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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Bioelectronic medicines: Therapeutic potential and advancements in next-generation cancer therapy Arun Kumar Singh1, Rajendra Awasthi2, Rishabha Malviya3 Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Cancer 2022 Oct 5 VIEW
Physical activity and telomere length: Impact of aging and potential mechanisms of action. Arsenis NC1, You T2, Ogawa EF2, Tinsley GM3, Zuo L4 Oncotarget. 2017 Mar 30 VIEW
Transcription regulates telomere dynamics in human cancer cells. Arora R, Brun CM, Azzalin CM. RNA 2012 Feb 22 VIEW
Design of compact electromagnetic impulse radiating antenna for melanoma treatment. Arockiasamy P1, Mohan S. Electromagn Biol Med. 2015 Feb 4 VIEW
The Impact of Yoga on Fatigue in Cancer Survivorship: A Meta-Analysis. Armer JS1,2, Lutgendorf SK1,2,3,4 JNCI Cancer Spectr. 2019 Dec 17 VIEW
[Touching cancer: shiatsu as complementary treatment to support cancer patients] Argash O, Caspi O. Harefuah 2008 Aug-Sep VIEW
Review of the Evidence that Transcranial Electromagnetic Treatment will be a Safe and Effective Therapeutic Against Alzheimer's Disease. Arendash GW J Alzheimers Dis. 2016 May 30 VIEW
Music-based interventions in palliative cancer care: a review of quantitative studies and neurobiological literature. Archie P, Bruera E, Cohen L. Support Care Cancer. 2013 May 30 VIEW
Effect of Tai Chi on Vascular Function Among Peripheral Neuropathy Patients: 715 Board #31 June 1, 3: 30 PM - 5: 00 PM. Arce-Esquivel AA1, Ballard JE, Haas BK, Hermanns ML, Kimmel GT, Wang YT Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May VIEW
The Development of a Mind-Body-Spirit Certification Program in Nursing. Arcari PM1, Flanagan J2. J Holist Nurs. 2014 Sep 3 VIEW
Cellular senescence: a hitchhiker's guide. Aravinthan A1. Hum Cell. 2015 Apr VIEW
Meditation effect on psychological stress level in women with breast cancer: a systematic review. Araujo RV1, Fernandes AFC2, Nery IS1, Andrade EMLR1, Nogueira LT1, Azevedo FHC3 Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2019 Dec 2 VIEW
Fatigue in breast cancer survivors: the impact of a mind-body medicine intervention. Appling SE, Scarvalone S, Macdonald R, McBeth M, Helzlsouer KJ. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2012 May 1 VIEW
Chinese Herbal Medicine Combined With Liuzijue Exercise in Physiological Rehabilitation After Video-assisted Lung Lobectomy for Cancer: A Prospective Propensity Score Matching Study Ao Qi1, Yiyun He1, Yifeng Gu1, Congmeng Zhang1, Xiong Qin2, Yichao Wang1, Yong Yang2, Jialin Yao1, Huiling Zhou1, Wenxiao Yang1, Lingzi Su1, Qin Wang1, Jiajun Song1, Lijing Jiao1, Yabin Gong1, Jiaqi Li1, Ling Xu1 Integr Cancer Ther 2024 Jan-Dec VIEW
Cancer, Blood Cancer, TB and Liver Cirrhosis (with Ascites & Varices) Cure With German Homoeo Compounds Anwer RUR First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
GreenLight™ laser in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic enlargement. Antoniewicz AA, Alivizatos G, Zapała L, de Reijke TM. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2011 Mar VIEW
A functional connection between dyskerin and energy metabolism. Angrisani A1, Matrone N2, Belli V3, Vicidomini R2, Di Maio N2, Turano M2, Scialò F4, Netti PA5, Porcellini A2, Furia M6 Redox Biol. 2017 Nov 6 VIEW
Telomere Shortening and Its Association with Cell Dysfunction in Lung Diseases Andy Ruiz1, Julio Flores-Gonzalez1, Ivette Buendia-Roldan1, Leslie Chavez-Galan1 Int J Mol Sci 2021 Dec 31 VIEW
Pesticide Use and Relative Leukocyte Telomere Length in the Agricultural Health Study. Andreotti G1, Hoppin JA2, Hou L3, Koutros S1, Gadalla SM1, Savage SA1, Lubin J1, Blair A1, Hoxha M4, Baccarelli A5, Sandler D6, Alavanja M1, Beane Freeman LE1. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 21 VIEW
0127 Pesticide use and relative telomere length in the Agricultural Health Study. Andreotti G1, Hoppin J2, Savage S1, Hou L3, Baccarelli A4, Hoxha M4, Koutros S1, Sandler D2, Alavanja M1, Beane Freeman L1. Occup Environ Med. 2014 Jun VIEW
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