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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Meta-Analysis: Aerobic Exercise for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders. Bartley CA, Hay M, Bloch MH. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2013 Apr 30 VIEW
Taiji train the trainers curriculum: Increasing the work force to decrease falls in the elderly. Bartimole L1, A Fristad M2. Explore (NY). 2016 Dec 16 VIEW
Taiji (Tai Chi) For Fall Prevention in the Elderly: Training the Trainers Evaluation Project. Bartimole L1, Fristad MA2 Explore (NY). 2017 Feb 24 VIEW
Mind-body medicine. An introduction and review of the literature Barrows KA//Jacobs BP Med Clin North Am 2002 VIEW
An evaluation of the effects of Tai Chi Chuan and Chi Kung training in patients with symptomatic heart failure: a randomised controlled pilot study Barrow DE, Bedford A, Ives G, O'Toole L, Channer KS Postgrad Med J. 2007 Nov VIEW
[Yoga and the promotion of health]. Barros NF, Siegel P, Moura SM, Cavalari TA, Silva LG, Furlanetti MR, Gonçalves AV. Cien Saude Colet. 2014 Apr VIEW
Interoceptive predictions in the brain. Barrett LF1, Simmons WK2 Nat Rev Neurosci. 2015 Jul VIEW
An active inference theory of allostasis and interoception in depression. Barrett LF1,2,3, Quigley KS4, Hamilton P5 Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2016 Nov 19 VIEW
Large-scale brain networks in affective and social neuroscience: towards an integrative functional architecture of the brain. Barrett LF, Satpute AB. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2013 Jan 22 VIEW
Psychedelics and music: neuroscience and therapeutic implications. Barrett FS1, Preller KH2,3, Kaelen M4,5 Int Rev Psychiatry. 2018 Sep 21 VIEW
Classic Hallucinogens and Mystical Experiences: Phenomenology and Neural Correlates. Barrett FS1, Griffiths RR2,3 Curr Top Behav Neurosci. 2017 Mar 26 VIEW
Mindfulness and Rehabilitation: Teaching Yoga and Meditation to Young Men in an Alternative to Incarceration Program. Barrett CJ Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol. 2016 Feb 22 VIEW
Meditation or Exercise for Preventing Acute Respiratory Infection: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Barrett B, Hayney MS, Muller D, Rakel D, Ward A, Obasi CN, Brown R, Zhang Z, Zgierska A, Gern J, West R, Ewers T, Barlow S, Gassman M, Coe CL. Ann Fam Med. 2012 Jul VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine: what's it all about? Barrett B WMJ 2001 VIEW
Acceptability of a Dyadic Tai Chi Intervention for Older People Living With Dementia and Their Informal Carers. Barrado-Martín Y1,2, Heward M2, Polman R3, Nyman SR1,2 J Aging Phys Act. 2018 Aug 30 VIEW
Age-related differences in working memory evoked gamma oscillations. Barr MS1, Radhu N2, Guglietti CL3, Zomorrodi R2, Rajji TK4, Ritvo P3, Daskalakis ZJ4. Brain Res. 2014 Aug 12 VIEW
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy as a treatment for chronic depression: A preliminary study. Barnhofer T, Crane C, Hargus E, Amarasinghe M, Winder R, Williams JM. Behav Res Ther. 2009 Feb 5 VIEW
State Effects of Two Forms of Meditation on Prefrontal EEG Asymmetry in Previously Depressed Individuals. Barnhofer T, Chittka T, Nightingale H, Visser C, Crane C. Mindfulness (N Y). 2010 Mar VIEW
Mindful Opportunity to Reflect on Experience: Interdisciplinary Mind-Body Medicine Skills Training for Health-care Professionals. Barnhill JL1, Gerkin JS2, Moura VL2, Weil AB3 Glob Adv Health Med. 2020 Feb 14 VIEW
Impact of transcendental meditation on left ventricular mass in african american adolescents. Barnes VA, Kapuku GK, Treiber FA. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
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