Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19056 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Assessment of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) as a Stress-Reducing Technique for First-Year Veterinary Students. Allison S, Hamilton KI, Yuan Y, Hague GW J Vet Med Educ. 2019 Nov 15 VIEW
The electromagnetic spectrum: current and future applications in oncology. Allison RR. Future Oncol. 2013 May VIEW
The Leveraging Exercise to Age in Place (LEAP) Study: Engaging Older Adults in Community-Based Exercise Classes to Impact Loneliness and Social Isolation Allison Moser Mays1, Sungjin Kim2, Katrina Rosales3, Tam Au4, Sonja Rosen5 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2020 Oct 16 VIEW
Stress reduction for paid home care aides: A feasibility study of mindfulness meditation and Tai Chi interventions Allison K Hansell1, Richard Olmstead2, Eric López Maya3, Sahar Banijamali4 Home Health Care Serv Q 2023 May 17 VIEW
The efficacy of anti-inflammatory treatment interventions on depression in individuals with major depressive disorder and high levels of inflammation: A systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Allison DJ1, Sharma B2, Timmons BW2 Physiol Behav. 2019 May 9 VIEW
Rogers' theory: research to practice Alligood Martha R Rogerian Nursing Science News 1990 VIEW
The Integration of Yoga in Physical Therapy Clinical Practice Allie Thomas1, Lindsey Kirschbaum2, Brandi M Crowe3, Marieke Van Puymbroeck3, Arlene A Schmid4 Complement Ther Med 2021 Mar 17 VIEW
The Relationship between Heart Rate Variability, Psychological Flexibility, and Pain in Neurofibromatosis Type 1. Allen TM1, Struemph KL2,3, Toledo-Tamula MA1, Wolters PL2,3, Baldwin A3, Widemann B3, Martin S2,3 Pain Pract. 2018 Mar 23 VIEW
P6 stimulation for the prevention of nausea and vomiting associated with cesarean delivery under neuraxial anesthesia: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Allen TK, Habib AS Anesth Analg. 2008 Oct VIEW
Unravelling the Neurobiology of Interoceptive Inference. Allen M1 Trends Cogn Sci. 2020 Apr VIEW
Cognitive-Affective Neural Plasticity following Active-Controlled Mindfulness Intervention. Allen M, Dietz M, Blair KS, van Beek M, Rees G, Vestergaard-Poulsen P, Lutz A, Roepstorff A. J Neurosci. 2012 Oct 31 VIEW
Exercise Alters Gut Microbiota Composition and Function in Lean and Obese Humans. Allen JM1, Mailing LJ1, Niemiro GM1, Moore R1, Cook MD1, White BA1, Holscher HD1,1,1, Woods JA1,1 Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2017 Nov 20 VIEW
How to Prescribe Tai Chi Therapy. Allen J, Meires J. J Transcult Nurs. 2011 Feb 11 VIEW
Comparing the impact of acupuncture and pethidine on reducing labor pain. Allameh Z1, Tehrani HG1, Ghasemi M1. Adv Biomed Res. 2015 Feb 12 VIEW
Ear acupuncture in unilateral migraine pain. Allais G, Romoli M, Rolando S, Castagnoli Gabellari I, Benedetto C. Neurol Sci 2010 Jun VIEW
Ear acupuncture in the treatment of migraine attacks: a randomized trial on the efficacy of appropriate versus inappropriate acupoints. Allais G, Romoli M, Rolando S, Airola G, Castagnoli Gabellari I, Allais R, Benedetto C. Neurol Sci. 2011 May VIEW
Acupressure in the control of migraine-associated nausea. Allais G, Rolando S, Castagnoli Gabellari I, Burzio C, Airola G, Borgogno P, Schiapparelli P, Allais R, Benedetto C. Neurol Sci. 2012 May VIEW
Shock wave therapy of fracture nonunion. Alkhawashki HM1 Injury. 2015 Nov VIEW
Exercise as a Positive Modulator of Brain Function. Alkadhi KA1 Mol Neurobiol. 2017 May 2 VIEW
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