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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Cancer-Related Stress and Complementary and Alternative Medicine: A Review. Chandwani KD, Ryan JL, Peppone LJ, Janelsins MM, Sprod LK, Devine K, Trevino L, Gewandter J, Morrow GR, Mustian KM. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
A systematic review of the effectiveness of qigong exercise in supportive cancer care. Chan CL, Wang CW, Ho RT, Ng SM, Chan JS, Ziea ET, Wong VC. Support Care Cancer. 2012 Jan 19 VIEW
A body-mind-spirit model in health: an Eastern approach Chan C//Ho PS//Chow E Soc Work Health Care 2001 VIEW
A randomised controlled trial of a mindfulness intervention for men with advanced prostate cancer. Chambers SK, Smith DP, Berry M, Lepore SJ, Foley E, Clutton S, McDowall R, Occhipinti S, Frydenberg M, Gardiner RA. BMC Cancer. 2013 Feb 26 VIEW
Effectiveness of pranayama on cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy: A randomized controlled trial. Chakrabarty J1, Vidyasagar M2, Fernandes D2, Joisa G3, Varghese P4, Mayya S5. Int J Yoga. 2015 Jan VIEW
Epigenetic clock analysis in long-term meditators. Chaix R1, Alvarez-López MJ2, Fagny M3, Lemee L4, Regnault B4, Davidson RJ5, Lutz A6, Kaliman P7 Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2017 Aug 31 VIEW
Efficacy of HT 7 point acupressure stimulation in the treatment of insomnia in cancer patients and in patients suffering from disorders other than cancer. Cerrone R, Giani L, Galbiati B, Messina G, Casiraghi M, Proserpio E, Meregalli M, Trabattoni P, Lissoni P, Gardani G. Minerva Med. 2008 Dec VIEW
Roles of Apoptosis and Cellular Senescence in Cancer and Aging. Cerella C1, Grandjenette C1, Dicato M1, Diederich M2. Curr Drug Targets. 2015 Feb 2 VIEW
Short-term inhibition of TERT induces telomere length-independent cell cycle arrest and apoptotic response in EBV-immortalized and transformed B cells. Celeghin A1, Giunco S1, Freguja R1, Zangrossi M1, Nalio S2, Dolcetti R3,4, De Rossi A1,2 Cell Death Dis. 2016 Dec 29 VIEW
Short-term inhibition of TERT induces telomere length-independent cell cycle arrest and apoptotic response in EBV-immortalized and transformed B cells. Celeghin A1, Giunco S1, Freguja R1, Zangrossi M1, Nalio S2, Dolcetti R3,4, De Rossi A1,2 Cell Death Dis. 2016 Dec 29 VIEW
Transcendental Meditation Enriches Nurses' Authentic Presence Through Caring for Self and Others Catherine Aquino-Russell1, Jennifer I Bonamer2, Susan Hartranft3, Mary Kutash4, Ayesha Johnson5 J Holist Nurs 2024 Jul 26 VIEW
Beneficial Effects of Pranic Meditation on the Mental Health and Quality of Life of Breast Cancer Survivors. Castellar JI1, Fernandes CA1, Tosta CE2. Integr Cancer Ther. 2014 Jun 5 VIEW
Music therapy for mood disturbance during hospitalization for autologous stem cell transplantation: a randomized controlled trial Cassileth BR//Vickers AJ//Magill LA Cancer 2003 VIEW
Massage therapy for symptom control: outcome study at a major cancer center Cassileth BR//Vickers AJ J Pain Symptom Manage 2004 VIEW
Psychiatric benefits of integrative therapies in patients with cancer. Cassileth BR. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2014 Feb VIEW
Acupuncture in the treatment of upper-limb lymphedema: Results of a pilot study. Cassileth BR, Van Zee KJ, Yeung KS, Coleton MI, Cohen S, Chan YH, Vickers AJ, Sjoberg DD, Hudis CA. Cancer 2013 Apr 10 VIEW
Evaluating complementary and alternative therapies for cancer patients Cassileth BR CA Cancer J Clin 1999 VIEW
Yoga for women with metastatic breast cancer: Results from a pilot study Carson, J.W., Carson, K.M., Porter, L.S., Keefe, F.J., Shaw, H. & Miller, J.M. Journal of Pain Symptom Management 2007 VIEW
Yoga of Awareness program for menopausal symptoms in breast cancer survivors: results from a randomized trial. Carson JW, Carson KM, Porter LS, Keefe FJ, Seewaldt VL. Support Care Cancer 2009 Feb 12 VIEW
Paced respiration for vasomotor and other menopausal symptoms: a randomized, controlled trial. Carpenter JS, Burns DS, Wu J, Otte JL, Schneider B, Ryker K, Tallman E, Yu M. J Gen Intern Med. 2013 Feb VIEW
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