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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Modulation of the autonomic nervous system assessed through heart rate variability by a mindfulness based stress reduction program. Nijjar PS1, Puppala VK2, Dickinson O3, Duval S4, Duprez D4, Kreitzer MJ5, Benditt DG6. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Aug 24 VIEW
Benefits of Mindfulness Training for Patients With Progressive Cognitive Decline and Their Caregivers. Paller KA1, Creery JD2, Florczak SM3, Weintraub S4, Mesulam MM4, Reber PJ3, Kiragu J5, Rooks J3, Safron A3, Morhardt D4, O'Hara M4, Gigler KL3, Molony JM3, Maslar M5. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2014 Aug 25 VIEW
Mindfulness for the Self-Management of Fatigue, Anxiety, and Depression in Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study. Eyles C1, Leydon GM2, Hoffman CJ3, Copson ER2, Prescott P2, Chorozoglou M2, Lewith G2. Integr Cancer Ther. 2014 Aug 26 VIEW
Inhalation/Exhalation Ratio Modulates the Effect of Slow Breathing on Heart Rate Variability and Relaxation. Van Diest I1, Verstappen K, Aubert AE, Widjaja D, Vansteenwegen D, Vlemincx E. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2014 Aug 26 VIEW
Community-Based Mindfulness Program for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Targeting Stress Reduction. Galla BM, O'Reilly GA, Kitil MJ, Smalley SL, Black DS. Am J Health Promot. 2014 Aug 27 VIEW
The association between mindfulness and emotional distress in adults with diabetes: Could mindfulness serve as a buffer? Results from Diabetes MILES: The Netherlands. van Son J1, Nyklíček I, Nefs G, Speight J, Pop VJ, Pouwer F. J Behav Med. 2014 Aug 28 VIEW
The Effects of Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Children's Attention Regulation. Felver JC1, Tipsord JM2, Morris MJ3, Racer KH2, Dishion TJ4. J Atten Disord. 2014 Aug 29 VIEW
The effects of amount of home meditation practice in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy on hazard of relapse to depression in the Staying Well after Depression Trial. Crane C1, Crane RS2, Eames C2, Fennell MJ3, Silverton S2, Williams JM3, Barnhofer T3. Behav Res Ther. 2014 Aug 30 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness meditation for chronic insomnia. Ong JC1, Manber R2, Segal Z3, Xia Y4, Shapiro S5, Wyatt JK1. Sleep 2014 Sep VIEW
Lower trait frontal theta activity in mindfulness meditators. Tanaka GK1, Peressutti C1, Teixeira S1, Cagy M2, Piedade R1, Nardi AE3, Ribeiro P1, Velasques B1. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2014 Sep VIEW
The Effects of Exercise Therapy on CVD Risk Factors in Women. Hur S1, Kim SR2. J Phys Ther Sci. 2014 Sep VIEW
Nonpharmacologic Approach to Fatigue in Patients With Cancer. Pachman DR1, Price KA, Carey EC. Cancer J. 2014 Sep-Oct VIEW
Effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction on pain severity and mindful awareness in patients with tension headache: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Omidi A1, Zargar F1. Nurs Midwifery Stud. 2014 Sep VIEW
Yoga as the "next wave" of therapeutic modalities for treatment of insomnia. Kennedy SL1. Int J Yoga Therap. 2014 Sep VIEW
Effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention for health-related quality of life in drug-dependent males. Hosseinzadeh Asl NR1, Hosseinalipour F2. Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2014 Sep 5 VIEW
Mind-body practices for patients with cardiac disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Younge JO1, Gotink RA2, Baena CP3, Roos-Hesselink JW4, Hunink MM5. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2014 Sep 16 VIEW
Advancing the Science of Mind-Body Interventions: a Comment on Larkey et al. Porter LS. Ann Behav Med. 2014 Sep 17 VIEW
Web-based Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for reducing residual depressive symptoms: An open trial and quasi-experimental comparison to propensity score matched controls. Dimidjian S1, Beck A2, Felder JN3, Boggs JM2, Gallop R4, Segal ZV5. Behav Res Ther. 2014 Sep 18 VIEW
The effectiveness of self-help mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in a student sample: A randomised controlled trial. Lever Taylor B1, Strauss C2, Cavanagh K3, Jones F4. Behav Res Ther. 2014 Sep 22 VIEW
Potential self-regulatory mechanisms of yoga for psychological health. Gard T1, Noggle JJ2, Park CL3, Vago DR4, Wilson A5. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014 Sep 30 VIEW
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