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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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14360 matches found.
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Title Author Journal Date
Effects of Body Touching Therapy on the Elderly Tatsumi K 1//Adachi Y 2//Yokota Y 1//Ashigawa M 1//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2000 VIEW
Pain Is Associated With Poor Balance in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Tatsuya Hirase1, Yoshiro Okubo2, Daina L Sturnieks2, Stephen R Lord2 J Am Med Dir Assoc 2020 May 1 VIEW
Osteocytes as main responders to low-intensity pulsed ultrasound treatment during fracture healing Tatsuya Shimizu1,2, Naomasa Fujita1,3, Kiyomi Tsuji-Tamura1, Yoshimasa Kitagawa2, Toshiaki Fujisawa3, Masato Tamura1, Mari Sato4 Sci Rep 2021 May 13 VIEW
Emotional Stress and Immune Response in Surgery: A Psychoneuroimmunological Perspective Taufiqa Reza1, Han Grezenko2,3, Chad Barker4, Danyal Bakht5, Nuzhat Faran6, Noor Abdullah Yahya7, Maryam Affaf8, Hana Mohamed9,10, Rayan Gasim11, Mohammed Khaleel I K H Almadhoun12, Abdur Rehman13, Uday Kumar14, Abdullah Shehryar15, Abdul Haseeb Hasan16 Cureus 2023 Nov 13 VIEW
Trampoline Versus Resistance Training in Young Adults: Effects on Knee Muscles Strength and Balance. Tay ZM1, Lin WH2, Kee YH1, Kong PW1 Res Q Exerc Sport. 2019 Dec VIEW
Effects of adjunctive Swedish massage and vibration therapy on short-term postoperative outcomes: a randomized, controlled trial Taylor AG//Galper DI//Taylor P//Rice LW//// J Altern Complement Med 2003 VIEW
The effects of Healing Touch on the coping ability, self esteem and general health of undergraduate nursing students Taylor B//Lo R Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery 2001 VIEW
Autonomic Nervous System Dysregulation and Osteoarthritis Pain: Mechanisms, Measurement, and Future Outlook Taylor D Yeater1,2, Carlos J Cruz1,2, Yenisel Cruz-Almeida2,3,4, Kyle D Allen5,6,7 Curr Rheumatol Rep 2022 Apr 14 VIEW
A randomized clinical trial of the effectiveness of an acupressure device (relief brief) for managing symptoms of dysmenorrhea. Taylor D, Miaskowski C, Kohn J. J Altern Complement Med. 2002 Jun VIEW
Spirituality within the patient-surgeon relationship. Taylor D, Mulekar MS, Luterman A, Meyer FN, Richards WO, Rodning CB. J Surg Educ. 2011 Jan-Feb VIEW
Pulsed electromagnetic fields dosing impacts postoperative pain in breast reduction patients. Taylor EM1, Hardy KL1, Alonso A1, Pilla AA2, Rohde CH3. J Surg Res. 2014 Aug 9 VIEW
Increased gray matter following mindfulness-based stress reduction in breast cancer survivors with chronic neuropathic pain: preliminary evidence using voxel-based morphometry Taylor Hatchard1,2, Stephanie Penta1, Ola Mioduzsewski3, Stacey Correia1, Talia Tissera1, Olivier Brown3, Sasha A Haefner1, Patricia Poulin4, Andra M Smith5 Acta Neurol Belg 2022 Feb 3 VIEW
Effect of Mindfulness Versus Loving-kindness Training on Leukocyte Gene Expression in Midlife Adults Raised in Low-Socioeconomic Status Households Taylor N West1, Jieni Zhou1, Mary M Brantley2, Sumi L Kim3, Jeffrey Brantley2,4, Sharon Salzberg5, Steve W Cole6, Barbara L Fredrickson1 Mindfulness (N Y) 2022 May 1 VIEW
Spiritual healing and the American visionary tradition. Interview by Bonnie Horrigan Taylor R Altern Ther Health Med 1998 VIEW
Use of Complementary and Integrated Health: A Retrospective Analysis of U.S. Veterans with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Nationally. Taylor SL1,2, Herman PM3, Marshall NJ4, Zeng Q5,6, Yuan A1, Chu K1, Shao Y5, Morioka C7, Lorenz KA4 J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Oct 12 VIEW
Applications of complementary therapies during rehabilitation for individuals with traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: Findings from the SCIRehab Project. Taylor SM1,2, Cheung EO3,4, Sun R5, Grote V6, Marchlewski A7, Addington EL3,4 J Spinal Cord Med. 2018 Jun 8 VIEW
Impact of meditation training on the default mode network during a restful state. Taylor VA, Daneault V, Grant J, Scavone G, Breton E, Roffe-Vidal S, Courtemanche J, Lavarenne AS, Marrelec G, Benali H, Beauregard M. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2012 Mar 24 VIEW
Improvement In Balance, Strength and Flexibility after 12 Weeks Of Tai Chi Taylor-Piliae R E//Haskell WL//Stotts NA//Sivarajan Froelicher E Altern Ther Health Med 2006 VIEW
Effects of tai chi and Western exercise on physical and cognitive functioning in healthy community-dwelling older adults. Taylor-Piliae RE, Newell KA, Cherin R, Lee MJ, King AC, Haskell WL. J Aging Phys Act. 2010 Jul VIEW
The effect of nursing interventions utilizing music therapy or sensory information on Chinese patients' anxiety prior to cardiac catheterization: a pilot study Taylor-Piliae RE//Chair SY Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 2002 VIEW
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