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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Human Subject Effects on Torsion Pendulum Oscillations: Further Evidence of Mediation by Convection Currents. Hammerschlag R1, Linda Baldwin A2, Schwartz GE3 Explore (NY). 2016 Aug 18 VIEW
Qigong / Tai Chi Easy for fatigue in breast cancer survivors: Rationale and design of a randomized clinical trial. Larkey L1, Huberty J1, Pedersen M2, Weihs K1 Contemp Clin Trials. 2016 Aug 16 VIEW
Putting pain out of mind with an 'out of body' illusion. Pamment J1, Aspell JE1 Eur J Pain. 2016 Aug 10 VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction as a Stress Management Intervention for Cancer Care: A Systematic Review. Rush SE1, Sharma M2 J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2016 Aug 3 VIEW
Practicing Tai Chi had lower energy metabolism than walking but similar health benefits in terms of aerobic fitness, resting energy expenditure, body composition and self-perceived physical health. Hui SS1, Xie YJ2, Woo J3, Kwok TC4 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Aug VIEW
Efficacy of rehabilitation with Tai Ji Quan in an Italian cohort of patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome. Maddali Bongi S1, Paoletti G2, Calà M3, Del Rosso A4, El Aoufy K5, Mikhaylova S6 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2016 Aug VIEW
Exercises for mechanical neck disorders: A Cochrane review update. Gross AR1, Paquin JP2, Dupont G3, Blanchette S3, Lalonde P3, Cristie T3, Graham N4, Kay TM5, Burnie SJ6, Gelley G7, Goldsmith CH8, Forget M9, Santaguida PL10, Yee AJ11, Radisic GG12, Hoving JL13, Bronfort G, Cervical Overview Group Man Ther. 2016 Aug VIEW
Stressful life events and leucocyte telomere length: Do lifestyle factors, somatic and mental health, or low grade inflammation mediate this relationship? Results from a cohort of Danish men born in 1953. Osler M1, Bendix L2, Rask L3, Rod NH4 Brain Behav Immun. 2016 Jul 25 VIEW
Electromagnetic homeostasis and the role of low-amplitude electromagnetic fields on life organization. De Ninno A1, Pregnolato M2 Electromagn Biol Med. 2016 Jul 11 VIEW
Bad things come easier to the mind but harder to the body: Evidence from brain oscillations. Kuhbandner C1, Spachtholz P2, Pastötter B2 Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 2016 Jul 6 VIEW
Vibrating Platform Training Improves Respiratory Muscle Strength, Quality of Life, and Inspiratory Capacity in the Elderly Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pessoa MF1, Brandão DC1, Sá RB1, Barcelar JM1, Rocha TD1, Souza HC1, Dornelas de Andrade A2 J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2016 Jul 6 VIEW
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Tai Chi versus Brisk Walking in Reducing Cardiovascular Risk Factors: Protocol for a Ranomized Controlled Trial. Chan AW1, Sit JW2, Chair SY3, Leung DY4, Lee DT5, Wong EM6, Fung LC7 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016 Jul 5 VIEW
The cell's self-generated "electrome": The biophysical essence of the immaterial dimension of Life? De Loof A1 Commun Integr Biol. 2016 Jul 1 VIEW
Effect of a single session of ear acupuncture on pain intensity and postural control in individuals with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. Ushinohama A1, Cunha BP1, Costa LO2,3, Barela AM1, Freitas PB1 Braz J Phys Ther. 2016 Jul-Aug VIEW
Bioactive lipids as modulators of immunity, inflammation and emotions. Chiurchiù V1, Maccarrone M2 Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2016 Jun 30 VIEW
Environmental Light and Its Relationship with Electromagnetic Resonances of Biomolecular Interactions, as Predicted by the Resonant Recognition Model. Cosic I1,2, Cosic D3, Lazar K4 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016 Jun 29 VIEW
Infrared micro-spectroscopy of human tissue: principles and future promises. Diem M1, Ergin A2, Remiszewski S2, Mu X3, Akalin A4, Raz D5 Faraday Discuss. 2016 Jun 23 VIEW
Tolerability and suitability of brief group mindfulness-oriented interventions in psychiatric inpatients: a pilot study. Nikolitch K1, Laliberté V1, Yu C1, Strychowsky N1, Segal M1, Looper KJ1, Rej S1,2 Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract. 2016 Jun 23 VIEW
Physical exercise and brain mitochondrial fitness: The possible role against alzheimer's disease. Bernardo TC1, Marques-Aleixo I1, Beleza J1, Oliveira PJ2, Ascensão A1, Magalhães J1 Brain Pathol. 2016 Jun 21 VIEW
Body Composition Outcomes of a Qigong Intervention Among Community-Dwelling Aging Adults. Chang MY1, Chen HY2 West J Nurs Res. 2016 Jun 21 VIEW
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