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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Effects of exercise on functional aerobic capacity in lower limb osteoarthritis: A systematic review. Escalante Y, García-Hermoso A, Saavedra JM. J Sci Med Sport. 2010 Nov 24 VIEW
Effects of exercise on joint sense and balance in elderly men : Tai Chi versus golf Tsang, W. & Hui-Chan, W. Medicine Science for Sports Exercise 2004 VIEW
Effects of Exercise on Sleep in Older Adults: An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Felipe Fank1, Franciele da Silva Pereira1, Leandro Dos Santos2, Marco Túlio de Mello3, Giovana Zarpellon Mazo1 J Aging Phys Act 2022 Apr 6 VIEW
Effects of Exercise on the Resting Heart Rate: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Interventional Studies. Reimers AK1, Knapp G2, Reimers CD3 J Clin Med. 2018 Dec 1 VIEW
Effects of exercise or tai chi on Internet addiction in college students and the potential role of gut microbiota: A randomized controlled trial Xueqing Zhang1, Huayu Yang1, Kexin Zhang1, Jianghui Zhang1, Xiaoyan Lu1, Haiyun Guo1, Guojing Yuan1, Zhihui Zhu1, Jun Du1, Haiyan Shi1, Guifang Jin1, Jiahu Hao2, Ying Sun2, Puyu Su2, Zhihua Zhang3 J Affect Disord 2023 Feb 6 VIEW
Effects of exercise programs to prevent decline in health-related quality of life in highly deconditioned institutionalized elderly persons: a randomized controlled trial. Dechamps A, Diolez P, Thiaudière E, Tulon A, Onifade C, Vuong T, Helmer C, Bourdel-Marchasson I. Arch Intern Med. 2010 Jan 25 VIEW
Effects of Exercise Training Interventions on Executive Function in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Feng-Tzu Chen 1, Jennifer L Etnier 2, Kuei-Hui Chan 3, Ping-Kun Chiu 3, Tsung-Ming Hung 4 5, Yu-Kai Chang 6 7 Sports Med 2020 May 23 VIEW
Effects of exercise types on white matter microstructure in late midlife adults: Preliminary results from a diffusion tensor imaging study Feng-Tzu Chen1, Hideaki Soya2,3, Michael A Yassa3,4,5, Ruei-Hong Li6, Chien-Heng Chu6, Ai-Guo Chen7, Chiao-Ling Hung8,9, Yu-Kai Chang6,10 Front Aging Neurosci 2022 Nov 18 VIEW
Effects of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Yang X1,2, Li Y1,3, Ren X2,3, Xiong X1, Wu L2,3, Li J1, Wang J1, Gao Y2, Shang H2, Xing Y1 Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 17 VIEW
Effects of Exergaming-Based Tai Chi on Cognitive Function and Dual-Task Gait Performance in Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Control Trial Chien-Liang Liu1,2,3, Fang-Yu Cheng4, Min-Ju Wei5, Ying-Yi Liao6,7 Front Aging Neurosci 2022 Mar 15 VIEW
Effects of fitness qigong and tai chi on middle-aged and elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Xiaoyuan Li1,2,3, Hongyu Si2,3, Yamin Chen1, Shouhao Li1, Ningning Yin2, Zhenlong Wang4 PLoS One 2020 Dec 17 VIEW
Effects of home-based computerized cognitive training and tai chi exercise on cognitive functions in older adults with mild cognitive impairment Hei-Fen Hwang1,2, Kuang-Chih Tseng2, Sy-Jou Chen3, Wen-Yu Yu4, Chih-Yi Chen2, Mau-Roung Lin2 Aging Ment Health 2023 Jun 27 VIEW
Effects of home-based exercise interventions on post-stroke depression: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Rong Chen1, Yijia Guo1, Yashi Kuang1, Qi Zhang2 Int J Nurs Stud 2024 Jan 18 VIEW
Effects of Home-Based Tai Chi and Lower Extremity Training and Self-Practice on Falls and Functional Outcomes in Older Fallers from the Emergency Department-A Randomized Controlled Trial. Hwang HF, Chen SJ, Lee-Hsieh J, Chien DK, Chen CY, Lin MR J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 Feb 11 VIEW
Effects of interventions on depression in heart failure: A systematic review. Woltz PC, Chapa DW, Friedmann E, Son H, Akintade B, Thomas SA. Heart Lung. 2012 Sep VIEW
Effects of long term Tai Chi practice and jogging exercise on muscle strength and endurance in older people Xu, D., Li, J. & Hong, Y. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2006 VIEW
Effects of long-term tai chi ball practice on balance performance in older adults. Xiao CM. J Am Geriatr Soc 2014 May VIEW
Effects of long-term tai chi practice on balance and h-reflex characteristics. Guan H, Koceja DM. Am J Chin Med. 2011 VIEW
Effects of long-term Tai Chi vs. aerobic exercise on antioxidant activity and cognitive function in individuals with Parkinson's disease Chia-Liang Tsai1, Chung-Yao Chien2, Chien-Yu Pan3, Yu-Ting Tseng4, Tsai-Chiao Wang5, Tsu-Kung Lin6 Behav Brain Res 2024 Sep 25 VIEW
Effects of Meditation and Mind-Body Exercises on Older Adults' Cognitive Performance: A Meta-analysis. Chan JSY1, Deng K1, Wu J1, Yan JH1 Gerontologist. 2019 Feb 23 VIEW
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