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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Sports Performance and Breathing Rate: What Is the Connection? A Narrative Review on Breathing Strategies Gian Mario Migliaccio1, Luca Russo2, Mike Maric1, Johnny Padulo3 Sports (Basel) 2023 May 10 VIEW
Synthesizing the Strength of the Evidence of Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies for Pain. Giannitrapani K1,2, Holliday J1, Miake-Lye I3, Hempel S4, Taylor SL5,6 Pain Med. 2019 May 9 VIEW
Veteran Experiences Seeking Non-pharmacologic Approaches for Pain. Giannitrapani K1, McCaa M1, Haverfield M1,2, Kerns RD3,4, Timko C1,2, Dobscha S5,6, Lorenz K1,2,7 Mil Med. 2018 Mar 26 VIEW
[Therapeutic touch][Article in French] Giasson M//Leroux G//Tardif H//Bouchard L Infirm Que 1999 VIEW
Mindfulness, Interoception, and the Body: A Contemporary Perspective. Gibson J1 Front Psychol. 2019 Sep 13 VIEW
Medical Qigong - Effective Energy Therapies for Emotional Trauma and Associated Physical Pain Gilbert B//Gilbert L Acupuncture Today 2003 VIEW
Changes and interactions of flourishing, mindfulness, sense of coherence, and quality of life in patients of a mind-body medicine outpatient clinic. Gimpel C1, von Scheidt C, Jose G, Sonntag U, Stefano GB, Michalsen A, Esch T. Forsch Komplementmed. 2014 VIEW
Body awareness and pain habituation: the role of orientation towards somatic signals. Ginzburg K1, Tsur N, Karmin C, Speizman T, Tourgeman R, Defrin R. J Behav Med. 2015 Sep 4 VIEW
Ear your heart: transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation on heart rate variability in healthy young participants Giuseppe Forte#1,2, Francesca Favieri#1,2, Erik Leemhuis1,2, Maria Luisa De Martino1,2, Anna Maria Giannini2, Luigi De Gennaro1,2, Maria Casagrande3, Mariella Pazzaglia1,2 PeerJ 2022 Nov 21 VIEW
Recharging mitochondrial batteries in old eyes. Near infra-red increases ATP. Gkotsi D1, Begum R1, Salt T1, Lascaratos G2, Hogg C2, Chau KY3, Schapira AH3, Jeffery G4. Exp Eye Res. 2014 May VIEW
Placebo treatments, informed consent and 'the grip of a false picture' Glackin SN. J Med Ethics. 2014 Oct 16 VIEW
A tai chi/qigong intervention for older adults living with HIV: a study protocol of an exploratory clinical trial Gladys E Ibañez1, Kristopher Fennie2, Linda Larkey3, Nan Hu4,5, Angel B Algarin6,7, Chelsea Valdivia4, Helen Lavretsky8 Trials 2020 Sep 22 VIEW
Our brains are not us. Glannon W. Bioethics 2009 Jul VIEW
Elevated serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels in practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) and TM-Sidhi programs Glaser JL//Brind JL//Vogelman JH//Eisner MJ//// J Behav Med 1992 VIEW
What's the secret behind the benefits of whole-body vibration training in patients with COPD? A randomized, controlled trial. Gloeckl R1, Jarosch I2, Bengsch U3, Claus M3, Schneeberger T4, Andrianopoulos V2, Christle JW5, Hitzl W6, Kenn K4 Respir Med. 2017 May VIEW
Cardiopulmonary response during whole-body vibration training in patients with severe COPD. Gloeckl R1, Richter P2, Winterkamp S2, Pfeifer M3, Nell C4, Christle JW5, Kenn K6 ERJ Open Res. 2017 Mar 14 VIEW
Whole body vibration training in patients with COPD: A systematic review. Gloeckl R1, Heinzelmann I2, Kenn K2. Chron Respir Dis. 2015 Apr 22 VIEW
Tai chi mind-body exercise in patients with COPD: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Gloria Y Yeh 1*, Peter M Wayne 4 5, Daniel Litrownik 1, David H Roberts 3, Roger B Davis 1 and Marilyn L Moy 2 Trials 2014 VIEW
BEAM study (Breathing, Education, Awareness, Movement): a randomised controlled feasibility trial of tai chi exercise in patients with COPD Gloria Y Yeh1,2, Daniel Litrownik3, Peter M Wayne2, Douglas Beach4, Elizabeth S Klings5, Harry Reyes Nieva6, Adlin Pinheiro3, Roger B Davis3, Marilyn L Moy6,7 BMJ Open Respir Res 2020 Nov 1 VIEW
Tai Chi and Whole-Person Health Gloria Y Yeh1,2, Peter M Wayne1, Darshan H Mehta1,3 J Integr Complement Med 2023 Aug 30 VIEW
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