Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19058 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Qigong, the cultivation of life force; ‘acupuncture without needles’ a vital part of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) Yennie R 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Effects of Mind-Body Exercise on Body Constitution and Circadian Rhythm in People with Suboptimal Health Status Yen-Ying Kung1,2, Yuh-Chiang Shen3, Jia-Yi Li4, Yao-Kai Kao5,6, Terry B J Kuo2,5,7, Cheryl C H Yang5,7,8,9 J Chin Med Assoc 2023 Oct 27 VIEW
Acupressure Improves Cognition and Quality of Life Among Older Adults With Cognitive Disorders in Long-Term Care Settings: A Clustered Randomized Controlled Trial Yen-Kuang Lin1, Hsien-Yin Liao2, Karen Watson3, Tzu-Pei Yeh4, I-Hui Chen5 J Am Med Dir Assoc 2023 Mar 15 VIEW
Older adults with higher income or marriage have longer telomeres. Yen YC, Lung FW. Age Ageing. 2012 Sep 4 VIEW
Behavioral methods of alleviating motion sickness: effectiveness of controlled breathing and a music audiotape Yen Pi//Sang FD//Billar JP//Golding JF//// J Travel Med 2003 VIEW
Self-compassion, meaning in life, and experiential avoidance explain the relationship between meditation and positive mental health outcomes. Yela JR1, Crego A1, Gómez-Martínez MÁ1, Jiménez L2 J Clin Psychol. 2020 Jan 24 VIEW
Effectiveness of exercise intervention in relieving symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis: A network meta-analysis Yekui Luo1, Yonghuan Chen1, Xiangning Yan2, Lan Zhang1, Yuan Shang1, Jae Chul Seo1 PLoS One 2024 Jun 14 VIEW
Regular tai chi exercise enhances functional mobility and CD4CD25 regulatory T cells Yeh, S., Chuang, H., Lin, L., Hsiao, C. & Eng, H. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2006 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction for Military Cadets on Perceived Stress Yeh-Hung Chen1,2, Fa-Chung Chiu3,2, Yao-Nan Lin4,2, Yu-Lin Chang2 Psychol Rep 2021 Apr 20 VIEW
Mind, body, and beyond: a hypothesis on the mechanism of qi -- the resonance of the human body Yeh Tseliang 1st Int Cong of Qigong 1990 VIEW
Moderate Physical Activity of Music Aerobic Exercise Increases Lymphocyte Counts, Specific Subsets and Differentiation. Yeh SH, Lai SL, Hsiao C, Lin LW, Chuang YK, Yang YY, Yang KD. J Phys Act Health. 2013 Dec 20 VIEW
Regular Tai Chi Chuan exercise improves T cell helper function of type 2 DM patients with an increase in T-bet transcription factor and IL-12 production Yeh SH, Chuang H, Lin LW, Hsiao CY, Wang PW, Liu RT, Yang KD Br J Sports Med 2008 Apr 2 VIEW
The Effect of Qigong on Menopausal Symptoms and Quality of Sleep for Perimenopausal Women: A Preliminary Observational Study. Yeh SC, Chang MY. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Apr 26 VIEW
Exercises improve body composition, cardiovascular risk factors and bone mineral density for menopausal women: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Yeh ML1, Liao RW2, Hsu CC3, Chung YC4, Lin JG5 Appl Nurs Res. 2018 Apr VIEW
A randomized controlled trial of qigong on fatigue and sleep quality for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma patients undergoing chemotherapy. Yeh ML1, Chung YC2 Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2016 Aug VIEW
The Influences of Chan-Chuang Qi-Gong Therapy on Complete Blood Cell Counts in Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Chemotherapy Yeh ML//Lee TI//Chen HH//Chao TY Cancer Nurs 2006 VIEW
Effects of auricular acupressure on pain reduction in patient-controlled analgesia after lumbar spine surgery. Yeh ML, Tsou MY, Lee BY, Chen HH, Chung YC. Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan. 2010 Jun VIEW
Auricular acupressure for pain relief in adolescents with dysmenorrhea: a placebo-controlled study. Yeh ML, Hung YL, Chen HH, Wang YJ. J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Apr VIEW
Auricular acupressure combined with an internet-based intervention or alone for primary dysmenorrhea: a control study. Yeh ML, Hung YL, Chen HH, Lin JG, Wang YJ. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Acupoint electrical stimulation reduces acute postoperative pain in surgical patients with patient-controlled analgesia: a randomized controlled study. Yeh ML, Chung YC, Chen KM, Tsou MY, Chen HH. Altern Ther Health Med. 2010 Nov-Dec VIEW
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