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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Effect of rajyoga meditation on chronic tension headache. Kiran, Girgla KK, Chalana H, Singh H. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2014 Apr-Jun VIEW
Transcendental meditation, hypertension and heart disease. King MS1, Carr T, D'Cruz C. Aust Fam Physician. 2002 Feb VIEW
Distress improves after mindfulness training for progressive MS: A pilot randomised trial. Bogosian A1, Chadwick P2, Windgassen S2, Norton S2, McCrone P3, Mosweu I3, Silber E4, Moss-Morris R2. Mult Scler. 2015 Mar 12 VIEW
The effect of body-mind relaxation meditation induction on major depressive disorder: A resting-state fMRI study. Chen F1, Lv X2, Fang J3, Yu S4, Sui J4, Fan L4, Li T2, Hong Y3, Wang X3, Wang W5, Jiang T6. J Affect Disord. 2015 Apr 28 VIEW
Effect of a Mindfulness Program on Stress, Anxiety and Depression in University Students. Gallego J1, Aguilar-Parra JM1, Cangas AJ1, Langer ÁI1, Mañas I1. Span J Psychol. 2015 Jan 13 VIEW
Impact of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) on Depression among Elderly Residing in Residential Homes. Kumar S, Adiga KR, George A. Nurs J India. 2014 Nov-Dec VIEW
The Influence of Buddhist Meditation Traditions on the Autonomic System and Attention. Amihai I1, Kozhevnikov M2. Biomed Res Int. 2015 VIEW
A Neurophysiological and Neuropsychological Consideration of Mindful Movement: Clinical and Research Implications. Russell TA1, Arcuri SM1. Front Hum Neurosci. 2015 May 26 VIEW
School-Based Mindfulness Instruction: An RCT. Sibinga EM1, Webb L2, Ghazarian SR2, Ellen JM3. Pediatrics. 2016 Jan VIEW
Brief mindfulness training alters causal brain connections in mTBI Rongxiang Tang 1 and Yi-Yuan Tang 2* BMC Neuroscience 2015 Dec 18 VIEW
Everyday Mindfulness Linked to Healthy Glucose Levels Source Newsroom: Brown University newswise 2016 Feb 23 VIEW
Effects of a mindfulness-based weight loss intervention in adults with obesity: A randomized clinical trial. Daubenmier J, Moran PJ, Kristeller J, Acree M, Bacchetti P, Kemeny ME, Dallman M, Lustig RH, Grunfeld C, Nixon DF, Milush JM, Goldman V, Laraia B, Laugero KD, Woodhouse L, Epel ES, Hecht FM Obesity (Silver Spring). 2016 Mar 9 VIEW
Mindfulness for Motor and Nonmotor Dysfunctions in Parkinson's Disease. Dissanayaka NN1, Idu Jion F2, Pachana NA3, O'Sullivan JD4, Marsh R5, Byrne GJ6, Harnett P3 Parkinsons Dis. 2016 VIEW
Meditation and vacation effects have an impact on disease-associated molecular phenotypes. Epel ES1, Puterman E1, Lin J2, Blackburn EH2, Lum PY3, Beckmann ND4, Zhu J4, Lee E4, Gilbert A1, Rissman RA5, Tanzi RE6, Schadt EE4 Transl Psychiatry. 2016 Aug 30 VIEW
Mindfulness-based Intervention for Female Adolescents with Chronic Pain: A Pilot Randomized Trial. Chadi N1, McMahon A2, Vadnais M3, Malboeuf-Hurtubise C4, Djemli A3, Dobkin PL3, Lacroix J3, Luu TM3, Haley N5 J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2016 Fall VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction added to care as usual for lung cancer patients and/or their partners: A multi-centre randomized controlled trial. Schellekens MP1, van den Hurk DG2, Prins JB3, Donders AR4, Molema J2, Dekhuijzen R2, van der Drift MA2, Speckens AE1 Psychooncology. 2017 Mar 23 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness to reduce stress and burnout among intern medical practitioners. Ireland MJ1, Clough B2, Gill K3, Langan F4, O'Connor A4, Spencer L5 Med Teach. 2017 Apr VIEW
A longitudinal study of the effect of short-term meditation training on functional network organization of the aging brain. Cotier FA1,2, Zhang R1,2, Lee TM3,4,5 Sci Rep. 2017 Apr 4 VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Older Adults With Stress Disorders and Neurocognitive Difficulties: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Wetherell JL1,2,3, Hershey T4, Hickman S3, Tate SR3, Dixon D4, Bower ES5, Lenze EJ4 J Clin Psychiatry. 2017 Jul 5 VIEW
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