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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
The Mechanism of Auriculotherapy: A Case Report Based on the Fractal Structure of meridian System. Bernardo-Filho M1, de Sá-Caputo Dda C2, Marin PJ3, Chang S4. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2014 Apr 3 VIEW
Clinical Approaches of Whole Body Vibration Exercises. Bernardo-Filho M1, Taiar R2, Sañudo B3, Furness T4 Rehabil Res Pract. 2018 Nov 21 VIEW
Physical exercise and brain mitochondrial fitness: The possible role against alzheimer's disease. Bernardo TC1, Marques-Aleixo I1, Beleza J1, Oliveira PJ2, Ascensão A1, Magalhães J1 Brain Pathol. 2016 Jun 21 VIEW
Acute fall and long-term rise in oxygen saturation in response to meditation. Bernardi NF1,2, Bordino M3, Bianchi L4, Bernardi L3 Psychophysiology. 2017 Aug 25 VIEW
Slow breathing increases arterial baroreflex sensitivity in patients with chronic heart failure Bernardi L//Porta C//Spicuzza L//Bellwon J//// Circulation 2002 VIEW
Breathing patterns and cardiovascular autonomic modulation during hypoxia induced by simulated altitude Bernardi L//Passino C//Wilmerding V//Dallam GM//// J Hypertens 2001 VIEW
Treatment of Neurodegeneration: Integrating Photobiomodulation and Neurofeedback in Alzheimer's Dementia and Parkinson's: A Review. Berman MH1, Nichols TW2 Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2019 Oct VIEW
An innovative method to accommodate chinese medicine pattern diagnosis within the framework of evidence-based medical research. Berle C, Cobbin D, Smith N, Zaslawski C. Chin J Integr Med. 2011 Nov VIEW
Contemplative neuroscience, self-awareness, and education. Berkovich-Ohana A1, Jennings PA2, Lavy S3 Prog Brain Res. 2019 VIEW
Mindfulness-induced changes in gamma band activity - Implications for the default mode network, self-reference and attention. Berkovich-Ohana A, Glicksohn J, Goldstein A. Clin Neurophysiol. 2011 Sep 20 VIEW
Peripheral neuropathy: from guidelines to clinical practise Berit Jordan1,2,3, Franziska Jahn4, Karin Jordan1,5 Curr Opin Oncol 2025 Jan 16 VIEW
The efficacy of the complex medication Phyto-Hypophyson L in female, hormone-related sterility. A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical double-blind study (German) Bergmann J//Luft B//Boehmann S//Runnebaum B//// Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 2000 VIEW
Raman Spectroscopy: Guiding Light for the Extracellular Matrix. Bergholt MS1, Serio A1, Albro MB2 Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2019 Nov 1 VIEW
Antioxidants in food: mere myth or magic medicine? Berger RG, Lunkenbein S, Ströhle A, Hahn A. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2012 Feb VIEW
No effects of a combination of caregivers support group and memory training/music therapy in dementia patients from a memory clinic population Berger G//Bernhardt T//Schramm U//Muller R//// Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2004 VIEW
Effects of yoga on inner-city children\'s well-being: a pilot study. Berger DL, Silver EJ, Stein RE. Altern Ther Health Med. 2009 Sep-Oct VIEW
Mood alteration with yoga and swimming: aerobic exercise may not be necessary Berger BG//Owen DR Percept Mot Skills 1992 VIEW
Patients' experience of auricular acupuncture during protracted withdrawal. Bergdahl L, Berman AH, Haglund K. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 2012 Dec 12 VIEW
Laser acupuncture and auriculotherapy in postural instability-a preliminary report. Bergamaschi M, Ferrari G, Gallamini M, Scoppa F. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2011 Mar VIEW
Photochemical internalization (PCI): a technology for drug delivery. Berg K, Weyergang A, Prasmickaite L, Bonsted A, Høgset A, Strand MT, Wagner E, Selbo PK. Methods Mol Biol. 2010 VIEW
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