Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Quantitative research for improving respiratory muscle contraction by breathing exercise Yan Q//Sun Y Chin Med J (Engl) 1996 VIEW
Quantitative research on therapeutic touch. An integrative review of the literature 1985-1995 Spence JE//Olson MA Scand J Caring Sci 1997 VIEW
Quantitative survey of systematic deviations in Brownian movement experiment affected by qi Wang Yonghuai//Zhou Lei//Xu Dong//Huang Junjie//Li Yan//Ge Zheng 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
Quantitative theory of telomere length regulation and cellular senescence. Rodriguez-Brenes IA, Peskin CS. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Mar 5 VIEW
Quantum coherent energy transfer over varying pathways in single light-harvesting complexes. Hildner R, Brinks D, Nieder JB, Cogdell RJ, van Hulst NF. Science 2013 Jun 21 VIEW
Quantum optical coherence in cytoskeletal microtubules: implications for brain function. Jibu M, Hagan S, Hameroff SR, Pribram KH, Yasue K. Biosystems. 1994 VIEW
Quantum Processes in Neurophotonics and the Origin of the Brain's Spatiotemporal Hierarchy Travis J.A. Craddock1 2 PhilipKurian 3 4 Jack A.Tuszynski 5 6 7 Stuart R.Hameroff 8 ScienceDirect - Neurophotonics and Biomedical Spectroscopy 2019 VIEW
Quantum-Coherent Electronic Energy Transfer: Did Nature Think of It First? Gregory D. Scholes* J Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010 VIEW
Quantum-coherent energy transfer: implications for biology and new energy technologies. Olaya-Castro A, Nazir A, Fleming GR. Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2012 Aug 13 VIEW
Quantum: May be a new-found messenger in biological systems. Han JX, Yang MN, Chen Y. Biosci Trends. 2011 Jun VIEW
Quasi-quantum phenomena: the key to understanding homeopathy. Molski M. Homeopathy 2010 Apr VIEW
Questioning causal involvement of telomeres in aging. Simons MJ1. Ageing Res Rev 2015 Aug 21 VIEW
Radial artery hemodynamic changes related to acupuncture. Takayama S, Seki T, Sugita N, Konno S, Arai H, Saijo Y, Yambe T, Yaegashi N, Yoshizawa M, Nitta S. Explore (NY) 2010 Mar-Apr VIEW
Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy and Ultrasound Therapy in the Treatment of Tennis Elbow Syndrome. Kubot A1, Grzegorzewski A2, Synder M2, Szymczak W3, Kozłowski P2 Ortop Traumatol Rehabil. 2017 Oct 31 VIEW
Radial shockwave treatment promotes human mesenchymal stem cell self-renewal and enhances cartilage healing. Zhang H1, Li ZL2, Yang F3, Zhang Q1, Su XZ1, Li J1, Zhang N1,4, Liu CH1, Mao N5, Zhu H6 Stem Cell Res Ther. 2018 Mar 9 VIEW
Radiating Fröhlich system as a model of cellular electromagnetism. Srobár F. Electromagn Biol Med. 2014 Jul 16 VIEW
Radiation triggering immune response and inflammation. Hekim N1, Cetin Z2, Nikitaki Z3, Cort A4, Saygili IE5. Cancer Lett. 2015 Apr 21 VIEW
Radiation-associated changes in the length of telomeres in peripheral leukocytes from inpatients with cancer. Maeda T, Nakamura K, Atsumi K, Hirakawa M, Ueda Y, Makino N. Int J Radiat Biol. 2012 Oct 1 VIEW
Radiation-induced bystander and other non-targeted effects: novel intervention points in cancer therapy? Mothersill C, Seymour C. Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2006 Aug VIEW
Radioactive effect of qigong emitted qi Zheng Zheng 1//Xu Uousheng 1//Jin Zhihao 1//Zhou Yongyi 2//Xu Qigao 2//Fang Jie 2 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
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