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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Blood Pressure Response to Meditation and Yoga: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Park SH1, Han KS2 J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Apr 6 VIEW
Commentary: A Breathing-Based Meditation Intervention for Patients with Major Depressive Disorder Following Inadequate Response to Antidepressants: A Randomized Pilot Study. McKennon S1,2, Levitt SE3,4, Bulaj G5 Front Med (Lausanne). 2017 Apr 6 VIEW
Mindfulness practice reduces cortisol blunting during chemotherapy: A randomized controlled study of colorectal cancer patients. Black DS1,2, Peng C1, Sleight AG3, Nguyen N1, Lenz HJ2, Figueiredo JC1,4 Cancer. 2017 Apr 7 VIEW
A Multimodal, Nonpharmacologic Intervention Improves Mood and Cognitive Function in People with Multiple Sclerosis. Lee JE1,2, Bisht B3, Hall MJ4,5, Rubenstein LM6, Louison R1, Klein DT3, Wahls TL3,7 J Am Coll Nutr. 2017 Apr 10 VIEW
Self-Reported Long-Term Benefits of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Patients with Bipolar Disorder. Weber B1,2, Sala L3, Gex-Fabry M1, Docteur A3, Gorwood P3,4, Cordera P2, Bondolfi G2, Jermann F1,2, Aubry JM1, Mirabel-Sarron C3 J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Apr 14 VIEW
Stress is associated with an increased risk of recurrent seizures in adults. Baldin E1,2, Hauser WA1,3,4, Pack A3, Hesdorffer DC1,4 Epilepsia. 2017 Apr 18 VIEW
Mindfulness and its efficacy for psychological and biological responses in women with breast cancer. Kenne Sarenmalm E1, Mårtensson LB2, Andersson BA3, Karlsson P4, Bergh I2 Cancer Med. 2017 Apr 18 VIEW
Mind-Body Therapy for Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Herbert A1, Esparham A2 Children (Basel). 2017 Apr 25 VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Treating Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Anheyer D1, Haller H1, Barth J1, Lauche R1, Dobos G1, Cramer H1 Ann Intern Med. 2017 Apr 25 VIEW
EEG microstates during different phases of Transcendental Meditation practice. Faber PL1, Travis F2, Milz P3, Parim N2 Cogn Process. 2017 Apr 27 VIEW
Higher DHEAS Levels Associated with Long-Term Practicing of Tai Chi. Lai HM1, Liu MSY2, Lin TJ1, Tsai YL1, Chien EJ2,3,4 Chin J Physiol. 2017 Apr 30 VIEW
Mindfulness, Quality of Life, and Severity of Depressive Symptoms Among Patients With Schizophrenia and Patients With Major Depressive Disorder. Rayan AHR J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv. 2017 May 1 VIEW
Mindfulness and asthma symptoms: A study among college students. Shi L1, Liang D2, Gao Y3, Huang J4, Nolan C1, Mulvaney A1, Poole T5, Zhang H6 J Asthma. 2017 May 1 VIEW
Mindfulness and pharmacological prophylaxis have comparable effect on biomarkers of inflammation and clinical indexes in chronic migraine with medication overuse: results at 12 months after withdrawal. Grazzi L1, D'Amico D2, Raggi A3, Leonardi M3, Ciusani E4, Corsini E4, D'Andrea G5, Bolner A5, Salgado-García F6, Andrasik F6, Sansone E2 Neurol Sci. 2017 May VIEW
Exercise as a Positive Modulator of Brain Function. Alkadhi KA1 Mol Neurobiol. 2017 May 2 VIEW
Evaluation of a specialized yoga program for persons with a spinal cord injury: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Curtis K1, Hitzig SL2,3, Bechsgaard G4, Stoliker C5, Alton C3, Saunders N3, Leong N6, Katz J1 J Pain Res. 2017 May 3 VIEW
Mindfulness-based stress reduction for breast cancer patients: a mixed method study on what patients experience as a suitable stage to participate. Bisseling EM1,2, Schellekens MPJ3, Jansen ETM3, van Laarhoven HWM4, Prins JB5, Speckens AEM3 Support Care Cancer. 2017 May 4 VIEW
Tai Chi Chih Compared With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Treatment of Insomnia in Survivors of Breast Cancer: A Randomized, Partially Blinded, Noninferiority Trial. Irwin MR1, Olmstead R1, Carrillo C1, Sadeghi N1, Nicassio P1, Ganz PA1, Bower JE1 J Clin Oncol. 2017 May 10 VIEW
Healing, spirituality and integrative medicine. Steinhorn DM1, Din J2, Johnson A3 Ann Palliat Med. 2017 May 22 VIEW
The varieties of contemplative experience: A mixed-methods study of meditation-related challenges in Western Buddhists. Lindahl JR1, Fisher NE2, Cooper DJ3, Rosen RK4, Britton WB3,4 PLoS One. 2017 May 24 VIEW
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