S2, Rong P1, Wang J1, Qiao L1, Feng X1, Liu J1, Zhang J1. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014 VIEW
Brain Gray Matter Changes Associated with Mindfulness Meditation in Older Adults: An Exploratory Pilot Study using Voxel-based Morphometry. Kurth F1, Luders E2, Wu B3, Black DS. Neuro. 2014 VIEW
The impact of acupuncture treatment on nitric oxide (NO) in migraine patients. Gündüztepe Y, Mit S, Geçioglu E, Gurbuz N, Salkaci O, Severcan C, Cevik C. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2014 VIEW
[A magnetoencephalographic study on the disruption of the neural network]. Tobimatsu S1. Rinsho Shinkeigaku 2014 VIEW
Medical applications of microwave imaging. Wang Z1, Lim EG1, Tang Y1, Leach M1. ScientificWorldJournal. 2014 VIEW
Memristors in the electrical network of Aloe vera L. Volkov AG1, Reedus J, Mitchell CM, Tucket C, Forde-Tuckett V, Volkova MI, Markin VS, Chua L. Plant Signal Behav. 2014 VIEW
The effectiveness of acupressure for the control and management of chemotherapy-related acute and delayed nausea: a randomized controlled trial. Molassiotis A1, Russell W2, Hughes J3, Breckons M4, Lloyd-Williams M3, Richardson J4, Hulme C5, Brearley SG6, Campbell M2, Garrow A7, Ryder WD8. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2014 Jan VIEW
Effect of Tai Chi on Cognitive Performance in Older Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Wayne PM, Walsh JN, Taylor-Piliae RE, Wells RE, Papp KV, Donovan NJ, Yeh GY. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014 Jan 2 VIEW
Ununited Fracture of the Hook of Hamate Treated With Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound in an Older Middle-aged Patient. Sakuma Y, Iwamoto T, Momohara S. Clin J Sport Med. 2014 Jan 2 VIEW
Ultrasound stimulation increases proliferation of MC3T3-E1 preosteoblast-like cells. Katiyar A1, Duncan RL2, Sarkar K3. J Ther Ultrasound. 2014 Jan 2 VIEW
Effect of 12 weeks of yoga training on the somatization, psychological symptoms, and stress-related biomarkers of healthy women. Yoshihara K, Hiramoto T, Oka T, Kubo C, Sudo N. Biopsychosoc Med 2014 Jan 3 VIEW
A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Effects of Yoga With an Active Control on Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Individuals With Prehypertension and Stage 1 Hypertension. Hagins M, Rundle A, Consedine NS, Khalsa SB. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2014 Jan 4 VIEW
Electromagnetic fields at extremely low frequencies and the risk for childhood leukemia: Do we have enough information to warrant this association? Valera ET1, Brassesco MS2, Tone LG3. Leuk Res. 2014 Jan 5 VIEW
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