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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Neurophysiological background for physical therapies in fibromyalgia. Casale R, Atzeni F, Sarzi-Puttini P. Reumatismo 2012 Sep 28 VIEW
Effects of inspiratory muscle training on muscular and pulmonary function after bariatric surgery in obese patients. Casali CC, Pereira AP, Martinez JA, de Souza HC, Gastaldi AC. Obes Surg. 2011 Sep VIEW
A Model for Integrating a Mind/Body Approach to Cardiac Rehabilitation: OUTCOMES AND CORRELATORS. Casey A, Chang BH, Huddleston J, Virani N, Benson H, Dusek JA. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2009 May 15 VIEW
Bioelectric Medicine: Electrotherapy and Transcutaneous Electromagnetic Stimulation - Clinical and Research Challenges Casey J Steadman1, Muhammad M Abd El Barr2, Shivanand P Lad3, Parag Gad4, Ashraf S Gorgey5, Helen Hoenig6 Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2022 Aug 12 VIEW
Mindfulness Meditation Alleviates Fibromyalgia Symptoms in Women: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Cash E1, Salmon P, Weissbecker I, Rebholz WN, Bayley-Veloso R, Zimmaro LA, Floyd A, Dedert E, Sephton SE. Ann Behav Med. 2014 Nov 26 VIEW
Small talk: microbial metabolites involved in the signaling from microbiota to brain. Caspani G1, Swann J2 Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2019 Sep 13 VIEW
Methodological challenges in meditation research. Caspi O, Burleson KO. Adv Mind Body Med 2005 Spring VIEW
Unraveling the ball of string: Reality, paradigms, and the study of alternative medicine Cassidy CM ADVANCES: The Journal of Mind-Body Health 1994 VIEW
Evaluating complementary and alternative therapies for cancer patients Cassileth BR CA Cancer J Clin 1999 VIEW
Acupuncture in the treatment of upper-limb lymphedema: Results of a pilot study. Cassileth BR, Van Zee KJ, Yeung KS, Coleton MI, Cohen S, Chan YH, Vickers AJ, Sjoberg DD, Hudis CA. Cancer 2013 Apr 10 VIEW
Psychiatric benefits of integrative therapies in patients with cancer. Cassileth BR. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2014 Feb VIEW
Massage therapy for symptom control: outcome study at a major cancer center Cassileth BR//Vickers AJ J Pain Symptom Manage 2004 VIEW
Music therapy for mood disturbance during hospitalization for autologous stem cell transplantation: a randomized controlled trial Cassileth BR//Vickers AJ//Magill LA Cancer 2003 VIEW
Mindfulness and the attenuation of post-event processing in social phobia: an experimental investigation. Cassin SE, Rector NA. Cogn Behav Ther. 2011 VIEW
The effect of group music therapy on anxiety, depression and quality of life in older adults with psychiatric disorders. Castelino A, Fisher M, Hoskyns S, Zeng I, Waite A. Australas Psychiatry. 2013 Oct VIEW
Therapeutic Modulation of Calcium Dynamics using Ultrasound and Other Energy-based Techniques. Castellanos I, Balteanu B, Singh T, Zderic V. IEEE Rev Biomed Eng. 2016 Aπr 21 VIEW
Beneficial Effects of Pranic Meditation on the Mental Health and Quality of Life of Breast Cancer Survivors. Castellar JI1, Fernandes CA1, Tosta CE2. Integr Cancer Ther. 2014 Jun 5 VIEW
Acupuncture-ameliorated menopausal symptoms: single-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial. Castelo Branco de Luca A, Maggio da Fonseca A, Carvalho Lopes CM, Bagnoli VR, Soares JM, Baracat EC. Climacteric. 2010 May 24 VIEW
Trance, functional psychosis, and culture Castillo RJ Psychiatry 2003 VIEW
Anti-aging therapy through fitness enhancement Castillo-Garz?n MJ, Ruiz JR, Ortega FB, Guti?rrez A Clin Interv Aging 2006 VIEW
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