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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
ARIX: A randomised trial of acupuncture v oral care sessions in patients with chronic xerostomia following treatment of head and neck cancer. Simcock R, Fallowfield L, Monson K, Solis-Trapala I, Parlour L, Langridge C, Jenkins V; on behalf of the ARIX Steering Committee. Ann Oncol. 2012 Oct 25 VIEW
Evaluation of biological rhythms in elderly cancer patients. A complementary translational research within the frame of the trans-hospital pilot program of oncogeriatrics launched at CHC-Liège. Focan C, Warzée E, Sondag C, Guillaume T. Pathol Biol (Paris). 2012 Oct 25 VIEW
Evaluation of acupuncture for cancer symptoms in a cancer institute in Brazil. D'Alessandro E, de Brito C, Cecatto R, Saul M, Atta JA, Lin CA. Acupunct Med. 2012 Oct 31 VIEW
Low-pressure pulsed focused ultrasound with microbubbles promotes an anticancer immunological response. Liu HL, Hsieh HY, Lu LA, Kang CW, Wu MF, Lin CY. J Transl Med. 2012 Nov 11 VIEW
Acupuncture for the treatment of post-chemotherapy chronic fatigue: a randomized, blinded, sham-controlled trial. Deng G, Chan Y, Sjoberg D, Vickers A, Yeung KS, Kris M, Straus D, Cassileth B. Support Care Cancer. 2013 Jan 20 VIEW
A randomized, controlled trial of acupuncture self-needling as maintenance therapy for cancer-related fatigue after therapist-delivered acupuncture. Molassiotis A, Bardy J, Finnegan-John J, Mackereth P, Ryder WD, Filshie J, Ream E, Eaton D, Richardson A. Ann Oncol. 2013 Feb 21 VIEW
Acupuncture for cancer-related fatigue: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Posadzki P, Moon TW, Choi TY, Park TY, Lee MS, Ernst E. Support Care Cancer. 2013 Feb 24 VIEW
Ginger: Is it Ready for Prime Time? Stoner GD. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2013 Apr VIEW
[Effect of electroacupuncture intervention at different phases of post-operation on bladder function in patients undergoing cervical cancer operation]. Hu H, Xie ZG, Qin WL. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2013 Feb VIEW
Telomerase downregulation induces proapoptotic genes expression and initializes breast cancer cells apoptosis followed by DNA fragmentation in a cell type dependent manner. Rubis B, Holysz H, Gladych M, Toton E, Paszel A, Lisiak N, Kaczmarek M, Hofmann J, Rybczynska M. Mol Biol Rep. 2013 May 16 VIEW
Biophysical cancer transformation pathway Pokorný J. Electromagn Biol Med. 2009 VIEW
Affect and mindfulness as predictors of change in mood disturbance, stress symptoms, and quality of life in a community-based yoga program for cancer survivors. Mackenzie MJ, Carlson LE, Ekkekakis P, Paskevich DM, Culos-Reed SN. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Psychoneuroimmunology-Based Stress Management during Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Early Breast Cancer. Robins JL, McCain NL, Elswick RK Jr, Walter JM, Gray DP, Tuck I. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Mindfulness-based cognitive group therapy for women with breast and gynecologic cancer: a pilot study to determine effectiveness and feasibility. Stafford L, Foley E, Judd F, Gibson P, Kiropoulos L, Couper J. Support Care Cancer. 2013 Jun 18 VIEW
Preoperative pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Divisi D, Di Francesco C, Di Leonardo G, Crisci R. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2013 Feb VIEW
The effects of pulsed magnetic field exposure on the permeability of leukemia cancer cells. Shankayi Z, Firoozabadi SM, Mansourian M, Mahna A. Electromagn Biol Med. 2013 Jun 19 VIEW
Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Skin Cancer: A Nationwide Cohort Study in Denmark. Poulsen AH, Friis S, Johansen C, Jensen A, Frei P, Kjær SK, Dalton SO, Schüz J. Am J Epidemiol. 2013 Jun 20 VIEW
Lifetime Pesticide Use and Telomere Shortening among Male Pesticide Applicators in the Agricultural Health Study. Hou L, Andreotti G, Baccarelli AA, Savage S, Hoppin JA, Sandler DP, Barker J, Zhu ZZ, Hoxha M, Dioni L, Zhang X, Koutros S, Beane Freeman LE, Alavanja MC. Environ Health Perspect. 2013 Jun 7 VIEW
Using a standardized Viniyoga protocol for lung cancer survivors: a pilot study examining effects on breathing ease. M Fouladbakhsh J, E Davis J, N Yarandi H. J Complement Integr Med. 2013 Jun 26 VIEW
Fröhlich's Coherent Vibrations in Healthy and Cancer Cells Pokorny, J. Neural Network World; International Journal on Neural and Mass - Parallel Computing and Information Systems 2009 Jul VIEW
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